No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 657 Angels Attack the City

"Well, OK, I'll wait for your performance."

Lin Bei agreed casually and walked onto the spaceship.

Xuanyuan Feng and the others waved to see them off.

"Goodbye! Senior Lin, we will miss you." ✼

"Welcome to come again next time."

"When my cultivation level improves, I will go to join you!"


Amid the cheers of the crowd, the spaceship slowly rose into the air, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the sky.

Sun Xue stared at the direction they disappeared, with a look of emotion.

"It seems...the pattern of the entire universe is about to change."

"Well, the human race has three more totem-level strongmen, which will definitely cause a huge sensation, but...this is a good thing."

Sun Yuan said thoughtfully.

Originally, the human race was weak, and the angel race was the overlord of the universe. It is estimated that this time there will be changes.

The spaceship left Lian Mars and entered the vast universe.

The surrounding galaxies are brilliant and magnificent.

Lin Bei and others were in the entertainment room, eating, drinking, playing games, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was particularly lively.

Only Li Muxue was depressed. She sat alone by the window, turned her head and looked at the vast sky outside, and was a little absent-minded for a while.

"When can I break through to the totem level?"

Li Muxue found a question in her heart

She has been chasing the footsteps of Lin Bei and others, but when she always gets a little better, she is pulled far behind again.

Although there is only one level difference between the god level and the totem, there is a world of difference.

She remembered the guidance of Master Sun of the Universe.

Light and darkness are mutually exclusive, just like Tai Chi, they are the two most primitive forces at the beginning of the universe.

She needs to find the place where these two forces are derived.

"Where is it?"

The master's words are difficult to understand, maybe... Master Sun himself doesn't know.

So Li Muxue has no clue at all.

She can't help feeling a little melancholy.

Huang Kai seemed to guess her thoughts and came over to comfort her.

"I can understand your thoughts. Just like when I saw Zhang Tian and Teacher Ji break through, I was somewhat anxious. But don't worry too much. There will always be a way to get through. Maybe one day you will break through."


Li Muxue nodded.

I felt that he finally spoke human words and knew to comfort me. would be better if Lin Bei came to comfort me.

But that is basically impossible...

Da Huang continued.

"It's actually no big deal. Even if you don't break through, it doesn't matter. After's useless."


Li Muxue's beautiful eyes widened.

What does he mean?


The spacecraft continued to move forward. It would take about a week to return to Tianshu Star from Lian Mars. Since the spacecraft has comprehensive facilities and food, drinks and entertainment, it is not boring.

It's like a vacation.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

At this time on Tianshu Star.

The atmosphere is particularly solemn.

Because Lin Bei hunted angel totems last time and occupied Tianshu City.

The angels certainly would not give up.

Especially after receiving the news that... Lin Bei is not currently on Tianshu Star.

So, a large number of angels gathered and began to attack Tianshu City!

In Tianshu City, the defense system was fully deployed.

Lasers intertwined into a net, covering the sky above the city.

Newly produced mechanical guards, one after another, kept flying out of the city and fighting with the angels.

The battlefield was full of flames and explosions, and the battle was extremely tragic.

Some mechanical guards even launched self-destruction attacks directly.

"Dr. Zorn, the resources in the city are almost exhausted. There is a lack of metal and soul crystals, and mechanical guards cannot be mass-produced." A guard reported.

Dr. Zorn thought about it.

"Then dismantle the energy of the aircraft and the spacecraft to ensure production. We must hold on no matter what!"


The guard's eyes widened. Are they really dismantling it?

If we keep the aircraft and spacecraft, we still have a chance to abandon the city and escape, but Dr. Zorn's meaning is very clear, that is, to exhaust the family's wealth, fight to the death, and leave no way out.

"Okay, I'll do it!"

The guard nodded, his expression becoming more solemn.

Beside him, Gu Changqing and Gu Si Ning, father and daughter, also stared at the big screen in front of them, on which was the electronic eye of the city wall, capturing the scene of the battle outside.

"Dr. Zorn, if we keep the Hope, we still have a great chance of escaping."

Gu Changqing analyzed, because that's how they escaped from Proxima.

Dr. Zorn shook his head.

"No, the angel totem hasn't appeared yet, we can't escape from Tianshu Star, and... even if you escape, where can you go?"


Gu Changqing was speechless.

He came to Tianshu Star precisely because he had no place to stay, and he knew the dangers outside. Now he was attacked by the angels. Although the universe is big, there is really no place for him.

Gu Si Ning asked.

"Then how long do we have to hold out?"

"Until Lin Bei comes back."

Dr. Zorn's answer was very concise.

Gu Sining frowned, her pretty face a little worried.

"Can Mr. Lin... come back?"

"Of course they can!"

Dr. Zorn said firmly.

The battlefield outside was extremely tragic at this time, the ground was in a mess, and there were traces of battle everywhere.

At this time, the broken parts of the mechanical guards had piled up into a small mountain.

Energy fluctuations overflowed, and the battle was dark.

But the main force of Tianshu City was not these robots, but the God Suzaku, Liu Yun, and Star Hunter, Lolank and Rock Giant in the Paw Patrol.

They have god-level strength and are extremely brave.

Especially Liu Yun.

God Suzaku, a top talent, has never extinguished the Suzaku flame since the beginning of the battle.

The blazing flame dyed half of the sky red.

She fought three or four six-winged angels alone, and still did not lose the wind at all, burning the enemies to retreat and dare not approach her.

But Liu Yun's expression was still extremely solemn, because she could feel that the entire Tianshu Star was shrouded by a force and filled with huge pressure.

That was the breath of the totem level.

There must be an angel totem descending on Tianshu Star, but for some reason, it never appeared.

"Give up resistance, don't make a meaningless struggle, with the strength of my angel race, it is not a small Tianshu Star that can contend with it." A god-level angel said arrogantly.

Liu Yun's eyes became more determined.

"In the dictionary of our Dragon Kingdom's lawful people, there is never the word give up!"

"Humph! Stupid human!"

The angel snorted coldly, and the holy light around him condensed, and continued to attack.

Liu Yun's flames burst up, forming a wall of fire to block.

When the two touched, energy overflowed, and the terrifying residual power swept.

At the same time.

A roar came from a distance, and the rock giant howled to the sky.

Perhaps because of its large size, it was besieged by dozens of angels.

"Why do I get beaten every time I defend my home?"

The rock giant was indignant.

Fortunately, it has thick skin and flesh, so it can bear it for now.

Lolank quickly comforted him.

"If you hold on, maybe Brother Lin and the others will be back soon!"


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