Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 682 The Emperor of the Human Race


In the ascension passage, the loud shouting sounded, making countless monks around could not help but feel dizzy, and almost fell down one by one.

Just a loud drink can make a bunch of monks in the fairyland and Mahayana like this.

It is enough to prove how terrible the owner of this voice is.

But this sound could not have any effect on Ye Luo.


Ye Luo swallowed the Qi of the Upper Realm while looking at the ascension passage from a distance.

"A mere mortal monk deserves to know the name of this seat? Die!"

The voice came out from the upper realm channel again.

The voice fell.

I saw that on the side of the ascension passage, a huge axe slammed, and there was a majestic killing intent in the axe.

This killing intent locked Ye Luo.

Obviously, this axe wants to kill Ye Luo completely.

"Fairy? Ridiculous."

Ye Luo was amused.

He immediately felt that on the other side of the ascension passage was an angel.

The angel just wanted to kill him? Are you dreaming?

He is about to break through to the fairyland of the earth, and he has the fruit of the Tao, the imprint of the Tao of heaven, and how is it possible to kill him.

Even if the real Jinxian came, it would not be so easy to kill him.

Face this axe.

Ye Luo shot out a sword energy with one hand, without raising his eyes.

boom! ! !

The sword qi collided with the axe.

In just an instant, the axe was completely destroyed by the sword energy.

Ye Luo doesn't look squarely at all,

Still going its own way, swallowing the Qi of the Upper Realm, trying to speed up the breakthrough.


The voice came, and it seemed to be very angry that Ye Luo had knocked out his attack.

This time Ye Luo didn't even answer.

Continue your own absorption.

Boom! ! !

The person on the side of the ascension passage seemed to be in a hurry too, and was agitated by Ye Luo's attitude, so he wanted to come across the passage directly.

The opponent's leap caused the ascension channel to tremble constantly, and there were faint signs of being broken.

"Get back!"

Ye Luo glanced at it, and another sword qi slashed out from his backhand.

The sword qi turned into an immortal golden light, rushed into the ascension passage, and directly chopped back the figure that was about to enter the ascension passage.

At the same time, streaks of golden blood flowed in the ascension passage.

Obviously, that figure was slashed by Ye Luo's sword.

"Damn mortal monk! I remember you!!! For this cause and effect, my Yuxu Palace has forged a relationship with this mortal world!!"

An angry growl came out.

Ye Luo didn't pay attention at all, still swallowing the spirit of the upper realm.

He is only the last line away from the fairyland.

It will soon be able to break through and advance to the fairyland.

However, when Ye Luo broke through to the last line, he was suddenly stunned.


Is he in the timeline, the ancient times?

Will what he does here affect future generations?

He is here with the cultivator of the upper realm, and it seems to affect the entire mortal world?

Will the ascension channel be closed in future generations, and it has something to do with his current actions?

Think of this.

Ye Luo's entire face turned black.

Could it really be because of him?

"Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

Ye Luo immediately wanted to stop the person on the other side of the ascension passage, preferably to reach a reconciliation with the other party.

But his voice entered the ascension channel.

And there was no echo.

The man was obviously gone.

Ye Luo's mood instantly became complicated.

Could it be that the reason why the ascension passage of later generations was closed was because of his change in the timeline?



Ye Luo was in no mood to continue breaking through in an instant.

He folded his hands together, and a strong aura of the upper realm was absorbed, which complemented his poor earth fairyland.

Ye Luo successfully advanced to the fairyland.

boom! ! !

Ye Luo, who was promoted to Wonderland, was extremely powerful.

Every now and then, there is a faint aura of one sword destroying the world.

The breakthrough in the realm is also of great help to Ye Luo.

This makes Ye Luo's combat effectiveness not to say too much leap, but at least it has improved a lot.


Ye Luo looked at the ascension passage in front of him, he hesitated for a long time.

I want to fly in and find that person.

But I don't know what's inside.

In the end, he could only look at Bai Ze and the others, and wanted to discuss with them.

Before Ye Luo opened her mouth.

A voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Fellow Daoists don't have to worry too much."

In Ye Luo's eyes, two golden figures flew over from a distance.

The person at the head is a man with a sword hanging from his waist, wearing a dragon robe, and wrapping his body with the aura of a majestic emperor.

The latter is also a man, full of murderous aura, obviously his subordinates.

"It's a very heavy emperor."

Ye Luo looked at the man in the lead, his pupils condensed slightly.

He has already broken through to the fairyland, and he is also a true immortal with a golden immortal fruit.

However, the emperor's aura of this mortal world is still so strong that he has to pay attention.

It can be seen how strong the emperor's aura is in this person.

"Fellow Daoist, I am Zhuanxu, the great emperor of the human race. Now I am the one who leads the entire human race. I saw the actions of fellow daoists and I came here to tell you. You don't have to go up to explain something because you are worried that the person just now will have an impact on this world. Yes, the enmity between this world and the Yuxu Palace is not a matter of a generation, and it cannot be solved so easily."

The emperor's man 'Zuanxu' gave a very ancient salute and said.

"What's the meaning?"

Ye Luo frowned, a little puzzled.

"Forget it, I also invite fellow Daoists to show their faces and gather with me not far away. I will definitely explain to fellow Daoists at that time."

Zhuanxu said so.

Hear this.

Ye Luo frowned slightly, he thought for a while, but nodded and agreed, he told Bai Ze and others through voice transmission.

Then he took Bai Ze and the others and left with Zhuanxu.

With their departure, all of a sudden there were only those monks watching the fun.

However, the cultivators who were watching the excitement were looking at Ye Luo with respect.

They once watched Ye Luo with their own eyes, and one person blocked the ascension passage, which abruptly defeated the immortal on the other side of the ascension passage!

It even made the immortals bleed! ! !

Such peerless characters actually came from their world.

How can they not be proud.

Especially in that one of them, looking at Ye Luo's back, he murmured in a low voice.

"If I have the opportunity to start a sect in the future, I will definitely use the name of Emperor Qian!"

This man is talking.

Others were also listening, but others felt a deep disdain for what he said.

"You wake up, since we named him Emperor Gan, then you dare to use the name of Emperor Gan to establish a sect. Didn't you form a cause and effect with Emperor Gan? Be careful that your sect is not guaranteed in the future."

Someone said with a smile.

That person is still very attached to his own thoughts...

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