"Everyone stop it!"

Zhang Hongda roared angrily, "What are you doing?"


The students were all surprised.

"Do you still have to ask? Isn't this training for Horcruxes?"

"Yes, the formula taught by Lin Bei is quite effective."

“I feel like I’m almost successful.”

"Hey hey hey, I've succeeded!"


After all, with so many people practicing, there are always a few who succeed...

Therefore, the students have no doubts about the formula.

Lin Bei? ?

Principal Zhang turned around and looked.

He found Lin Bei sitting cross-legged on the ground, happily gnawing on watermelon.

A pile of watermelon rinds on the ground.


Zhang Hongda felt that this watermelon looked familiar...

he asked angrily as he stepped forward.

“Where did the watermelon come from???”

"I got it from the principal's office."

Zhang Tian next to him said matter-of-factly.


Zhang Hongda gritted his teeth, but he still had the nerve to say it?

No wonder my watermelon is gone.

It turned out that they had taken it away!

Lin Bei glanced at him sideways and asked, "What's wrong?"


Zhang Hongda was about to get angry, but when he looked at Lin Bei and then Zhang Tian, ​​he felt like a deflated balloon.

"It's okay, I just wanted to ask...if this melon is ripe..."


The next few days.

Not much happened.

Students study and train daily.

Everything went smoothly.

Principal Zhang has learned to be smart. Except for class, he usually tries to avoid Lin Bei... If we can't offend him, why can't we hide him? ?

Under the guidance of many teachers, the students have learned basic knowledge.

But let’s talk about the core method for awakened people to improve their strength.

Still absorbing soul crystals.

So next, let’s go to the most unique place of Longguo Academy.

‘Hunting time! ’

In order to improve the students' strength, the college specially built a hunting ground.

And mutant monsters will be put in regularly.

Allowing students to fight mutant monsters can not only improve their actual combat abilities, but also obtain soul crystals....

The classmates heard the news.

The mood is very exciting.

For this hunt, preparations started a week in advance.

In fact, most of their students have never seen mutant monsters before.

Think of yourself fighting it.

I feel nervous and excited...

Of course, Lin Bei had nothing to prepare. He still took Huang Kai and Zhang Tian around in the academy on weekdays.

Go to the mall to buy some snacks and toys.

Occasionally, I would go out for a meal with Li Muxue.


The day came to go to the hunting grounds.

The students were well prepared. Not only did they bring Horcruxes, but they also carried large and small bags containing some water and food rations. They thought what if they couldn't come back in a short time? It takes two or three days to hunt a mutant monster, right? ? ?

But Lin Bei and the others were still empty-handed, carrying nothing.

And glanced at Principal Zhang.

I found that he was carrying a bag.


Just have someone to take care of you...



After everyone gathered at the playground, they were ready to set off.

Since going to a hunting ground is dangerous, Zhang Hongda personally led the team.

"After arriving at the hunting ground, everyone must pay attention to safety, not run around, and be alert at all times. You can also form your own teams and work together as a team. This will not only ensure safety, but also greatly increase the hunting success rate.... ..”

Along the way, Zhang Hongda explained patiently.

And Lin Bei is also looking forward to the hunting ground.

Because he was a pure mutant, he had only seen one brain axe, and the others were man-made, like human-faced sarcoma vampires and the like.

I wonder what ‘little animals’ I will meet this time…


Lin Bei was a little depressed at this time.

Because they were walking.

Walk to the hunting grounds.

It takes more than two hours.

The college at Nottingham University doesn’t even have a school bus.

Principal Zhang is really stingy...

Moreover, since it is midsummer, the sun is scorching in the sky, and the skin is burning, making people feel dry.

"No, I'll give you a Coke. It's iced. Drink it while it's cold." Li Muxue handed over a bottle of Coke.

Lin Bei was not polite, took it and unscrewed it directly.

Tons tons tons tons tons.



The students walked in groups, bustling, chatting and laughing, expressing their excitement to each other.

There was only one girl with messy hair.

Far away from the crowd, walking alone and silently.

She always seems to be alone...

Lin Bei suddenly remembered something.

That is, when you are close to Ji Yunqing, you will feel a cold feeling, very cool.

Lin Bei raised his eyebrows, this is a good way to escape the heat.

So he quickly looked at Ji Yunqing.

Ji Yunqing's senses were very keen, and he instantly noticed that gaze and turned to look over.

But the moment the two people's eyes met. Ji Yunqing quickly turned his head away, quickened his pace, and strode forward...

"Tch! You're so stingy, you won't even use the air conditioner."

Lin Bei curled his lips and muttered...


After walking for two hours, they arrived at the hunting ground.

In front of them.

is a huge primeval forest.

The towering trees inside are lush and thick, and there are many ancient trees that are thousands of years old.

A breeze blew.

The leaves rustled, and there were faint roars of unknown beasts.

The students all quieted down.

Suddenly, I felt a little nervous.

According to Principal Zhang, the college will release some C-level or B-level mutants in it every once in a while.

Then let them fight and devour each other, and some powerful mutants will grow to A-level.

Hunting these mutants can obtain A-level soul crystals.

This is a kind of artificial cultivation.

Of course.

Once a mutant reaches A-level, it must be killed immediately.

Otherwise, if it continues to grow, it may develop into an uncontrollable situation.

Lin Bei suddenly felt.

Now the whole world is like a large hunting ground.....

"Let's go, let's go in, I'll take you to find an A-level mutant first."

Zhang Hongda said.

Because the entire hunting ground is under constant surveillance, they are very familiar with the distribution of the territories of some advanced mutant monsters.


The students nervously followed Zhang Hongda and walked into the dense forest.

Now people were silent.

Look around carefully.

Fearing that something would suddenly jump out from the depths of the dense jungle.

The dead leaves and weeds underfoot squeaked.

Strange bird calls came from time to time.

The air was still humid and hot.

Lin Bei fanned the wind with one hand, and his eyes kept looking around.

This deep mountain forest is very novel.

"Hey, hey, hey, look there, there is a big footprint!!" Huang Kai pointed forward with his eyes wide open.


Lin Bei ran over and squatted down to take a look.

He found that there was indeed a 'big' footprint.

It was as big as a washbasin.

And judging from the depth of the step, it can be judged that this is definitely a behemoth.....


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