Nomenclature of Night

Chapter 120: Third class

Countdown 66:00:00.

Early morning.

Li Shutong said hello to Qin Cheng early, and then took Qing Chen on the mountain road alone.

Qing Chen was carrying a mountaineering bag, as if preparing for a long journey, about life.

They didn't want to leave the team and go on alone, but Li Shutong wanted to teach Qing Chen the second lesson.

No, it's the third class to be precise.

The first lesson is the fear of life.

The second lesson is how to face the world.

It's just that Qing Chen completed his self-study at Laojun Mountain in the first class, so Li Shutong didn't feel much involved.

It's a pity.

The two climbed over a mountain and walked more than ten miles of mountain roads, but Li Shutong never found the place he wanted.

"Teacher, I always feel that you are in a hurry this time," Qing Chen said calmly while walking along the mountain road: "Since you found out that I came back from the world alive, and then accidentally reached the bottleneck of breaking the genetic lock, you started planning something. "

All this seems to be a temporary motive, but Li Shutong is not aimless.

Uncle Li smiled steadily and said: "The teacher also has his own affairs. Eight years ago, Qin Cheng's younger brother and many others fought side by side with me, but we failed, so we were trapped in that prison. Actually, I can. Give it a try, but no one knows what the consequences will be."

Qing Chen didn't know what happened eight years ago, so he asked: "Now, does the teacher have no worries for the future."

"At that time, I was scared. The knight suddenly cut off in my generation," Li Shutong said: "So I have been waiting, and finally I have waited for you. Now I am sure that you are the descendant I am waiting for, then I can let go of my hands and feet. Face that world. Don’t ask me what to do, your life has just begun, and all I have to do is to accompany you for another journey."

"Teacher, what is the life and death barrier?" Qing Chen asked.

"Life and Death Pass is mysterious, but it's actually quite ordinary," Li Shutong said as he walked to meet Zhaoxia: "It's just a bet once and give your life to the world. Climbing a mountain, watching a snow, in the distance Shout out to the nearest place in the sky."

"Teacher," Qing Chen asked along the rugged mountain road, "Why did you take this road in the first place."

In the end, the two stopped in front of a cliff tens of meters high. Li Shutong looked back at Qing Chen: "Because life is boring? Or love the world? I used to be firm, but now I can't tell. "

At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, and Li Shutong frowned and pulled down a leaf next to him and bounced toward the border-011 drone that just appeared.

I saw that leaf penetrated the drone like thunder.

The drone fell obliquely into the valley.

Watching the drone gradually disappear from vision, Qing Chen suddenly asked, "Teacher, this place is too close to the Qincheng camp. It may make the Qiu Shou team suspect that it was the drone they destroyed."

Li Shutong thought for a while: "It's okay, I will protect them well."

However, Qing Chen shook his head: "Teacher, you can't protect them all the time. You must know where Zhang Tongdan and their base camp is."

"From here, more than 30 kilometers to the north," Li Shutong said.

Qing Chen thought for a while, and carved a few small words on the cliff with a dagger: "Waiting for you in the north, come and kill me if you have the seeds."

Li Shutong looked at his student speechlessly: "My Li Shutong accepted such a shameful student."

Qing Chen responded: "Teacher, you are not bad."

"Okay, finish the business before these dudes come over," Li Shutong said to Qing Chen: "You have a good memory, so I only need to teach you once. You will need to climb all the next mountains by yourself. At that time, the mountain you face will be higher and more dangerous than this."

After speaking, Li Shutong turned and walked towards the cliff.

At this moment, Qing Chen felt that the teacher in front of him was shining brightly in the morning glow.


In Zhizihu camp.

The first officer who was sitting in the co-pilot's position controlling the drone suddenly snorted, and he noticed that the connected neurons were suddenly interrupted.

"A drone was destroyed," he said softly.

"Do you see what it looks like?" asked the middle-aged man sitting on the roof of the car.

"No, the other party shot too quickly," the chief officer explained: "The other party may have fired directly after the drone appeared with a firearm guarding the drone. The marksmanship is very accurate. I can't identify the identity, but it should be directed at us. "

"Well, I'm going to tell those young masters and ladies that they are ready to hunt," the middle-aged man stretched his body and jumped off the roof of the car.

The young first officer hesitated: "The opponent should be able to recognize the Border-011 UAV. With the emergence of a combat UAV of this specification, the opponent should be able to determine that we are the Autumn Hunter team, or even the Federal Second Army. The field company. If this is the case, they may come well prepared."

"It doesn't matter," the middle-aged man thought for a while and said: "This time Li Yinuo followed, it's not the same as before."


More than forty kilometers to the north, there is a huge camp with billowing smoke.

Hundreds of people gathered in front of more than a dozen bonfires. Some were sharpening warheads with files, some were carving crosses on warheads with daggers, and others were wiping guns.

A group of people waited quietly.

It wasn't until 7 o'clock in the morning that an off-road vehicle came over from the mountain.

A sturdy man jumped out of the car and shouted: "Boss, Zhang Tongdan, they didn't return to the meeting point as agreed, and the walkie-talkie hasn't been able to contact them until now."

A black-faced man in the crowd sat without speaking for a long time, and everyone looked at him.

The black-faced man thought for a long time, then put down the leg of lamb in his hand and asked, "Have you ever found it by Zhizi Lake?"

"There are more than a dozen Boundary-011 drones on the Zhizi Lake blockade. I don’t dare to approach it, Boss. However, gunshots did come from there, but I’m not sure if there was a battle. ," said the light and strong man: "The lunatics in the autumn hunter like to shoot and play when they drink too much. I haven't seen what happened in the past with my own eyes."

The black-faced man sat beside the bonfire and meditated: "It stands to reason that Zhang Tongdan is bullying and afraid of hardship, so he should not dare to provoke the Qiushou team."

"Could that be Qin Cheng's old man?" one person asked.

"Impossible," the black-faced man shook his head: "Old Qin has always been abiding by the rules, and business has been in peace for so many years, and there is nothing to do with Zhang Tongdan being poor and white."

"Zhang Tongdan was offered a reward of 10,000 yuan in the 18th city," someone said.

"Ten thousand yuan is to uphold him," the black-faced man sneered: "Old Qin earns more than this amount a year, he will not do stupid things. Moreover, the fighting power of Lao Qin's family is ordinary, just Lao Qin used the most basic genetic medicine alone. It is impossible to kill Zhang Tongdan silently. At least a few escaped to report the letter."

"Yes, although the old Qin family is also an old hunter, Zhang Tongdan took 18 people this time, and it is impossible for the entire army to be wiped out," someone said.

The brawny man who had just returned said, "When I was staring at Zhizihu in the afternoon, Zhang Tongdan had already returned to the intercom distance and told me that he had received the leather money. I think, Lao Qin. Now that the transaction is complete, there will be no more killers."

"Then why didn't they meet you directly?" the black-faced man asked.

"I also asked, but after asking him on the intercom, no one answered," the brawny man replied.

The black-faced man sighed: "80% of them were intercepted by the Qiu Shou team. Only this Qiu Shou team can destroy them in this piece."

"Boss, what should we do? We have to avenge Zhang Tongdan!"

"Vengeance? Do you know that there are masters in the Qiu Shou fleet, and the equipment is much better than ours!" The black-faced man looked around.

"But we have a lot of people and are familiar with the terrain. If they go further south, they will be Yaziling. After Yaziling, will they not be our world?" someone said.

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