Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 458: Cultivating the Strongest Era

Ao Ye took off with Chu Yuan, not knowing where to go.

On the other side, on the top of Xiangdao Mountain.

The four beasts gathered nervously together to protect the perilla.

At the moment when Ao Ye turned into a giant dragon, of course they also felt it, and thought that someone was making trouble on Xiangdao Mountain, for fear that some accident would destroy Zisu.

They were so frightened that they nervously protected Shi Su.

They breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that it was Chu Yuan's action.

Unite with that dragon.

They can probably guess.

It is this mount that has arrived.

"Why is this mount a dragon cub? It seems that he has just crossed the tribulation realm."

The relaxed gluttonous said carelessly.

"Indeed... it's really too much to lose the identity of this person. I don't know if we can fight for the position of the mount."

Yuzu said something silently.

As soon as this word comes out.

The eyes of the other three beasts instantly fell on Yutu.

"No, what do you see me doing? Don't you want to be that person's mount?"

Yutu touched his head and said.

"Yuetu! You and I are both famous beasts, and even more of an existence that survived the old era. How can you be so willing to fall? No matter how strong that person is, you can't have such an idea."

"If you become that person's mount, how will you let the three of us deal with each other? I hope you don't keep this idea, as well as Qiongqi and Taotie, as well as the two of you."

Chaos said righteously.


"As it should be."

Qiongqi and Taotie also nodded.


All right. "

Yuzuo also agreed in a daze, and seemed to understand that his own thoughts were not enough.

He bowed his head in thought.

He didn't notice the three big beasts who were "never slaves" just now, and their eyes were shining.


Yuzu suddenly looked up.

The three big beasts quickly suppressed the many thoughts in their hearts.

"What’s wrong with you?"

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Chaos looked at Yutu and asked.

"Isn't it filled with essence and blood today? Whose turn is it today?"

Yuzu asked.

"It''s your turn."

Chaos thought for a while and said.

"Oh oh."

Yuzuo didn't say anything, just nodded in agreement.

Then he walked to the perilla plant that was planted on the top of the mountain.

than before.

This perilla has obviously changed a lot.

Although the length is the same as before, the roots have become emerald green, and the leaves are also shining with purple light, which is very extraordinary.

The soil under the perilla is even more ferocious.

Yutu came to this perilla plant, closed his eyes slightly, forced out three drops of blood essence with his mana, and poured it into the soil below the perilla.

Moisturized with blood.

The purple light on the leaves of this perilla is obviously much brighter, and a hint of rhythm permeates the air.

"Chaos, gluttonous, Qiongqi, you see, there is a Dao rhyme on this perilla, and it looks like a shadow, it seems to be our Dao rhyme."

Yutao's eyes were sharp, and he immediately noticed the rhythm of his debut on the perilla.

I heard Yuzu's words.

The other three came one after another, looking down at the perilla.

They also naturally found that the traces of rhythm on the perilla leaves had their shadow.

This made them feel a little relieved.

Later, this perilla became that person's disciple.

They are also related to this perilla.

"Huh? More than that, the trace of Taoism on this perilla tree seems to be not only from us, but also from those ancient monsters that we killed as fertilizer."

Chaos found another point.

The trace of Taoism on the perilla leaves is not just the Taoism of the four of them.

The Dao rhyme of the ancient monsters they hunted is also vaguely in it.

"It's only been raised for ten days. If we use different ancient monsters as fertilizers, plus our blood essence, will we create the strongest existence in the new era?"

Qiongqi asked suddenly.

The other three beasts suddenly fell silent.

Use different ancient demons as fertilizer.

This perilla will control one kind of Dao rhyme after another.

How terrifying will it be when it comes to Transformation Day?

The new era is afraid that no one can compare with it!

"No, although in theory, it is true, but we can't hunt and kill the ancient monsters every day. Every time we are racing against heaven and earth, we will be chopped to death by heaven and earth sooner or later."

Chaos suddenly spoke and said.

Every time they go to hunt the ancient monster, they have to explode their strength, open the restrictions, and then quickly kill the ancient monster.

In the end, he took the ancient demon, chased by heaven and earth, and fled to the foot of Tianwu Mountain.

Yes, escape to the foot of Tianwu Mountain.

They found something.

Heaven and Earth Punishment will not punish near Tianwu Mountain.

Every time they escaped to the foot of Tianwu Mountain, the punishment would end automatically.

So every time they hunted down the ancient monster, they would play a race against heaven and earth.

Let's see if Tiandi chops them to death first, or if they run to the foot of Tianwu Mountain first.

Although Heaven and Earth have never been successful, they are also afraid.

Often walking by the river, how can there not be wet shoes.

They are afraid that one day they will be hit by the sky and the earth.


"But if we really cultivate a great demon that is comparable to the ancient gods and demons, and comparable to the innate gods and demons, wouldn't this be a better way to establish a relationship with that person?"

"We can still fight for this risk!"

Qiong Qi said so.

"That's it... that's fine, I'll hunt more of those ancient monsters in the future."

Chaos pondered for a moment and said slowly.


The other three beasts nodded.

The four beasts maintain a unified opinion.

The cultivation plan for perilla has been upgraded again.

It used to just lift the heels.

Now we have to train towards the position of the strongest in the new era.

They believed that as long as they returned the perilla plant with unparalleled heels and feet and unparalleled talent.

The grievances between that person and them will definitely be written off.

And maybe there will be a lot of connections.

Maybe they can still get on that big boat.

"Then it's settled."

Chaos nodded and settled down.

Immediately, he wanted to say something.

But before he could say it.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Taiyi Jianzong.

The same is true for the other three beasts.

The eyes gathered on the side of Taiyi Jianzong.

Others may not feel it, but they clearly feel it.

A powerful wave of breakthrough came from there.

This fluctuation is not a calamity crossing...

But above the tribulation realm!

And the four beasts clearly felt it.

At the moment when this wave of fluctuations poured out, Heaven and Earth also responded one or two.

This wave of fluctuations vaguely seems to be connected to the world, like opening a channel to other worlds...

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