Nomenclature of Night

Chapter 865: Everyone will die!

  Chapter 865 Everyone will die!

  The giant prophet sat cross-legged at the gate of the palace. His smooth head made him look like a Buddha statue, and his demeanor was silent and transcendent.

  Anyone used to seeing rough giants in only their shorts would be amazed to see this prophet.

  The prophet is also listening to the story told by the black spider.

  In fact, like other giants, he grew up listening to the mythical prophecy since he was a child.

  When he was a child, he imagined and dreamed time and time again, what the friend in the prophecy would look like, and how powerful the other party would be to lead the giant to change the world.

   That is something that three generations of prophets were unable to accomplish.

  But when he heard Qing Chen's story, the giant prophet suddenly had more expectations... It turned out that the friend in the prophecy was really powerful, just like what his grandfather expected before he died.

  Will that friend lead the giants out of the Forbidden Forest just like the other party led more than 900 intelligence personnel out of the A02 base?

   It was at this moment that the young prophet felt something.

   It seems that the story of the black spider touched him, so that his vision of the future became clearer.

  He closed his eyes, and in his mind, he saw that thin but explosive young man flying into the sky, illuminating the entire sky, bright and dazzling.

  Explode, tear.

   That is enough to shake the world.

  The young prophet opened his eyes in surprise.

   Not to mention what the picture he suddenly saw meant, he was surprised that just listening to a story actually brought his ability to a higher level.

  The first generation of prophets divided the ability to foresee the future into three levels.

  The first level is insight.

  The second level is true knowledge.

  The third level is destiny.

   Just now, the ability of this giant prophet suddenly stepped from insight to true knowledge.


   This feeling is amazing.

  He even felt that if the Duke of Storms was still here, he might be able to see a clearer picture.

  The prophet looked at the black spider again, and in an instant, a picture formed in his mind.

  But I saw the friend in the prophecy holding a vegetable basket in his hand, followed by a black spider and a robot girl, calmly buying bread...

  The black spider has a gentle expression, which is completely different from the current fierce one.

  However, the friend in the great prophecy seems to be a little bit wrong, as if he has forgotten the disputes and right and wrong... Could it be that the war has completely ended by then?

  By the time the Prophet opened his eyes again, the black spider had already ended today's story.

  But she kept it a secret, she only talked about everything related to Qing Chen.

  Black Spider has made a plan. Once these giants want to screw her head again, she will talk about the full version again, and delay it for a few months!

  She said to the giant: "Let's stop here today. As for how he escaped from the A02 base, or how powerful his cloud is, we will talk about it later."

  The giants wanted to wow subconsciously, but when they heard that the tribe translated her words and said that she didn't want to talk about it, everyone was impatient.

  A giant shouted: "Humph!"

   (Tell me again, you tell another story, I will pick the most powerful fruit for you to eat!)

  Black Spider didn't immediately understand the meaning of the humming word. Hearing this sound alone, he felt that the giant was quite arrogant.

   To be honest, Black Spider never thought that the research he did to kill Joker would save his life today.

  Maybe this is the impermanence of life...

  However, while telling the story, Black Spider also felt a little strange.

  When she recounted what Qing Chen had done, even she herself felt that this Joker was indeed very powerful.

   And the most important thing is that as long as you become that Joker, when you encounter a life-or-death crisis, the other person will really risk his life to save you.

  This is something Black Spider has never encountered before. When working under the Duke of Storms, he must be ready to be abandoned and discarded at any time.

  Thinking of this, Black Spider almost laughed out loud when he remembered that he had seen Joker's naked body...

   The process by which the black spider discovered Qing Chen was quite ingenious.

   This is thanks to Dayu.

  Before Dayu controlled 'Qing Chen' to pee in front of the surveillance. Other adjudicators felt disgusted and humiliated when they looked at the screen, but she seemed familiar!

Of course, it is impossible for Dayu to draw a certain part of Qingchen, but the magic of Chen's painter is that when he draws the image of the other party with his heart, the painting will merge with the will of the world, and when he summons the person in the painting, the will of the world will Will fill in the details on its own.

  So as long as Dayu completes the painting, Qing Chen who walks out of the painting will be exactly the same as Qing Chen himself.

  Although Black Spider has gradually become distorted and perverted due to her life experience, she does not remember a certain part of Qing Chen specifically.

  After she felt familiar, she still went to find the interrogation video at that time, and after comparing Qing Chen's naked body, she finally confirmed that Joker was the butler in the Kennedy estate.

  However, after she knew the truth, no one told it.

  Even she couldn't tell why she did this.

  However, now is not the time to think about these things, Black Spider looked around, she wanted to find a chance to escape.

  The giants are friendly now because they thought she had something to do with Joker.

  But she knew that she had taken the lead in arresting Joker earlier.

   In case Joker replies and asks the giants to kill her, these giants will never hesitate.

  Black Spider can't pin her hopes on Joker's kindness, and she has no friendship with Joker now.

  So, she had to find a way to leave.

  Or...prove your loyalty and worth to the Joker.

Thinking of this, the black spider found the Prophet: "There is one thing, please tell that Joker. The kingdom organizations in the watch world have always been under the jurisdiction of the Duke of Storms, but recently the Duke of Storms hid them. I thought The Duke of Storms wants to punish them, but it doesn’t, it seems to have another very important purpose. Joker and the kingdom organization are mortal enemies, please be careful.”

  The Prophet sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at Black Spider with a smile: "Are you saying this because you want to live?"

  Black Spider nodded.

  The Prophet asked again, "Is there anything else you need to tell that friend?"

  Black Spider shook his head.

  She wants to keep a hand, lest the use value be drained, and then be discarded... Although there are various signs that Joker is not that kind of person, Black Spider has experienced too many such things.

  The Prophet smiled and said, "But you have to understand that although that friend has kind thoughts in his heart, he has never shown mercy to the enemy. How can he judge that you are not an undercover agent of the Roosevelt Kingdom?"

  The black spider's complexion was tangled. At this moment, she wiped off the purple lipstick, and she no longer looked so harsh and mean. Standing in front of the giant, she looked a little thin and weak.

  Especially that cheek similar to that of Jennifer Connelly, it is easy for people to forget that she was once the executioner of the Judgment Organization.

  The black spider thought for a while and said, "I can hand over the legacy of the adjudicator that I know."

  The Storm Duke thought she would die, but he didn't expect the giant to keep her, and he didn't expect that she dared to hand over the inheritance to outsiders.

   But only in this way, the black spider will never die with the Duke of Storms, this is her vote.

  The prophet responded with a smile: "I understand, you go to rest, and one day you will understand that you did not make a wrong choice."

  The black spider wondered: "What did you see in my fate?"

   "New glory and life."

  The black spider left.

  The Prophet was still sitting cross-legged in front of the palace gate, bathed in the evening sun.

  The King of Giants slowly walked to the Prophet: "Phantom."

   (What about that black spider?)

  Prophet: "Ji."

(She used to be the most powerful person around the Duke of Storms and one of the core figures in the Roosevelt Kingdom. She knows many secrets. If she is willing to join us, she will provide us with many secrets. Let her stay and see if she can provide What, but also send someone to look after her, everything is waiting for that friend to decide her life or death.)

   King of Giants: "Phantom."

(According to the plan with the Duke of Storms, we will set off for the war zone in one day. During this day, I will prepare and set off. The bison, brown bears, and wolves in the Ghosh Forest have been driven over and can be used to Charge. The bats in the Crimson Abyss have been driven over and can fight the drones. The vultures on the Giant's Cliff have also flown, and they can fight against the airships... Only the air fortress is not easy to solve, and the Duke of Storms is needed to deal with.)

  There are too many rare and exotic species in the vast forbidden forest, like the Qingshan falcon, the red bird in No. 002 forbidden forest, and the ten-meter giant bear tamed by Gudong.

  These evolved behemoths are the strength for the giants to fight against the Roosevelt Kingdom.

  The Prophet smiled and said, "Ji."

   (The king can decide by himself. But before that, we have to use the fastest falcon to tell that friend all this. From now on, the fate of the giant family has been linked with him.)

   More than ten minutes later, a falcon flew out of the royal court, crossed the vast black leaf plain, and flew into the distance.



  Return countdown 112:00:00.

  Qing Chen sat in the ruins of the No. 6 outpost, eating roast pork.

  The Marquis of Bolton turned around and became the commander of the outpost again, but this time, he wanted to bring the remnants of the third division to rebuild here...

  Bolton sat by the campfire, looking blankly at the surrounding ruins: "Why did you send me here!"

Qing Chen explained: "Rebuilding a major military town is a very important task. Because it is very important, a Marquis who is very good at managing outposts will be sent here... Your Majesty Marquis, we have done too much before, His Majesty the King may think that only You are qualified for this position. Behind the No. 6 Outpost is Blackwater City, and the side is echoed with No. 5 Outpost. If the giants are unimpeded here, then Blackwater City and No. 5 Base will be very dangerous."

   "Ah, here," Bolton whispered, "If I knew it earlier, I might as well be a salted fish at the No. 9 outpost."

  Qing Chen was speechless for a while, this was probably the most unmotivated marquis he had ever seen, if it wasn't for the encouragement of the fifth princess, this dude might have to lie in bed for the rest of his life.

   "Master Marquis, you don't have to worry so much, I'll just direct them to rebuild here," Qing Chen said: "I have already sent the list of what we need to the logistics department, and the supplies will arrive here later."

  Bolton complained: "Although I don't know much about military affairs, it's a bit too outrageous for you to ask the logistics department to give you a sky fortress..."

Qing Chen comforted him patiently: "Excessive asking price, sit on the ground and pay back the money. They don't give air fortresses, they can give a dozen A-class airships. If they don't give them, if this place is breached again, we will Go impeach the Minister of Logistics."

   At this time, a huge falcon flew across the sky.

   Qing Chen glanced at it and said he needed to go to the toilet, then turned and ran into the Forbidden Forest.

A small bamboo tube was precisely thrown on top of his head by the falcon. Qing Chen took a look and was shocked: The Duke of Storm and the Giants teamed up and planned to pass through the No. 6 outpost, go around the back of the No. 5 outpost, and destroy the The main forces of Phoenix City and Heishui City there!

  Qing Chen was stunned for a while, didn't this mean to step over them?

   I didn't expect the Duke of Storms to be a member of the Giant Dynasty, so didn't I cheat my own people before?

  His mind turned quickly, since the Giant Dynasty made such a decision, of course he had to cooperate.

   However, the kingdom organization and the King were mentioned at the end of the note, and Qing Chen was thinking seriously... What is the purpose of the Duke of Storms to hide this organization so tightly?

   Or in other words, what can King do for the Duke of Storms?

  Qing Chen simply sat down where he was, a transparent blackboard seemed to be erected in front of him, and all the clues and information passed through the blackboard one by one.

  Sieve out the useless ones and keep the useful ones.

   Soon, the non-existent blackboard in front of him was filled with dense information, and then, as if happily dissipating, new and more important information was formed after each piece collided, and finally only a few words remained.

  He has no ability to predict the future.

  There is no paper box with him.

  He has no giant blood.

  What Qingchen can do is to put together the known information to judge what will happen in the future.

  The future is originally the "future" deduced from the interaction and mutual influence of all things that happened in the "past".

  A grain of sand today may also affect the history of the future.

There is a proverb in the world of watches in England: Lost a nail, lost a horseshoe; lost a horseshoe, broke a horse's leg; broke a horse's leg, and fell a king to death; fell a king to death, Lost a war.

   And the outcome of this war was written when the blacksmith failed to put the iron nail on the horseshoe.

  For many people, the future is an unknown, but for Qing Chen, it is actually an inference with evidence.

  If you let the fortune teller and the giant seer know what he is doing now, you will be amazed. It turns out that someone can use information and calculation to approach their unique field!

  The next moment, Qing Chen suddenly raised his head, and all the clues pointed to a very shocking result, unbelievable...everyone will die!

  He got up and ran to the No. 6 outpost, picked up the virtual glasses and put them on. He needs to enter the superconducting world to arrange new plans for the day, the shadow, and the parent meeting.

  Qing Chen felt that he could no longer solve this matter by himself.

Half an hour later, in the housekeeper's apartment in Storm City, Li Tongyun opened the window for Qingji, and carefully told him: "Uncle Qingji, my brother said that there is only one way out of the city from here to avoid surveillance, and finally you have to go out of the city." I have wronged you for getting into a sewer. However, brother Qingchen said that this matter is very important, so you must go there yourself, and no one else is useless."

   Qingji smiled: "I have suffered more than you can imagine, so don't worry about me."

   After speaking, he got out of the building through the window, and climbed downstairs with both hands and feet.


   One more chapter until 12pm

  (end of this chapter)

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