Non-famous Actor

Chapter 699 Chapter 697

It's still too late!

After Huang Xiaoming left, Sun Hao started to make arrangements, first turned off the mobile phone, and then ordered the security personnel to set up a cordon around the studios of No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 to prevent irrelevant personnel from entering, even the chairman of China Film Group, Han Yamano came over to protest in person and didn't need to pay attention to him...

Sun Hao, you promised me that without affecting your filming, you will let people in the Chinese film and television industry come and learn a lot.

Gain knowledge..., grow up with your sister? !

If a large number of film and television actors come to me and ask for roles, believe it or not, I will push them all to you?

But, it's still too late!

First of all, Gong Li, she stood behind Sun Hao very patiently, watching him filming, watching him train actors...

And when the actors adjusted their emotions, the eldest sister sat next to Sun Hao without hesitation.

"Sun Hao..."


"The post-production of "Zhou Yu's Train" has been completed, and it will be released soon. Don't you plan to see the finished film in advance?"

"Forget it.

I have great confidence in Director Sun! Sun Hao waved his hand and smiled.

"Hehe..." Gong Li laughed.

"Sun Hao, do you know that Ge You and I starred in Zhang Yimou's movie "To Live"?"

"I know, I've seen it a long time ago, amazing movie!" Sun Hao gave a thumbs up sincerely.

Many people on the Internet say that so far, the greatest movie in China is "Farewell My Concubine". This movie alone can make Director Chen eat his whole life.

But in Sun Hao's view, in a sense, "Farewell My Concubine" is really a bit inferior to "To Live". At least the rich life experience is not out of ordinary people.

"Hehe..." Gong Li continued to laugh.

"Sun Hao, that is, through "To Live", I got to know Yu Hua, and I also read his novel "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood", which was deeply moved.

Sometimes, I even felt that I was Xu Yulan. Before marriage, she could match the few clothes to a charming effect. After getting married, she showed her shrewdness and ability even more. A woman's ability is a kind of ability, and "Sapo" is an accessory of this ability, and her Sapo is not throwing pots and bowls..."

Gong Li obviously came prepared.

She was very well prepared, and it took only 15 minutes to explain her views on a tough and tenacious woman.

Fortunately, Gong Li is very knowledgeable.

Seeing that the executive assistant director of the crew, Wu Yan, had already begun to signal the actors to enter the shooting scene, she left cheerfully, and when she left, she even stuffed Sun Hao with a small note.

On it is her personal mobile phone number.

Well, not the broker's!

But as soon as Gong Li left, the scene of "Journey to the West: Lion Camel Ridge" had only shot two shots, and Zhang Manyu came.



"When I was growing up, I liked the novels written by two people the most. One is Zhang Ailing, and I like reading her novel "Lust, Caution" the most; the other is Yu Hua.

Director, why do you think Yu Hua is so interesting?

In an interview with the media, he said that when he was a dentist, he saw the group of grandchildren in the cultural center next door doing nothing all day long, shopping and playing cards and chess, so I was envious, so I wanted to transfer to the cultural center to work A novel I just wrote...

Haha... Sun Hao, why do you think there are such funny people?

Well, also, now it’s been said on the Tianya forum, your evaluation of Yu Hua is that he is a writer who leaves his sadness to his readers and his happiness to himself, haha..., I’m dying of laughter. "

Zhang Manyu is laughing!

But Sun Hao felt a little hopeless.

Who the hell is this grandson who revealed the news? !

It's about to kill me.

No, from tomorrow onwards, a rule has to be set, if anyone wants to invite buddies to dinner and talk about things in the future, they must clear all the surrounding areas of the restaurant...

Well, at least you have to find a private room with high security to eat!



Zhang Yi then reached out his hand and found a piece of saddle silver in Tian Yu's ear hole, which weighed four cents and fifty-six cents. He held it in his hand and couldn't help laughing.

Tian Yu recognized Monkey King's voice, so he cursed in the water: "God damn Bi Mawen! It's this time, and you're here to steal money!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi said with a smile, "I'll spoil you! Old Master Sun Bao, I don't know how much suffering you have endured, but you have saved your own money!"

Tian Yu said: "Face! What kind of private money is this! It was all scraped off my teeth. I was not willing to buy a mouth to eat, and I saved it to buy a piece of cloth to make a dress, but you cheated me. Quick, return the money! I."


"OK, it's over, let's change to another scene."

Today, Sun Hao encountered a little difficulty during the filming of "Journey to the West: Lion Camel Ridge".

In the past, basically after shooting the middle shots and distant shots, everyone immediately rushed to the green screen studio to record various data of the facial expressions of the actors during the performance through the facial expression capture technology, and then used the computer for post-production.

Because the medium shot and long shots have just been shot, the actors still have the feeling, and the facial expressions will be much richer.

But now, things are a little bit worse.

In addition to Zhang Manyu and Gong Li, who are big enough and have a good relationship with Sun Hao, can enter the studio, and many people in the industry are blocked by the security personnel hired by the crew...

Since they were all acquaintances, Sun Hao felt embarrassed not to say hello when he saw them.

But as soon as he said hello, the shooting process would slow down immediately, so Sun Hao, who was trapped in the No. 4 studio, would not go out unless he could.


Perhaps after hearing about the situation, Zeng Li rushed over from Tongfu Inn.


"There are too many people outside, right?

how could this be?

It's just an unsubstantiated rumor in the entertainment industry, why all the people crowded into Beijing Film Studio and outside the studio. "

"Who is there?"

While Sun Hao was observing the movement between Huang Bo and Tian Yu at the shooting scene, he was chatting and chatting with his girlfriend Zeng Li who came over after hearing the news.

"Li Bingbing, Ding Jiali, Shi Ke, Shi Qin Gaowa, Deng Jie, Xu Fan, Liu Xiaoqing..."


Zeng Li wanted to speak down, but Sun Hao interrupted her just in time.

"Lili, are you sure there is Liu Xiaoqing?"

"Of course, I saw her standing on the curb talking and laughing with Brother Jiang Wen.

However, I don't feel like her anymore, it seems to be a sequela after plastic surgery..."

Zeng Li was still talking, but Sun Hao touched his chin with his hand, this eldest sister should be going in soon, right? Or maybe he changed the history a bit, and the time for her to go in and experience life was delayed?

Just thinking about it, Zeng Li shook his arm.

"Haoko, you haven't told me yet?

Why is it that just a rumor can cause such a big reaction in our Chinese film and television circle. "

"It's very simple!" Sun Hao smiled.

"One is because the influence of the three of us together is large enough to attract the attention of all domestic media.

The second is that this kind of work is very easy to win awards, just like the movie "To Live" directed by Zhang Yimou. As long as it is well shot, it will be favored by Western film critics and professionals. Or it's not out of the question to go to the Golden Globes or Oscars. "


Zeng Li nodded her head, approving her boyfriend's analysis.

"Then... Hiroko, what shall we do now?"

"What else can I do?

It can only be misfortune brought to the east! "

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