In a golden mysterious space.

Countless fluorescent lights poured into the golden space.

These fluorescent lights continued to converge in one direction, and after a while of flying, they all escaped into a huge cocoon of light.

On the huge light cocoon, countless golden runes flickered from it, and the mighty heavenly power permeated it, and a very terrifying momentum was hovering.

I don't know how long it took.

The huge light cocoon suddenly flashed, and the breath that originally permeated the surface of the light cocoon began to fluctuate violently, as if something was about to emerge from it.


The cracks on the light cocoon shattered and opened.

The next moment, a bang.

The light cocoon was torn apart, and bursts of dazzling light illuminated the entire space.

When the light disappeared, the light cocoon on the field had already disappeared, leaving only a figure sitting there quietly cross-legged.

The figure was covered in golden color, surrounded by golden ribbons formed by golden rays of light, but when he sat there, there was a supreme heavenly power permeating it, as if he was the sky, and the sky was him.

If there are any Daoist disciples here, they will be able to recognize them easily.

This person is Chu Yuan! !

At this moment.

Chu Yuan closed her eyes tightly, as if she was comprehending something.

It took quite a while.

He opened his eyes slowly.

The moment he opened his eyes, two golden lights burst out from his eyes, a terrifying pressure descended, and the entire golden space trembled, as if it might be broken at any time.

"Successful fusion? Is this the way of heaven?"

Chu Yuan slowly stretched out her hand and looked at her palm.

He could clearly feel his own state.

in a moment,

The feeling of being able to control the whole world.

At the same time, he integrated the way of heaven and understood everything.

He is now in the body of heaven, but it is not completely the way of heaven, because his original body has half of the divine light outside the sky.

It is equivalent to that he has the personality of heaven, but it is not completely heaven.

This state is excellent.

Because Tiandao personality will not limit his upper limit, but it can bring him infinite benefits.

"The old and the new eras battle..."

"Luo'er they crossed the timeline in order to break through?"

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, when the other half of the divine light was formed, is it always ready to declare war on the new era?"

"These things are really a bit too much."

Chu Yuan frowned slightly.

He is the honor of heaven and earth, and naturally he knows everything about this world in a single thought.

The battle between the old and the new era involves many, many, and the most crucial one is the battle between the old and the new.

The old way of heaven wants to replace the new way of heaven.

The new way of heaven also wants to destroy the old way of heaven.

Xintiandao is naturally his Chu Yuan.

The representative of the old way of heaven is the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty that merged with the other half of the outer divine light.


Chu Yuan was a little helpless.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was the previous system, which had always been attached to him, and was considered another him.

Born out of him.

It is transformed by the other half of divine light.

Or the representative of the old heaven.

This kind of existence, he can't beat it at all, or in other words, it's not that he can't beat it, but it is very difficult to win.

It's like fighting another self.

It is easy to beat others, but the hardest to beat yourself.

"Forget it, I can't solve it now. Heavenly Dao is integrated with me, but it is not fully integrated. It will take some time to do it. It can be ignored for the time being, and it will be fine to solve these things when it is fully integrated."

Chu Yuan murmured in a low voice.

His voice echoed in the golden space.

Compared with the previous frivolity, the current Chu Yuan has added a majesty, and her words and deeds are full of maturity.

After saying this, Chu Yuan wanted to cross her knees and continue to integrate with the Tao of Heaven.

It takes a lot of time for him to merge.

I am afraid that in the process of fusion, what happened, he has no way of knowing.

Chu Yuan hesitated for a moment, and he tapped lightly in the void with one hand.

His fingers touched the void.

Ripples spread out and spread out in all directions.

In a moment, he made some backhands.

He gave some of his fifteen disciples some privileges, and under special circumstances, they could use the power of heaven to bless them.

After doing this.

Chu Yuan was about to close her eyes and start her fusion journey.

But before he closed his eyes, he suddenly noticed something.

Chu Yuan's eyes fell to one side.

In his line of sight, he saw the Divine Travel Continent that merged various continents, and also saw many creatures, and finally his eyes were fixed on Xu Yu.

"Born in response to calamity? Born to be supreme? How can this Heavenly Dao, who was unaware before, make trouble? Really gathered all the arrogances around me?"

Chu Yuan's mouth twitched slightly.

He could see that Xu Yu had a calamity in his life, and his powerful aptitude was born because of this calamity.

This catastrophe should not be in this world.

Instead, it should be elsewhere.

He just didn't expect that such characters would gather around him.

Chu Yuan shook his head helplessly.

He reached out and tapped again.

He also gave Xu Yu a privilege.

After doing this, Chu Yuan closed her eyes and began to continue her fusion.


at the same time.

ancient times.

in the pavilion.

The conversation between Ye Luo and others and Zhuanxu continued.

"So, I'm not to blame, then, Daoist Zhuanxu, why are you telling us so much?"

Ye Luo looked at Zhuanxu and asked lightly.

He didn't believe that Zhuanxu was talking about the past.

There is no picture, which is strange.

"Friend Daoist is smart, I want fellow Daoist to be able to implement a plan with me and the entire human race. I would like to call this plan 'Jedi Tiantong'!"

Zhuanxu's eyes shone brightly, and he talked eloquently.

He expressed his meaning.

He wants to pull Ye and let them join.

If Ye Luo and the others are blessed with top combat power, then the success rate of his plan can also be greatly improved.

"Jedi Tiantong?"

Ye Luo heard the words, his face became very strange.

It seems that the passage of ascension in later generations is closed, and it has something to do with this "Jedi Tiantong", then what kind of "Tongtian plan" he proposed in future generations.

It's like punching yourself in the face.

Ye Luo was embarrassed.

Very embarrassing.

So embarrassed that I wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

"Yes, Daoist friend, this project is called 'Jedi Tiantong'. Most of my friends and Daoist friends are from the human race. This matter concerns the entire human race. I also ask you to help me. !"

Zhuanxu bowed and bowed.

"This... that fellow Daoist, can you tell us your specific plan?"

Ye Luo raised her eyebrows slightly and asked.

"That's natural. You should have explained the situation to fellow daoists, and then let fellow daoists decide whether to help."

Zhuanxu took a deep breath and began to prepare to tell Ye Luo and others about his plan.

Before he spoke, he arranged a shielding formation in great detail to prevent others from hearing...

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