In the ascension channel.

Ye Luo looked at the master beside him, with a strong look of worship in his eyes.

He had just faced the aura of death, and was immediately blocked, and his speed was reduced a lot.

But in front of the master, those auras of death were like encountering a natural enemy.

Shined by the golden light on the master's body, the aura of death quickly subsided, and they did not dare to touch them at all.

"Luo'er, come with the teacher and take you to the upper realm for the teacher."

The incarnation of Tiandao, Chu Yuan, turned his head and glanced at Ye Luo, and waved his hand.

A burst of warm golden light enveloped Ye Luo.

Chu Yuan determined that the golden light had wrapped Ye Luo, and immediately flew towards the depths of the ascension passage.

He, who carries the power of heaven and earth, cannot be stopped by these death qi.

He dashed across.

The breath of death was knocked out.

In almost a moment, Chu Yuan came to the end of the ascension passage.

At the end of the ascension passage, there is a circle of white light, which cannot be seen from the outside.

Through the white light, you can enter the upper realm.

"Luo'er, entering from here is the upper realm, you can enter."

Chu Yuan stood in front of the white light, surrounded by golden light, dispelling the aura of death, and he spoke to Ye Luo calmly.

"Master, did that disciple go?"

Ye Luo stood behind his master, bowed his hands in salute, and then asked.


Chu Yuan waved his hand.

He just finished speaking.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he quickly stopped Ye Luo.

"and many more."

Chu Yuan reached out and waved a golden light, blocking Ye Luo.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Ye Luo looked at his master and asked suspiciously.

Chu Yuan did not answer Ye Luo.

His eyes looked up and down Ye Luo.

Then he stretched out his finger and put it a little between Ye Luo's eyebrows.


A mark of Heavenly Dao began to flicker between Ye Luo's eyebrows. After a while, the mark of Heavenly Dao shattered and turned into countless fluorescent lights, covering Ye Luo's whole body, forming a golden shield.

"Beyond this passage, there is a land of death. If you ascend, you will be enveloped by the aura of death. This is part of the strength that the master has left for you, which can support you until you get out of the land of death."

Chu Yuan explained it softly.

"Master, Master..."

Ye Luo stared blankly at his master.

"Go, why are you still standing here? Let's go first for the teacher."

Chu Yuan also seemed to have thought of what Ye Luo was going to do next, waved his hand, and his figure turned into a golden light and left the ascension passage.

Ye Luo was the only one left standing there.

With the golden light shield, he is no longer afraid of the breath of death.

The breath of death could not touch him at all,

He stared blankly at the direction where Chu Yuan left, looked at it for a long time, and then bowed and bowed.

After doing this last prayer.

Ye Luo just turned around and faced the white light in front of him. Without hesitation, he rushed into the white light.


at the same time.

Tianwu Mountain, there is no Taoism.

The mortal Chu Yuan withdrew most of his consciousness, opened his eyes and looked at the sky.

At this moment, which ascension channel above the sky is disappearing.

The aura of death in the ascension passage was blocked by the power of heaven, and could not flow out at all.

There is absolutely no need to worry about the death gas harming this side of the world.

"I just don't know that Luo'er is in the upper realm, how should it develop? I can't notice it."

To be honest, Chu Yuan was a little worried.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

For this eldest disciple, his feelings are the deepest.

But not in this world, he really can't stare at it all the time.

"By the way, this divine light was made into a system before, is there any function that I can use now?"

Chu Yuan suddenly became curious.

He really didn't know much about this half-divine light, and only knew that there was a system to detect it.


He didn't even try.

With curiosity, Chu Yuan began to grope.

After groping for a while.

I finally figured it out.

This half divine light does indeed have many functions.

That includes testing.

There are several more functions.

Like a map?

Treasure identification?

And the status of this character?


What is the status of this character?

Chu Yuan raised an eyebrow.

After a closer look, he probably understood.

The current status of this character is that he can bind others, and then he can view all the big and small things that happened to others after the binding.

"This feature is interesting."

Chu Yuan was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this semi-divine light was also created by the old heaven to create such a function.

Divine Light is extremely mysterious and has all possibilities.

No matter what has been created, it is not surprising.

I just didn't expect this feature to exist.

In the current situation of this character, only the breath of the bound person can complete the binding.

Chu Yuan is also unambiguous. He wants the role of this character's status quo, and he wants to use it to check Ye Luo's situation.

He contacted Tiandao Tua a little and searched for some Ye Luo's breath directly from heaven and earth.

Then send these breaths to him.

After completing the binding with breath.

In front of him, a screen suddenly rose.

[Character status: Ye Luo]

[Identity: Big Disciple]

【Your eldest disciple Ye Luo has soared】

[Your eldest disciple, Ye Luo, entered the forbidden area of ​​death in the immortal world, and Xin received the power of heaven to protect him from suffering]


Only two paragraphs.

It is estimated that it is only a temporary matter after Ye Luo's ascension and ascension.

But only two paragraphs can reassure Chu Yuan.

These two paragraphs told Chu Yuan that nothing happened to Ye Luo.

This protection from the power of heaven should be the handwriting of the heavenly big man just now.

"It's okay, it's okay, then I should adjust myself well, this trumpet can be put aside."

"Heavenly Dao has to manage this side of the world well, and the other half of Shenguang's side has to retreat and practice well, and at the same time guard the Wudao Sect."

Chu Yuan murmured in a low voice.

He already had a detailed plan in mind.

Although he needs to send this trumpet to the upper realm to teach the abolished disciple, but it is not now.

The most important thing for him right now is to manage this world.

The stronger this world is, the stronger his Heavenly Dao is.

At that time, if there is any trouble in the upper realm, it can be easily solved.

There is nothing that a large size can't solve.

If there is, then two large ones!

Chu Yuan is very confident about this.

The fusion of the Tiandao tuba and the divine light tuba is not something that ordinary monks can resist.

Even in the upper realm, there is absolutely no way that many people can stop it.

Having a large size is arrogant!

Chu Yuan's thoughts moved, and he controlled his trumpet to go to the Sect Master's hall, and most of the divine consciousness drove to the Tiandao trumpet...

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