"Yeah, that's right."

The captain nodded and asked, "Are you willing to go to the survivor camp with me?"

"Survivor camp?"

Lin Bei thought about it and felt that it was not a good place. ✿

The captain added, "The survivors we rescued are all there, and the supplies are very rich."

"Oh...this is okay."

Lin Bei nodded in agreement.

Although there are a lot of supplies in the spaceship, it will take a week and cannot be left empty-handed. We have just arrived at Mars Refining and need to replenish it.

The captain nodded.

"Let's go then. It's just that we have to rescue more survivors, so the aircraft will be a little crowded."

"No need, we have a spaceship."

Lin Bei turned around and pointed.

The rescue team looked around and found a dark spaceship, dormant behind, like a hill. It had a very cool appearance and was far more advanced than their aircraft.

"This spaceship is so advanced!"

The team members exclaimed.

After all, the level of Martian refining technology is relatively low, and they have never seen it.

If you don't look carefully, you can't tell it's a spaceship at all.

The rescue captain raised his brows, feeling more certain about something.

And you said you are survivors?

Are you here to practice?

Look at the mess all around, with parasitic corpses all over the ground.

It was early concluded that their strength was extraordinary.

But it was not made clear, and it was understood without preaching.

"Ahem! Okay, let's go, just follow our aircraft."


Lin Bei and others boarded the spacecraft again, slowly took off, and followed the trajectory of the aircraft.

The pig-headed man was unhappy and seemed a little worried.

"I have never been to a place full of humans. Will I receive strange looks there?"

"No, no, we humans are very friendly and tolerant, and no one will discriminate against you."

Dahuang quickly comforted him.

Su Nian next to him curled his lips when he heard this.

I obviously don't believe it.

Are humans... friendly? ? ?

Not long after, the aircraft in front landed slowly, and rows of tents and temporary simple houses appeared on the ground.

There are many people active inside.

In addition, there are many guards around and the defense is very tight.

Lin Bei and others followed the aircraft and fell into it.

The cool spaceship immediately attracted the attention of many people.

A group of survivors came forward to watch.

"Look, there's someone new here."

"It seems that the bugs made quite a move this time. They actually attacked so many places."

"Oh~~ I really don't know what those bugs are going to do, and what to do in the future!"

"Don't worry, the city lord will definitely win this war and take back the territory where we live."


Lin Bei and others walked out of the spaceship.

The pig-headed man's posture is awkward, and he is indeed a little unaccustomed to being in a real human territory.

"Brother Huang, how do I feel...those people are looking at me?"

"It's okay, it's okay. After all, there are some differences in appearance. It's normal for them to look at them more. In fact, they don't have any malice in their hearts."

Dahuang quickly comforted him.


The pig-headed man was dubious.

Huang Kai nodded.

"Well, really, don't worry."

At this time, whispers and discussions came from the crowd.

"Huh? What's going on? Why are there demons coming to the camp?"

"No way! Could it be that the Devilman tribe was also attacked by the Zerg?"

"Maybe... Even though he is a devil, he can save everyone."


Upon hearing this, Dahuang's expression suddenly darkened.

The pig-headed man was now sure and nodded repeatedly.

"Brother Huang, you are right, they really didn't look at me."

"Shut up!"

Dahuang said fiercely.

At this time, the captain of the previous rescue team came over wearing protective clothing.

He raised his head and took off his mask, revealing blond hair, a high nose, and a handsome appearance.

"Hello, my name is Jarvis. If you don't mind, you can stay here. The human territory is quite safe. If you go out, there will be bugs everywhere."

"Okay, this is quite lively."

Lin Bei looked around.

Jarvis looked at him and continued to ask.

"What planet are you from?"

"Dark Saturn."

Lin Bei answered.

"That's really far away."

Jarvis sighed, "Are you here to practice Mars for the purpose of training?"

"We are looking for the source of the stars, do you know where it is?"

Huang Kai couldn't wait to interrupt and asked.

He wants to find the source of the stars as soon as possible and become a totem-level powerhouse as soon as possible.

"The source of the stars...but I don't know where the legendary thing is. To be honest with you, I have never even been out of human territory."

Jarvis explained, a little surprised.

I have long felt that these people are not simple.

I didn't expect that I came here for the legend...

Dahuang was a little disappointed.

I thought that after refining Mars, I would immediately become a totem-level powerhouse.

But I found that I wanted to keep things simple.

Reason is very full, reality is very skinny.

Things that can allow you to break through the totem level are not that easy to find.

"Didi-di-di! Di-di-di!"

Suddenly, a siren sounded in the distance, a red light flashed, and there was a lot of noise.

"What's going on?"

Lin Bei noticed that there was a lot of excitement and immediately glanced at it.

I saw a stretcher being pushed out from a flying machine in the distance, with a middle-aged man lying on it. The white sheets under him had turned blood red.

He screamed in pain and scratched his head frantically with his hands.

His nails sank into his flesh and his scalp was scratched.

The scene was extremely bloody.

The guards beside the stretcher saw this and quickly controlled his hands.

There were also medical staff, scholars and experts around, who said worriedly.

"Quick! Control him quickly! Otherwise General Li will die!"

"The brain-eating worm has drilled into his head. It must be stopped immediately, otherwise General Li will be completely parasitized."

"Oh no! I'm afraid it's too late."


People hurriedly pushed the stretcher into a tent.

The people around stretched their necks to look.

"My God! Did General Li get parasitized during the rescue?"

"Will General Li be rescued?"

"It's hard to say."


Everyone guessed what happened.

Jarvis also frowned.

"General Li is an SSS-level warrior. I didn't expect that even he would get into trouble. What happened outside?"

"SSS-level warrior?"

Da Huang muttered silently. A general here has SSS-level strength. It can be seen that Lian Huoxing's military strength is indeed very high.

A row of guards stood around the operating tent, and the defense was strict.

Not long after.

A girl in a soldier's uniform ran towards the tent crying. She didn't wear a soldier's hat, and her long hair fluttered.

"Dad! How are you?"

"Miss Li, you can't go in now. General Li is being rescued by experts. I believe he will be fine."

The guard outside the tent stopped him.

But the girl obviously didn't believe it and asked anxiously.

"Have those experts ever saved the parasitic injured once?"


The guard was speechless.


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