Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 670: Myth Practicing Qi Realm?

Tianwu Mountain, Wudao Sect, Back Mountain.

by the fire.

Four figures were sitting around the fire, feasting.

These four were Li Cheng, Lin Mo, Xu Yu, and Ao Ye.

The four were eating.

Xu Yu was still communicating with Li Cheng and Lin Mo.

Through the identity token, Xu Yu naturally believed in the identities of Li Cheng and Lin Mo.

Knowing the identities of Li Cheng and Lin Mo, Xu Yu was also interested and wanted to know more about them.

After some understanding, Xu Yu gave up.

Xu Yu gave up.

Li Cheng and Lin Mo had no intention of giving up.

Lin Mo's eyes were fixed on Xu Yu, and he even asked.

"You are Master's attendant, then I will call you Xu Sui-shou. I dare to ask Xu Sui-shou, what kind of realm are you?"

Lin Mo took a deep breath and said.

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Cheng's eyes also turned to Xu Yu.

Only Ao Ye continued to eat with his head down, with no intention of raising his head at all.

"My realm? I am practicing Qi realm."

Xu Yu replied casually.

"Practice Qi Realm???"

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment.

He remembers this realm, isn't it the first realm of cultivation?

So strong, is it a Qi Qi realm?

Are you kidding him?

"Yes, I'm practicing Qi, probably in Qi... Well, it's about five million, right? I don't remember."

Xu Yu replied very easily.

Lin Mo: "???"

Li Cheng: "???"

Both of them looked stiff.

practice aura...

There are five million levels of Qi practice? ?

Is there such a thing?

"That, Xu Sui Shi, I remember...Isn't there only three small realms of Qi training, divided into front, middle and back?"

Lin Mo asked cautiously.

"That's someone else's realm, what does it have to do with mine? I want an extreme realm. I think every realm has an extreme realm. The extreme realm of Qi realm is far from being completed by five million layers!"

Xu Yu chewed the meat in his mouth and explained at the same time.

"Practicing Qi Realm Extreme Realm? Then there is a base building realm behind, isn't there an extreme realm too?"

Lin Mo was a little surprised by these words.

"Of course there is, every realm has it. I guess that the path to practice Qi realm, I have only walked 10%, and there is still a long way to go. After walking, I can reach the extreme realm of Qi realm! I call it this. Mythical Qi Qi Realm!"

Xu Yu was talking.

He also threw a book to Lin Mo and Li Cheng.

"This book is my understanding of the mythological practice of Qi, you can read it if you are interested!"

Xu Yu then said something.

Lin Mo took the book and hurriedly opened it with Li Cheng.

When they opened the first page of the book, they felt something was wrong.

why this paper...

Oil stains?

And it smells like meat?

Lin Mo saw the first page.

I saw a creature that was somewhat similar to a sheep, but not a sheep, painted on it.

There is a paragraph next to it.

'North of the Shenxing Continent, at the foot of Mangwang Mountain, in the autumn water pool, strange beasts...'

This is a...

Text marking this creature?

Does this have anything to do with meditation?

Lin Mo and Li Cheng looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

At this time, Xu Yu also noticed the strange expressions of the two.

He couldn't help but look at the book in their hands.

When he saw the book clearly, his face froze, and he quickly snatched the book back with lightning speed.

"This is a recipe, you got it wrong, this is what you want to see."

Xu Yu threw another book to Lin Mo and Li Cheng.

Immediately put the 'cookbook' into his arms.


Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, but didn't care that much.

Pick up the book and start reading.

He watched with Li Cheng.

As soon as they saw it, they became addicted to it.

Xu Yu didn't care at all.

after eating.

Packing up, he left.

Mei said its name, go out to experience.

But Ao Ye could see that this guy was clearly afraid that Li Ergang would settle the bill.

But Ao Ye didn't want to stay and face Li Ergang, so he planned to leave with Xu Yu.

The departure of the two did not affect Li Cheng, who was addicted to reading.

A while after the two left.

Li Cheng suddenly woke up.

A voice sounded in his ear.

"What a juvenile supreme."

This voice sounded.

Let Li Cheng wake up instantly.

He glanced around and found that Xu Yu and Ao Ye had already left.

Lin Mo was also completely addicted to that book.

"who is it?"

Li Cheng asked in a deep voice.

"I, Artifact Spirit."

A slight vibration.

I saw a flag floated out from Li Cheng's arms, with a faint golden light shining in it.

The sound came from the banner.

" still have intelligence?"

Li Cheng was stunned for a moment and asked.

"What immortal artifact does not have spiritual wisdom?"

A faint voice came from the flag again.

The direction of the flag suddenly turned, and it seemed that the flag was looking at the direction Xu Yu was leaving.

"That juvenile supreme, if you have the opportunity to contact him more, it will help you in the future."

The flag sounded again.

"The artifact spirit of the banner... Wait, what do you mean by Juvenile Supreme?"

Li Cheng calmed down for a while before he could probably understand the meaning of the flag.

In other words, this flag is a treasure.

And it is a very high-level treasure.

Also, this treasure...

Why are you talking about juvenile supreme.

What it is?

"That young man was born in response to a calamity. His destiny is very special, and his future is bound to be extraordinary. There is a supreme situation. If you make good friends with him, it will be beneficial and harmless to you."

In the banner, a voice came to explain Li Cheng's confusion.


Li Cheng was still puzzled.

"Anyway, you'll be fine with him."

The Spirit of the Banner was obviously unwilling to say anything more.

After saying this.

The flag turned into a golden light again and penetrated between Li Cheng's eyebrows.

Li Cheng reached out and wanted to hold it, but it was empty.

"Don't think about it. Next, I will personally assist you in your cultivation and improve your cultivation path for you."

The flag sounded in his head.

Li Cheng's eyes widened.

He tried to control his whole body, trying to get the flag out.

But no matter how he looked, he found that he couldn't find the flag at all.

As if the flag wasn't on him at all.

That flag didn't have any tendency to care about him at all.

Let him find it casually, without opening his mouth.

In the end, Li Cheng was tired of searching, so he stopped searching.

He estimated that the flag would not harm him either.

He simply didn't look for it.

Li Cheng took a deep breath, looked at Lin Mo who was still reading, and hesitated for a while.

He still chose to continue reading with Lin Mo.

I have to say, this book really broke their worldview.

opened up a whole new way for them.

In this book, although only the practice of Qi realm is practical operation, and the rest are all assumptions, but it also has a huge effect on them...

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