Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 664 We have a common father

Deep in the mountains, by the campfire.

"My master is called Yuanchu..."

When Su Qianyuan said such a sentence.

The entire field was silent for a few seconds.

Li Cheng and Lin Mo on the side were both stunned, they looked at each other, and then looked at Su Qianyuan.

Fate Chu...

Early Yuan?

Is this a name?

"Dare to ask your friend, is your teacher called Yuanchu...or the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty? Which Yuan, which is the beginning?"

Li Cheng raised a storm in his heart, but he calmly asked as if nothing had happened on the surface.

"Which Yuan and which Beginning?"

Su Qianyuan was stunned for a moment, didn't he just ask casually, did you ask such a detailed question.

"Don't get me wrong, it's just because this name collided with the name of one of our elders. We guessed whether the daoist has something to do with our elders. It's better for the daoist to show the face of the respected master with his magical powers. ? Well, let's make sure."

Li Cheng said with a smile.

He said everything peacefully.

As if there was such a thing.


Su Qianyuan didn't think much, just wanted to show it.

Anyway, the people here don't know his master.

He thought for a moment, then acted.

He mobilized the evil spirit on his body and mobilized it.

The evil spirit circled in the air, and then under the control of Su Qianyuan, a figure was formed.

The figure is Chu Yuan.

"This person is my master."

Su Qianyuan said in a deep voice.

But Li Cheng and the two had no time to care about Su Qianyuan at all, and their eyes were fixed on the figure in the air.

After seeing that figure, they all exploded.

Unable to be at peace.

Isn't this their master?

Although I don't know why, the master in this portrait has become clearer, and the facial features are clearly visible, but the two of them can be sure.

This is their master.

The so-called master at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

Is this person a disciple of their master? That is, their classmates?

Lin Mo was about to get up and say something to Su Qianyuan.

But before Lin Mo stood up.

Li Cheng pushed Lin Mo back, and he gestured to Lin Mo with his eyes.

Lin Mo suddenly understood and sat down without saying anything.

He understands that Li Cheng will handle this.

He also believed that his senior brother would handle it properly.

"It must be our fault."

"Then dare to ask, the specific identity of the teacher? I think that the teacher's bearing is extraordinary, and his identity must be not low among the human race. I don't know what kind of cultivation is the teacher, and how many disciples are there in addition to the Taoist friends?"

Li Cheng smiled and said Su Qianyuan's words.

Su Qianyuan had no idea.

He only felt that this Li Cheng was a little troublesome.

It is extremely troublesome to ask if there is anything or nothing.

But Su Qianyuan had no choice but to answer patiently.

"My master is an expert outside the world, and he doesn't have any prominent status. I don't know what kind of cultivation. I only know that my master is very strong. As for how many disciples my master has? That's quite a lot, except for me. , and eleven disciples!"

Su Qianyuan answered in detail.

Hear this.

Li Cheng and Lin Mo were both stunned for a moment.

If that person is really their master, doesn't that mean that they still have twelve fellow students?

There are twelve more students from the same school for no reason, which is really a bit of that.

Li Cheng did not confess.

Instead, he chose to continue talking to Su Qianyuan.

Su Qianyuan is not that stupid. He will say what he should say, and he will not say a word if he shouldn't.

The two sides communicated like this.

After chatting for a while.

Lin Mo suddenly proposed that he wanted to discuss with Su Qianyuan.

Beauty says its name and communicates with each other.

In fact, Lin Mo just wanted to try out how much skill this classmate had.

Su Qianyuan hesitated for a moment, but agreed.


The two came to a clearing in the deep mountains.

Lin Mo dragged the celestial coffin with his hands, full of murderous aura, fighting intent, and all kinds of auras blended together, looking surging, like a demon emperor under the abyss, wanting to bury the heavens.

Compared to Lin Mo.

Su Qianyuan, who was next door, was obviously stronger.

Su Qianyuan Chiguo stood there on his upper body, with his hands around his chest and a big bald head, and a faint suffocating and wild aura pervaded his body, which made him look like an ancient ancestor witch, very terrifying .

Between the two, it seems that they are not of the same level at all. Su Qianyuan can stabilize Lin Mo by relying on the momentum he radiates at will.

But Lin Mo was not timid, on the contrary there was a strong fighting intent in his eyes.


Lin Mo shouted loudly, dragged the burial coffin, and smashed it directly at Su Qianyuan.

boom! ! !

The incomparably heavy body of the Heavenly Burial Coffin smashed through the air, causing bursts of sonic booms.

Lin Mo originally thought of using this blow to force Su Qianyuan to retreat, thereby suppressing Su Qianyuan's momentum.

Unexpectedly, he was reckless, and Su Qianyuan was more reckless than him.


I saw that Su Qianyuan seemed to have lost his mind. He didn't know how to write back the words at all, and he punched him with a backhand.

This scared Lin Mo enough.

No one knows better than him how heavy the coffin is. If it hits Su Qianyuan, then Su Qianyuan will be finished.

Just when Lin Mo wanted to pull back his strength, but he couldn't start.

Su Qianyuan's punch has been ushered in.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The fist collided with the coffin.

There was a burst of sound, like the sound of two diamonds colliding.

The terrifying ripples were centered on the two of them, spreading in all directions, overturning trees one by one.

beep, beep...

One punch.

Lin Mo stepped back dozens of steps.

On the other hand, Su Qianyuan didn't take a step back, a terrifying phantom appeared behind him, just stood there, looking down at Lin Mo from top to bottom.


Lin Mo was no match for Su Qianyuan at all.

Lin Mo still wanted to continue fighting.

However, Li Cheng came out in time and stopped Lin Mo.

"Junior brother, you are not the opponent of fellow Daoist, so step back."

Li Cheng shook his head and said.

He saw it most clearly from the side angle.

Lin Mo's combat power is not at the same level as this Su Qianyuan.


Lin Mo still wanted to say something.

But after thinking about it, let it go.

It's not ashamed to lose to your classmates.

After all, it was taught by the master.

"Fellow Daoist, in this battle, my junior brother has lost."

Li Cheng slightly bowed his hands towards Su Qianyuan.

"Your junior brother... is quite strong."

Su Qianyuan looked at Lin Mo and nodded slightly, in recognition of Lin Mo's fighting power.

"Well, but fellow Daoist, this is not the time to talk about this. I have something very important that I want to tell you."

Li Cheng was ready to confess to the other party.

"What's the matter?"

"Actually, we actually have a common father!"

Su Qianyuan: "?"

What the hell?

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