Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 489: Immortal's Remains

Haoran College.

within a palace.

At this moment.

Eleven people gathered here.

In addition to the six people from Haoran Academy, the remaining five people came from the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivator Alliance.

They are talking about things.

The atmosphere was still very pleasant.

But I don't know what it was about.

The atmosphere suddenly changed.


The teacup in Zhou Rin's hand, the dean of Haoran College, fell to the ground. His eyes widened and he looked at the five people who came from the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivator Alliance in disbelief.

"You guys, are you crazy?!"

Zhou Rin's voice was shaking.

The other five teachers present were even more frightened by his remarks and wanted to leave the hall.

However, the five members of the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivator Alliance blocked the entrance of the hall, and they were not allowed to leave at all.

"This is the meaning of the above, and we just follow it. In order to prevent accidents, those who hear this news should not leave here."

One of the Immortal Cultivators Alliance stood up and said calmly.

"You guys are really crazy, you actually want to target Wu... ahem, to deal with that one's power, what kind of bear heart and leopard gall did your Immortal Cultivator Alliance eat?"

Zhou Rin really couldn't believe it.

This group of people actually said that they had to deal with the Wudao Sect of the Hidden World Sect in Dongzhou.

And also invited his Haoran Academy together?

How dare this?

What kind of power is Wu Dao Sect? Nowadays, the largest power of the human race, the holy places of the disciples are all well-known.

As far as its fame is concerned in Shenxing Continent, it is a legend.

What is the Immortal Cultivator Alliance in Shenxing Continent? That's brother.

A younger brother went to shake the legend.

Isn't this looking for death?

The person from the Immortal Cultivator Alliance was extremely calm.

"The one above us said that our Immortal Cultivator Alliance has had enough to endure, so we have to restore our status. That person's power is the most prestigious among the human race. As long as we win that person's power, then the Immortal Cultivator Alliance will be restored. I stood up again, and when the time comes, the many forces in the Shenxing Continent will definitely surrender."

That's what the man said.

"Above you, isn't it the ally Wu Yue, the leader of the alliance? Does he have such courage?"

Zhou Rin took a deep breath.

"Wu Yue? Wu Yue is long gone, and it's not him who is in power now."

The man shook his head.

"So that person is a lunatic, so you go crazy with him?"

Zhou Rin felt a pain in his head.

That is to say, the order given by the newly appointed leader of the Immortal Cultivator Alliance said that the power of that person was required to establish the prestige of the Immortal Cultivator Alliance.

Isn't this crazy.

"No, it's not crazy, it's sure. What you worry about is nothing more than the strength of the two sides. Suppose I tell you that we have a way to suppress that one. Would you dare to join us?"

The man's eyes were fixed on Zhou Rin.

For many people in the human race, the name of Wudao Sect is a legend.

For many sects, it is a crisis.

Because they found out.

Every disciple of Wudao Sect walks out, that is the master of a holy land. If the disciple of Wudao Sect continues, sooner or later, all the continents of Wudao Sect will belong to Wudao Sect.

At that time, these middle-level sects and high-level sects will no longer have the chance to advance.

"You have a way to suppress that one, are you kidding me?"

Zhou Rin felt incredible.

What level of combat power is that one?

Far beyond the tribulation realm.

An attack can traverse the entire Shenxing Continent, from Dongzhou to Xizhou, killing a demon king of the demon clan.

This kind of existence, this usually ordinary alliance of immortal cultivators, actually said that there is a way to suppress it?

"Forget it, I won't hide it from you until now. The one above us got the remains of an immortal. It is said that he is the ancestor of the new leader above us. That immortal came down to earth for no apparent reason. Accidental fall, body sealed."

"However, because the time has been too long, the evil spirit has grown, and the body of this immortal cannot be used. I heard that your Haoran Academy has a Haoran pen that can dispel the evil spirit. The one above intends to join you."

Upon seeing this, the man revealed some things.

As soon as this word comes out.

The teachers in the hall didn't know what to say anymore, their eyes widened, obviously very shocked.

Zhou Rin is better.

But not much better.

Immortal remains?

No one has ascended since ten thousand years ago.

The word immortal, almost like Wu Dao Sect, is a legend.

But the other party actually has the remains of an immortal? !

"Could it be... do you want to..."

Zhou Rin's tone trembled.

"We want to use that immortal's body to deal with that one. No matter how strong that person is, he is only a mortal monk. Immortals are different, and the immortal's body will be easily defeated!"

The man said with certainty.

heard here.

Zhou Rin already understood.

The newly appointed leader of the Immortal Cultivator Alliance has great ambitions.

As soon as he took office, he planned to change the current embarrassing position of the Immortal Cultivator Alliance, so he planned to use Wu Dao Sect.

It is estimated that as long as the Wudao Sect is destroyed, the supreme majesty can be established, which will shock the entire Shenxing Continent.

It seems to be possible.

With the status of Wu Dao Sect today, if there is a force that forcibly suppresses Wu Dao Sect, the reputation that can be obtained will be very terrifying.

"I... I promise."

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After a moment of silence, Zhou Rin nodded.


at the same time.

In the library of Haoran College.

Chu Yuan was playing with a ring that she didn't know where to find it in her hand.

His brows furrowed, as if he had encountered some difficulty.

Suddenly he had an idea.

In the future, when he recruits disciples, he will not bring them back to the sect, but he will be attached to the ring and personally instruct and teach them.

Replace the previous free-range cultists.

Under his nose, it is impossible to become a talent.

Even if he was lucky, he couldn't see it under his nose, right?

As long as he finds out, he can kick the disciple out in time to stop the loss.

With this thought in mind.

Chu Yuan wanted to get into the ring.

He estimates that he himself is also a soul body now.

It should be able to get into the ring.

But unexpectedly.

He couldn't get into the ring at all.

"Should I replace it with that kind of storage ring?"

Chu Yuan was thinking about it herself.

He turned to look outside.

His eyes quickly locked on a passing disciple.

To be precise, it locked the ring on the disciple's hand.

That ring, if he guessed correctly, should be the storage ring.

Chu Yuan intends to visit.

See if his soul body can get into the storage ring.

Chu Yuan turned into a streamer and rushed towards the storage ring.

The passing disciple didn't notice Chu Yuan at all, and Chu Yuan easily got into the storage ring...

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