Nomenclature of Night

Chapter 896: Demigod Akiba Knife

  Chapter 896 Demigod Akiba Knife

  The Silver City Group Army was still entering the woods one after another, but the soldiers following up from behind suddenly discovered...the troops in front seemed to be in chaos.

   The chaos in the army formation will be contagious. In just ten minutes, the panic, unknown, and hesitant emotions are like viruses, replicating one by one until the end of the team.

  This is a little different from what the soldiers imagined.

  Thinking they had the upper hand, they rose up to hunt down a hopeless Transcendent.

   But the reality... it seems that this is not the case, but they are more like the one at the end of the road!

  At this moment, Lao Wu was sitting in the command car, staring blankly at the giants that suddenly appeared on the screen... Why did the giants appear here? !

  In fact, the giant has already appeared once near the City of Silver... the TOP military base of the Empire, which is 700 kilometers away.

  The Kingdom of Roosevelt has not yet gone on an expedition, but the Dynasty of Giants has traversed the entire human kingdom and completed its first expedition!

   But the problem is that the cause and effect of the appearance of the giant was deliberately hidden by the playmaker, and he did not tell what happened in the City of Silver.

  So the old five didn't know at all!

  If he knew that the giant might appear out of thin air at any time, he would be more cautious, and at least reserve a division to deal with the current situation.

   But now, it's too late to say anything.

  In the woods, Zard has been rushing to the front.

  This unscrupulous psychopath is laughing and joking every day. Even if the sky falls, he will continue to wear his little sapling and look for the next limited skin.

  But this time is different.

  He saw that Boss He was dead and Qing Chen was injured.

  Actually, he didn't dare to look at He Jinqiu from the beginning to the end.

  He didn't have a good relationship with He Jinqiu, and we didn't have much contact with each other, but a familiar face just disappeared.

  He couldn't take it.

  Zard is like a child in kindergarten. One day, if any child in the class leaves the city with his parents, he will be sad.

  His mind is extremely simple, so simple gatherings and separations will make his sadness and joy float on the surface.

   And Qingchen.

  When Zard squatted beside Qing Chen and counted the shrapnel, he was really sad.

  He imagined Qing Chen throwing himself on Boss He again and again to block the shrapnel, and imagining Qing Chen's appearance as an enemy in the flames of war, and he felt that those Silver City soldiers looked hideous.

  Qing Chen must be in pain!

  Zard looked at the soldiers ahead, but saw him raising his hands, facing the soldiers ahead.

  The next moment, at the feet of the troops in front of the First Division of the City of Silver, the boundless land began to desertify.

  The vegetation turned to ashes, the rocks turned to sand, and the trees sank. There seemed to be a huge mouth of an abyss in the ground, which swallowed more than 1,200 soldiers of the vanguard of the first division in an instant!

  All the soldiers fell into the sand hole together with the big tree.

  When all these soldiers fell into it, Zard suddenly clasped his hands together: "Sky Burial!"

   There was a sound of rushing, and the huge sand cave suddenly closed, burying everyone in the ground.

  The giants behind him: "Wow!"

  Wow, Oyu finally corrected it, otherwise the giants would say now, **** it, awesome!

   At this time, Dayu looked at Zard: "Can you stop calling out your name with such an ability? Don't you feel embarrassed?"

  Zard scratched the back of his head: "Are you fighting the landlord?"

  Da Yu was silent for a moment: "Hit."

  Zard: "If you are a farmer, and the landlord proudly hits four twos, when you play the king bomb, don't you want to shout "Wang Zang" and then look at the landlord's expression, so that it will be enjoyable?"

  Da Yu froze for a moment: "?"

  Zard: "Why is it not awkward when you call Wang Zha, but it is awkward when I call Sky Burial? Do you have any objections to me?!"

  Da Yu's face darkened: "Go away, this is all nonsense."

  Zard: "You shout it out and try it, it's very enjoyable."

   "I don't shout."

   "Then you should hurry up and kill the enemy!"

  Da Yu was silent for a second: "Give him a favor."

  But I saw Dayu took out three urea sacks from the space ring in one breath and threw them into the sky. In an instant, the three sacks were torn at the same time, and countless white swifts flew out.

  No Phase!

  Oyu finally didn't shout out because of shame.

   But they saw that the wings of the swifts became extraordinarily sharp, and they flew towards the first division's position like bullets.

Their wings split in the air and made a sharp whistling sound. The soldiers shot at the swifts, but the swifts were extremely sharp in the second form of 'phaseless'. A bullet happened to pass by the wings, but the paper The qualitative wings actually split the bullets in two.

  Amid the howling sound, the Swift ferociously pierced through the soldier's body, turning white into red, and the living into the dead!

   The Silver City soldiers were scared.

  Back then Dayu fought against the soldiers led by Chen Yu outside No. 002 Forbidden Land, killing more than 2,000 people with Swift alone.

   Besides, he didn't have so many swifts at that time.

   Once upon a time, Dayu and Swift were exhausted from stacking. This is the disadvantage of fighting alone.

   Now, it’s different from the past, he has many teammates: Parents Association, Cavaliers Reserve, Freemasons...

  Everyone stacks one for him when they have nothing to do, and a pile can be stacked in a short while, and then Zard specially finds cheap and affordable urea sacks to fill a large bag.

  Oba has never fought such a rich battle.

   You know, he can only control 660 swifts at a time, and he can only use them once a day. He can't use up so many swifts at all...

   At this time, Dayu still felt unsatisfied with controlling Swift. He spread the shroud, and then took out 25 paintings from the space ring in one breath, and smashed them on the shroud.

   King Kong, Flying Goddess, Li Shutong, and Qing Chen appeared at the same time, and 25 A-levels were pushed outward like bulldozers, simply and mindlessly.

   Giants: "Wow."

  Although giants are powerful, their innate skills are not so dazzling. For example, the ability to absorb flames and throw spears like Gust is extremely rare among giants.

  So, after the giants saw Zard and Dayu showing their hands, they were a little envious.

  However, giants also have the advantages of giants. On the one hand, they are physically powerful, and on the other hand, they are... large in number.

  But when the giants charged, they first found a big tree they liked, and then they hugged the big tree and roared vigorously, and then uprooted the big tree.

   Then, the giants stroked the trunk with their big hands, and all the redundant branches and leaves were removed, leaving only a bare trunk.

   Obviously, they have done this kind of thing a lot, and they are extremely skilled.

  The giants even competed like children to see who found the tree that was straighter and more like a giant sword...

   Immediately afterwards, they will rush out with their giant swords in hand, and the forest they just plucked will become a plain...

   However, these giants did not use trees as swords.

   Giants with telepathic talents interspersed in the team to command: spread out and throw in a matrix!

  Seeing that they approached the City of Silver troops, they took a run-up of about ten steps one by one, stretched their bodies as much as possible, and then threw the big tree in their hands like a javelin.

   Today's giants are different from before. After they have all been empowered, they have risen two levels in a row, and their strength has increased by as much as 80%.

  The big tree javelins were thrown for nearly a thousand meters, and the soldiers in the back row didn't even see the shadow of the giant, but saw the trees in the sky splashing down like rain.

  The soldiers have seen bows and arrows raining like rain in movies, but they haven't seen big trees raining javelins.

  The rumbling sound resounded in the woods, but I saw those big trees slanted into the ground one by one after they fell to the ground. Some soldiers were half outside, and half were smashed into the soil by the big trees.

  There are corpses and blood everywhere.

  The giants smashed the woods into a wild atmosphere.

   This is the most extreme, simple and crude battle.

  The key is that the group army in front has already entered the battlefield, but the mechanized troops behind are still waiting to cut down trees and open up roads!

   At this time, Lao Wu gave an order to the mechanized troops: Don't worry about the casualties ahead, cover the battlefield with artillery fire at all costs!

   Outside the woods, all self-propelled artillery and armored vehicles began to adjust their range and elevation angles, preparing to cover half a base number of shells in the woods where the giant was.

  The farthest shooting range of these self-propelled artillery is 120 kilometers. With the blessing of electronic orbits, as long as the coordinates are determined, precise strikes can be completed.

   You can even set the artillery matrix with one click to perform saturation attacks.

  This is the real modern warfare in the other world, everything can be handed over to artificial intelligence and electronic equipment.

   "Fire," Lao Wu said coldly.

  The savage fighting style of giants is no match for modern weapons after all.

  However, just as they were about to open fire, someone suddenly noticed a middle-aged Asian man in a tunic in front of them.

  The other party was holding a black stone in his hand, and was coldly coming to the front of the artillery fire.

   You must know that the soldiers on the front line were still fighting the giants at this time. Boss Zheng didn't care about anyone else, didn't kill the enemy, didn't participate in the battle, just like a ghost, quietly interspersed from the battlefield to the rear.

  No one knows how he did it.

   Everyone understands the principle of capturing the thief first, but not everyone has the awareness of the overall situation in a real fight.

  At this time, only Boss Zheng clearly knew that if the artillery troops were not eliminated, the giants would be in danger.

   This is the clearest overall view on the battlefield. He knows what he should do and how to do it.

  Now, Boss Zheng recalled the time when he was in the recruit company and led the recruits for the first time.

  The immature-looking recruit He Jinqiu looked at the dormitory happily, and then he confiscated all the snacks he brought from home...

   Ham sausage, instant noodles, Want Want Senbei...

   Zheng Yuandong asked him with a livid face: "Do you think you are here for vacation?"

  For this reason, He Jinqiu had hated him for a long time.

  In the afternoon sun when the recruits were welcomed, Zheng Yuandong would never have imagined that it was that recruit He Jinqiu who was now lying quietly in the woods behind him.

  On the river embankment in Shamao Town, Hannan, the recruit He Jinqiu was so tired that he doubted his life, so he suddenly asked behind him: "Squad leader, why did you join the army?"

  The anti-hypocrisy expert Zheng Yuandong replied: "If you are not tired, you can fight against two more sandbags, and if you are not tired, go for a five-kilometer run."

  Actually, Zheng Yuandong didn’t have an answer in his heart at that time, even if you really asked him to say something, he couldn’t say it.

  But now He Jinqiu has given the best answer.

  Thinking of this, Boss Zheng's serious face suddenly had a smile.

  In an instant, a glacier protruded from Zheng Yuandong's feet, and huge ice spikes burst out from the ground.

  The ice thorns formed a long frozen dragon, winding all the way to the foot of the artillery unit, overturning all the self-propelled artillery and armored vehicles.

   In just ten seconds, thousands of miles are frozen!

  If you look down from the ground, you can see three-meter-high ice spikes running across the ground, growing and spreading like the veins of a leaf!

   It spread for a full three kilometers!

  For a while, summer turned into cold winter, and the temperature in the whole world seemed to drop below zero!

  The fifth child was startled when he saw this scene: "Demigod! Why did a demigod jump out again!"

  Lao Wu has read information about the Eastern Continent, and knows that Zheng Yuandong is one of the representatives of the Eastern Continent's surface world.

   But Boss Zheng knows how to hide his clumsiness so well that no one can give a clear judgment when evaluating his strength.

  Some people say that he may be a demigod, and some people say that he is only A-level.

   But when I really wanted a definite answer, no one could answer.

  On weekdays, Boss Zheng's black knife is enough to kill people, and his peak knife skills are enough to make people amazing. Few people see him performing witchcraft with all his strength.

   And those who really saw Boss Zheng's full attack, all died.

   This is probably the real clumsiness of hiding, after all, the dead will not reveal the secret.

   In just ten or so seconds, the City of Silver Army collapsed.

  The army soldiers in the front couldn't beat the giants, and the artillery troops in the rear were attacked by surprise and defeated!

  The fifth child also collapsed. He couldn't figure out why so many people appeared because he was only here to hunt down one person!

  Where did this all come from! ?

  The fifth child no longer commanded the battle, he said loudly in the command car: "Retreat, retreat to the City of Silver, quickly, call the royal fleet, let them come to support!"

  At this moment, the second prince was sitting on the command seat of the airship, and he could see the vigorous battlefield ahead from a distance.

  In fact, the royal fleet arrived a few minutes ago, but he did not make a move, but chose to wait and see.

   Now, the time has come.

The second prince crossed his hands, rubbing a ruby ​​ring on his index finger: "I issued a combat order to launch an indiscriminate attack on the Silver City Group Army and the giants. This Silver City has been fighting against the royal family for many years without fear, and it is time to clean it up. "

  The fleet order was conveyed, and the second prince didn't think this battle was any difficult, after all, the sword fairy He Jinqiu had died.

  All it takes is for the fleet to drop the terrifying incendiary bombs, and the entire forest will turn into a sea of ​​flames.

  However, when the fleet was slowly moving, a combat staff officer in charge of observing the holographic sand table suddenly said: "Wait, there is something approaching quickly in the distance... The speed is too fast, and I can't see what it is!"

   "Huh?" The second prince looked towards the holographic projection, and he indeed saw a shadow moving forward like thunder.

   "Look at the picture just captured in slow motion!" the combat staff commanded.

  The picture was quickly intercepted and slowed down. However, at this moment, everyone was shocked to find that the shadow that was so fast that it was almost invisible turned out to be a middle-aged man.

  The other party was carrying a bundle of steel bars more than one meter long on his back?

  What shape is this? Why are you backing the steel bars?

  However, at this time, the middle-aged man was already within one kilometer of the airship.

  I saw him pull out a steel bar from behind and throw it with all his strength... The steel bar was slightly bent due to the huge force, but the trajectory was still straight and shot towards the sky.

  In an instant, under the blessing of the knight's cloud, the unpretentious steel bar crossed a distance of thousands of meters with unrivaled momentum, and then penetrated the power cabin from under a floating airship.

  The steel bar continued to castrate, and after passing through the power cabin, it still flew straight into the sky.

  With a bang, the airship was blown up in a simple and unpretentious manner.

   This should be the highest version of Autumn Blade.


  Chapter 3, 12400 words updated today

  (end of this chapter)

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