No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 663: Human Death Due to Eating

Dahuang's face turned dark.

"Director Lin, I think we'd better leave. I'll push the spaceship and run, and we'll move to the next planet."

"Why go? Aren't your fellow villagers very enthusiastic?"

Lin Bei said casually.

Li Muxue and others all covered their mouths with their hands and couldn't help but laugh.

The demon leader looked innocent.

"Did I...say the wrong thing?"

"Yes! I'm a human!"

Dahuang explained word for word.


The devil man nodded blankly, "Forgive my blindness."

Huang Kai: "......"

At this time, Lin Bei asked.

"Do you have anything delicious here?"


The leader of the demons said, "We only have to work for the demons, and they will give us food. We are usually hungry."

"Isn't this too pitiful? What kind of work do you do?"

Lin Bei asked curiously.

The leader of the devil explained: "Of course it's to dig ore for the devil. From nine o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening, we work seven days a week and have one day off."

"Oh? It's still a blessing."

Lin Bei thought for a while and said.

The demon leader nodded.

"Yeah, but the people in the tribe rarely rest in order to have enough to eat. They also work during holidays."

"Awesome! How about...shall I dig ore with you?"

Lin Bei thought.

"Okay, no problem, the devil likes humans quite a lot."

The demon leader said, changing the subject: "But... mining ore is too tiring, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

"It's awesome."

Lin Bei and the others are mainly looking for energy. It is estimated that the devil's mine will produce rare energy stones.

In addition, Lin Bei also wanted to take a walk and get some fresh air.

Although the spaceship is not small, it is limited after all. It is like sitting on the train for a long time and you have to go out for a walk...

Lin Bei turned around and said to Li Muxue and others.

"You guys stay here to look after the house, and I'll take Dahuang and Devilman to the mine."

"Huh? Why did you bring rhubarb? Why didn't you take me?"

Li Muxue seemed a little jealous.

Huang Kai grinned and said proudly.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course it's because I have a good relationship with Director Lin, so it feels more secure to take me with you!"

But Lin Bei said: "Because he looks like a devil, do you also look like a devil?"


Li Muxue's pretty face was startled, and she immediately felt that it was a very correct choice for him not to take her with him. This reason was simply impeccable!

"Well, Director Lin is wise!"

"..." Dahuang was speechless.

However, this can also be regarded as an advantage in appearance.

He could only comfort himself in this way.


Immediately, Lin Bei and Dahuang followed the devils to the mine, just in time to catch up with them starting work. There were dozens of people there.

The demons had ugly faces. Along the way, they looked at Lin Bei and Dahuang from time to time and muttered.

And seemed to deliberately keep a distance from them.

Among them was a young man who walked up to the demon leader.

Asked in a lowered voice.

"Master Chief, isn't it good for us to take humans to the mines? We don't know where they come from or what their purpose is. And what if the demons discover us and say we are hiding humans?"

"Hmph! I've already considered what you said. Do you really think I'm stupid?"

The devil man said mysteriously, with a pair of small eyes always observing the movements of Lin Bei and the two.

I saw that they were still carefree, talking and laughing.

Completely unprepared.

The young man scratched his head, seeming to think of something.

"Did you..."

"That's right. When we get to the mine, we report it directly and say that we have captured two humans. The devil will definitely reward us."

"The leader is so wise!"

The young man's eyes lit up.

If An Dao can become the leader, he really has two tools.

It turned out that he had been pretending to be stupid to paralyze the other party.

I was immediately impressed.

At this time, Big Yellow's eyes rolled, and an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The totem-level perception is extremely powerful. Although the conversation between the two was as loud as a mosquito, it was still heard.

Playing dumb? Can you pretend to be better than us?

And they are not pretending to be stupid, they are really stupid!

"Director Lin, that Devilman leader is not a good guy."

"Well, I've seen it a long time ago. With his IQ, can he deceive me?"

Lin Bei walked forward without looking back.

Huang Kai looked curious.

"When...when did you notice it?"

"That's when he said there wasn't anything good to eat."

Lin Bei said.


Dahuang nodded.

Everyone walked through a forest, where large areas of trees had been cut down, leaving only bare wooden piles.

In front is a large mountain, dominated by boulders.

From far away, you can hear the clanging sound.

On the mountain, there are many figures, busy carrying rocks or mining ores.

Most of them are demons and come from other major tribes.

Before Lin Bei approached the mine.

Then he saw two demons approaching. They had ugly faces and looked like they were overseers.

"Hey, Chief Sally, are you here to start work?"

"Hey, I didn't want to come originally. I planned to take a day off, but now I really have no choice."

The devil leader suddenly became flattering.

The demon looked strange, and he could tell there was something behind his words.

"What's wrong with you?"

"My lord, there is a group of foreign humans who just landed in our tribe. We didn't dare to act on our own, so we brought them to you."

"Humans? Where are they?"

The demon asked immediately.

Chief Sally turned around and pointed.

"It's right there!"

The two demons looked over and saw Da Huang at first sight. Their faces immediately sank, and they seemed a little unhappy.

"You just found a tribe member and put on some clothes to pretend to be a human? Are you trying to cheat me for a reward?"

"Uh... No, no, listen to my explanation!"

Sally felt the demon's powerful power and waved his hands in fear, "My lord, you have to believe me, he really said he was a human."


The two demons still had some doubts.

However, they soon saw Lin Bei next to them. He looked so ugly that he must be a human.

If he wasn't there, Sally would probably not be able to wash himself clean even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

"Let's go and take a look."

The two demons looked at him and walked forward.

Lin Bei also looked at them with a curious look, just like watching animals in a zoo. After all, demons are strange and each one looks different.

Huang Kai hugged his shoulders and curled his lips in disdain.

"Tsk, it turns out that he pretended to be enthusiastic when meeting, and then stabbed me in the back. After all this time, he turned out to be a demon's lackey!"

"Hehehe, I'm sorry, we just want more food, everyone is trying to survive."

Chief Sally was not ashamed, still smiling, even a little proud.

Lin Bei nodded when he saw this.

"Well, it seems that people die for food, and birds die for money!"

"Eh? Are you mistaken?" Da Huang felt something was wrong.

Lin Bei didn't care, of course, "They are all the same..."


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