Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 258 Yin Yang Formation Sect

Yunzhou, one of the eighty-two states of the Shenxing Continent, is located next to Dongzhou, and is a remote state.

And in terms of comprehensive strength, they are all at the bottom.

In the past, Dongzhou and Yunzhou were brothers and sisters.

However, since Ye Luo founded Taiyi Sword Sect, Dongzhou has entered a prosperous era of cultivation, and its comprehensive strength has greatly improved.

In particular, the entire Zhongzhou Wuji Holy Land moved to Dongzhou and voluntarily downgraded it to a large sect. After changing its name to Wujizong, it added a lot of high-level combat power to Dongzhou.

Today's Dongzhou has long left Yunzhou behind.

Yunzhou has become the weakest state among the eighty-two states of the Shenxing Continent.

This point, no one in Yunzhou can do anything, who will make Yunzhou civil unrest.

There is no owner of the Holy Land in Yunzhou, and the major sects are all eyeing the Holy Land, which means that civil strife will break out at any time.

At this moment.

Zhang Han, who entered Yunzhou, went straight to the Yunzhou Holy Land.

The Holy Land of Yunzhou is located in the most central part of the entire Yunzhou, and it is a suspended island.

There are countless formations in all directions of the island.

These formations can be seen at a glance with Zhang Han's eyesight.

Whether it is the hidden formation or the formation on the bright side, he can see it all at a glance.

"It's no wonder that Yunzhou Holy Land is in decline. Who can stop these formations?"

"It is estimated that even the third child can't stop it."

Zhang Han shook his head and said.

In his opinion, these formations are useless at all, and the connection between formations is very poor.

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It's as if it was created by countless individuals, with different styles, and it can't exert much power at all.

It is estimated that Su Qianyuan came over, punched him, and could penetrate all the formations.

Forget it.

When he inherits this holy place, let's rectify it properly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Han no longer hesitated.

The lunar star was conceived in my mind.

He silently summoned his old partner, Lunar Star.

An ancient rune was derived from his heart.

As Zhang Han waved his palms, formations were cast out, covering the island of the Holy Land in an instant.

Boom! ! !

Zhang Han's formation blasted away, instantly causing a rebound from the Holy Land formation.

The formations of the two sides collided together, and the powerful pressure was centered on the island, covering all directions, and the space faintly rippled, as if it could not bear this kind of power.


Hundreds of figures flew out from the island, and while blessing the formation, they were still rushing towards Zhang Han.

Among these hundreds of figures, there are many of them in the Divine Transformation Realm and Nascent Soul Realm, but the most is the Golden Core Realm.

"Not bad, this background, in Yunzhou, is considered acceptable."

Zhang Han looked at these people, whispered a few words, and his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

He was in a daze.

The hundreds of people had already flown in and completely surrounded him.

These hundreds of people looked at Zhang Han angrily.

The formations of their Holy Land have been smashed. Although they did not hurt the Holy Land, these formations were smashed, enough to make them feel distressed.

These formations were arranged by them with countless efforts to deter others.

But this wave, whether it was a hidden or bright formation, was all shattered.

"Where is fellow Daoist?! Why did you attack my Yin-Yang Array?!"

An old woman stepped out and stared at Zhang Han with a little anger.

But Zhang Han's powerful aura made her not dare to act rashly.

Hear this.

Stepping on the magic circle, the whole body was surrounded by fluorescent light, like a god, Zhang Han walked out slowly and was about to speak.

Didn't wait for him to speak.

Suddenly a person came out of the crowd.

It was the third elder who begged him to be the Lord of the Holy Land last time.

"It's you?!"

"Fellow Daoist, are you finally here?!"

The surprised voice of the three elders resounded through the clouds.

"It's me, here I come."

Zhang Han looked at the familiar face of the other party, and there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

Before, he didn't even bother to be the Lord of the Holy Land.

Also planted a lot of, ahem, a lot of joking flags.

Now come dry and be the Lord of the Holy Land.

"Fellow Daoist, have you figured it out? Do you want to be the suzerain of our Yin-Yang Array?"

The three elders asked repeatedly.

"This is not true. It's not because I want to come, but because my master ordered me. My master once said that if I don't come, there is a high possibility that a civil strife will break out in Yunzhou, and then life will be ruined."

"Master asked me to take into account the overall situation and come to the Holy Land to stabilize the situation in Yunzhou."

Zhang Han said without blushing.

The third elder on the opposite side didn't think too much. Hearing this, he couldn't help but sigh, saying that Zhang Han's master was really a great man, and then he took Zhang Han into the island.

Several other high-level elders were a little confused, but they also received the voice transmission of the third elder, and they accompanied Zhang Han into the island without asking any further questions.

There are only a lot of Jindan realms left in the same place, facing each other, I don't know why.

"So... who was that person just now?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? Who of us will know that?"

"Who said that, I know a little bit. Last time I went out with the third elder to suppress the demon clan, and I encountered a terrifying existence that could form a formation in one thought, that person!"

"In a single thought? I don't believe it. There are really people in this world who can form a formation in one thought? You are afraid that you are dreaming."

"I don't believe it either. If someone can form a formation with a single thought, then what are we cultivating together that we have cultivated for hundreds of years? Cultivating loneliness?"

Among these golden core realms, most people do not believe that someone can form a formation in one thought.

The few people who had seen Zhang Han's methods were unable to return to the sky when they saw this. They could only wait for these people to see Zhang Han's methods in person, and then talk about other things.


Inside the meeting hall of the Yin-Yang Formation Sect.

Dozens of elders accompanied Zhang Han to the conference hall.

These dozens of elders all stared at Zhang Han tightly.

They have also heard the third elders talk about Zhang Han's ability before, forming an array with a single thought, mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, no time, no need for array materials.

This almost made up for the shortcomings of the Array Master.

Make them a little unbelievable.

After seeing Zhang Han, they also made it clear.

It is necessary to see Zhang Han's formation technique before agreeing to make Zhang Han the master of their Yin-Yang formation.

Zhang Han was also unambiguous, and between waving his hands, lines of formations spread out under his feet.

Dozens of elders all said that their eyes fell to the bottom of their feet, and they stretched out their hands, wanting to see the pattern.

But they stretched out their hands, and the array patterns instantly transformed into small arrays, and vines stretched out from the array, binding dozens of elders.

"Are these trapped formations enough?"

Zhang Han smiled warmly, stared at the dozens of elders, and said slowly.

Array of thoughts...

No array material required...

Control dozens of formations at the same time...

These are all true...

Dozens of elders saw this scene with their own eyes, and a storm surged in their hearts.

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