Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 673: The Power of Xu Yu

On the Shenxing Continent, above the Taiyi Sword Sect, there is a Taoist rhyme soaring to the sky.

This Dao rhyme is extremely rich, and as time goes by, it is gradually becoming richer, and at the same time it is extremely diffuse, covering the entire Taiyi Sword Sect.

For many disciples of Taiyi Sword Sect, this is simply a great creation.

Under this rhyme, the epiphany is very simple.

The realm can be broken through quickly.

But the Dao rhyme that broke out in the Taiyi Sword Sect attracted a lot of attention.

Almost all the big and small forces in all continents have noticed this extremely strong Dao rhyme, and they thought that there was some treasure born, and they wanted to compete for it.

The Shenxing Continent is not bad, the big and small forces all know the existence of Taiyi Jianzong, where can they dare to come here.

But other continents do not know.

Almost all the forces from other continents were mobilized.

Seeing that the forces of various continents are about to enter the continent of God.

It is impossible for the major forces in the Shenxing Continent to allow the other forces to enter, and they stand up one after another to prevent the other party from entering, and explain the reason.

But where other continents are willing to believe.

Seeing that a chaotic battle is about to begin.

In the end, it was the ancestors of various continents who came forward to suppress this matter and let all the major forces return.

However, the ancestors of the various continents were not much better. They looked at the sky-high rhythm that filled the sky above the Taiyi Sword Sect. After some hesitation, they still went to the Taiyi Sword Sect.

In the face of these ancestor-level characters, many forces in the Shenxing Continent can't stop them, they can only watch these people enter the Shenxing Continent.

Just when these ancestors were about to enter the Taiyi Sword Sect, they were still stopped.

I saw several figures coming out of the void, blocking those ancestors.

Chief among them was Bai Ze.

Behind Bai Ze, there are four murderers.

The five people exuded a terrifying aura,

Forcibly stopped those who wanted to enter Taiyi Jianzong.

"Taiyi Sword Sect belongs to the disciples of Wudao Sect, and has the protection of Wudao Sect. Outsiders are not allowed to enter."

Bai Ze said coldly.

Behind him is a phantom figure of Bai Ze looming, with a terrifying aura that is overwhelming, pressing towards those ancestor-level figures.

It's just that those ancestor-level figures, such as Kabbalah and others, are not weak, how could they be overwhelmed so easily.

One by one, they released their breath and fought against Bai Ze.

Seeing this, the Four Fierce also released their momentum.

For a while, the void trembled, and a world-destroying oppressive force appeared here.

The whole world vaguely wanted to dim down.

However, the difference in combat power between the two sides was not large, and no one could suppress the other, and the stalemate became stalemate.

Seeing this scene, Kabbalah wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere and at the same time express that he and the others were not malicious.

But Kabbalah didn't wait for him to speak.

hold head high! !

A dragon roar suddenly exploded.

In an instant, I saw a huge blue dragon flying over.

On top of Canglong's head, a young figure stood.

The intrusion of the young man's figure directly broke the deadlock.

He carries an incomparably terrifying aura, no weaker than those of the ancestors, and there is a supreme meaning in his aura.

This supreme intention broke the deadlock and countered Kabbalah and other ancestor-level figures.

Kabbalah and other ancestor-level figures were all surprised by this young man's momentum, and they stepped back a certain distance.

"The Sect Master of Wudao Sect is here, who would dare to make trouble in front of my senior brother."

Above the blue dragon, the young figure 'Xu Yu' spoke incomparably domineering.

Between his expression and tone, he did not look like a young genius at all, but like the words of an overlord.

The addition of Xu Yu made the situation suddenly turn to one side.

Kabbalah and the others' faces changed again and again.

I didn't expect the situation to change like this.

At first, I didn't expect that Wu Dao Sect still hides such a master. After all this, they actually don't even know how strong Wu Dao Sect is. Wu Dao Sect has always been for them. A bunch of fans.

First, there was the mysterious and terrifying Wudao Sect Sect Master, who severely injured the Demon Emperor with one move.

Later, Bai Ze and others were linked to Wu Dao Sect, and now there is such a powerful young man.

Moreover, Wu Dao Zong put on the bright side, all disciples.

How terrifying this sect is, they have no way of knowing.

But there is also a good point. With such a terrifying existence, their new era cannot be easily liquidated by the old era.

"Several, we have no malicious intentions, we just sensed something was wrong here, so we just came over to take a look. Now that we know that this is the movement made by the Ye alliance leader, then we can rest assured, we will leave now. leave."

An ancestor-level figure said repeatedly.

Others have also spoken out.

Then leave quickly, where dare to stay for a while.

Soon, the field quickly became deserted.

Only Bai Ze and Si Xing, and Ao Ye, Xu Yu stood in the air.

At this moment, Bai Ze and the four murderers were staring at Xu Yu.

They all look complicated.

They live in Xiang Daozong all the year round, basically, it can be said that they grew up watching Xu Yu.

It is also watching Xu Yu grow from a gluttonous child to a gluttonous teenager.

Back then, they also brought Xu Yu to find some exotic beasts to satisfy Xu Yu.

Today's Xu Yu has become so powerful.

And still very young.

Only a young man has the ultimate combat power.

What if Xu Yu was given another hundred years to grow?

An era of repression?

"Five seniors, look at what I do."

Xu Yu looked at Bai Ze and the four murderers, touched his head, and asked.

"Your current strength is really amazing."

Yuzu said with emotion.

It was still a little bit before.

Now he has become such a person.

"Senior Tao has won the prize."

Xu Yu grinned and said.

"Okay, let's stop messing around here, spread out, and guard the Taiyi Sword Sect. Although I don't know what Ye Xiaoyou and the others are doing, it is absolutely not suitable to be disturbed at this moment. Protect the law first, if there is something, It's not too late to talk."

Bai Ze stood up and said so.


The four murderers and Xu Yu both nodded.

They all probably understood what was going on.

Especially the four fierce, it is obvious at a glance, this is the taste of Dao fruit.

The group of Wudao Sect disciples inside is afraid of making big moves.

Now is the time when it is most not allowed to be disturbed, and it is necessary for them to help their Dharma protectors.

Bai Ze and the four murderers, Xu Yu immediately acted in the next moment.

The six people dispersed and went to different positions, guarding the various positions of the Taiyi Sword Sect, preventing outsiders from entering the Taiyi Sword Sect and disturbing Ye Luo and others...

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