No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 661 Interstellar Voyage

"Okay, then you go find out first."

Lin Bei said casually.


Lolank nodded, and then contacted the interstellar hunters.

In the next few days, Lin Bei played games every day, watched cartoons, or found Xiaotang to study food, eating, drinking and having fun all day.

It felt like the days in the Dragon Country Supernatural Bureau, living a very comfortable life.

But Da Huang and others knew that this might be the calm before the storm...

Sure enough, a few days later.

Lolank came back.

"Brother Lin Bei, we have found out the news of the Angel Church."


In the room, Lin Bei was eating snacks and looked up at him.

"Where are they?"

"I heard from friends in the Hunter Union that the Angel Church is located in the 'Eternal Domain', which is indeed very far away from here. Even if you take the most advanced spacecraft, it will take at least a month to arrive."

"So far?"

Lin Bei counted on his fingers, about three or four to the distance to the Refining Mars.

Lolank nodded.

"Well, but... the angels have built teleportation arrays everywhere, which may lead directly to Hengyu. If we find them, we will save a lot of time."

"Oh, where is their teleportation array?" Lin Bei asked.


Lolank was a little embarrassed.

Because the teleportation array leading to Hengyu is a top secret among the angels.

They are interstellar hunters and don't know much about the angels. After all, they usually take a detour when they meet them and rarely come into contact with them.

"I don't know where the teleportation array is, but it's easy to investigate. Isn't it enough to catch an angel and ask, what is the location of the church, where is the array, and then we will know everything!"

"That's right..."

Lin Bei raised his eyebrows and thought this was a good idea.

Now we just need to know the specific direction.

Other problems... we will solve them later.

Lin Bei stood up and slapped the table.

"Okay! Take office in Hengyu!"


After Lin Bei made the decision, everyone began to prepare. First, an advanced spacecraft was needed, because it was not known how long it would take to fly this time.

The people who set out together included Lin Bei and his friends, Lolank, and other researchers such as Dr. Zorn.

Among them were experts in various fields, including energy, machinery, breeding, aviation, etc., who were responsible for the maintenance of the spacecraft to ensure its normal operation.

These experts all brought their own students. For them, this was an overseas scientific research trip.

As the saying goes, reading thousands of books is like traveling thousands of miles.

This trip can increase a lot of knowledge and experience.

"Hehe, Xiaokai, I like researchers the most. It's better to bring more people. It's more lively, don't you think? Director Lin."

Da Huang laughed foolishly.


Lin Bei nodded.

At this time, in front of them, there was a large spaceship, which was a hundred meters long and dozens of meters high, close to the height of a ten-story building.

The appearance was bright silver, full of futuristic technology.

A group of researchers were busy, inspecting or testing various data.

Dr. Zorn came over with sweat on his forehead.

"Almost done, all data is normal, we can set off at any time, but... due to the war with the angels a few days ago, the city's resources have been exhausted, so the spacecraft's energy is not enough, I don't know where it can fly."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Lin Bei waved his hand casually, "We'll fly wherever we want, and then find a planet to replenish it."

"Well... okay."

Dr. Zorn nodded.

In addition to soul crystals as power, the spacecraft also needs a kind of "energy stone" as fuel. Energy stone is a rare mineral. Even the entire Tianshu Star does not have much, and it takes several years to mine it now, which is simply too late...


Lin Bei and others boarded the spacecraft, which was brand new and had artificial intelligence.

Where people walked, the lights automatically lit up.

Full of technology.

In addition to various leisure and entertainment facilities, there are also breeding warehouses, which can provide unlimited food such as fruits and vegetables, which is indeed suitable for ultra-long-distance navigation.

There are many scientific researchers busy in each cabin.

When Da Huang sees young and beautiful female students, he will take the initiative to smile and say hello to brush up his presence.

Among them, there is also an acquaintance of Lin Bei.

It is a girl named Gu Anran, whom Lin Bei met when he first came to Tianshu Star.

Gu Anran wore a white coat and glasses. She was playful and steady like a scientific researcher.

Da Huang supported the wall with one hand, put his feet together, and touched the ground with one toe, posing a self-proclaimed cool posture.

"Hi! Miss Gu, my girlfriend is a scientific researcher. When I see you, it's like seeing her."


Gu Anran's pretty face was stunned, feeling... Why is this person so strange?

Da Huang continued.

"I don't know how long this trip will take. If you are bored after the work, you can find me for a cup of coffee, chat or something, I'll wait for you!"

After speaking, Da Huang turned and left.

"......." Gu Anran was full of black lines.

Looking at his back as he left, his body shuddered unconsciously.

Hiss... So greasy!


After all the personnel were checked, they boarded the spacecraft.

It was time to depart.

After the spacecraft started, blue flames erupted from the tail, and it was full of power and glided on the track. And the speed was getting faster and faster, and finally rushed into the sky like a cannonball, turning into a light spot and disappearing in the sea of ​​clouds.

However, the interior of the spacecraft was very stable.

There was no sense of turbulence at all.

Lin Bei and his friends gathered together, eating snacks, drinking drinks, talking and laughing.

Only Li Muxue, her beautiful face was slightly condensed, and there was always a hint of sadness between her eyebrows.

Da Huang asked with a glance.

"What's up? Miss Li, are you going to be Lin Daiyu now?"

"Lin what Daiyu? I always have a bad feeling. This time, we went straight to the angel's nest. Something unusual seems to happen."

Li Muxue analyzed; "And there is a twelve-winged angel there. What is his strength? Will he surpass the totem level?"

"Well, that's right. I heard the two angel totems call the twelve-winged angel Lord Casey. No wonder he is so strong. It turns out that there is a word Kai in his name..."

Da Huang pinched his chin and analyzed seriously.

"......." Li Muxue was speechless. She felt that she shouldn't have paid attention to him just now!

Chatting with Da Huang was completely out of tune.

The spacecraft sailed into the vast starry sky and was far away from Tianshu Star.

Lin Bei was still eating, drinking and having fun, or lying in front of the French window, watching the scenery of the universe, one planet after another, or meteorites, floating in front of his eyes, feeling amazing.

In his spare time, Da Huang still keeps the habit of reading books, studying knowledge in his room, or hanging out with researchers when everyone is not busy.

He calls it discussing academic issues.

But after a series of research and analysis by researchers, Da Huang was finally defined as flirting!


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