Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 207 Virtual Game Plan

Nightmare's dream thread is the easiest to grow, and now it has grown from the first one to more than 400,000.

According to the legacy of strengthening, even if it turns back into a human being, the released thread will not disappear, but will be connected to the eternal dream.

Of course, the premise is that there is something at the other end. Whether it is human beings, animals or microorganisms, there must always be a creature connected to the dream line.

Suppose there is a helmet with a nano-hypnosis device and a microbe connected to the dream thread inside. When the hypnosis device is activated, nano-scale substances or simply nano-robots carry the completely imprisoned microbes into the brain, hypnotize the human body, and directly Pulled into the dream.

The eternal dream is theoretically truly eternal. Even if the nightmare disappears, his dream still exists. Through this device, human beings can choose whether to enter the eternal dream.

In this way, it is only necessary to set the environment and laws of the eternal dream in advance, and there will not only be the kingdom of the dead, but also the second world of the living.

"Master, it should be possible. Nano-scale robots enter the human brain. There are several ways to hypnotize the human body, but they only exist in theory for the time being. I don't know if this technology can be realized. I need to ask the researchers. I know." Bai Ze said.

"Well, to put the research and development plan of this technology on the agenda, it needs sufficient security, and there are a few more points that I ask you to remember..."

Lan Mu will require built-in microorganisms, as well as the requirements for safety and confidentiality, as well as the wake-up mechanism, etc., and Bai Ze will write them down one by one.

"Design this helmet as soon as possible. You don't need to worry about the purpose for now. I need a sample to do a test and try the effect."

After Lan Mu finished speaking, he fell into deep thought again. The problem of falling asleep was solved, and there was also a mechanism for waking up.

Although technically, since the device can hypnotize the human body, it can awaken the human body, but the eternal dream is not something you can wake up if you want to. Lan Mu must set a mechanism on each dream line that allows you to leave the dream.

But about this point, Lan Mu has already tried it, that is Zhang Heng who brought the dream thread into Shambhala.

After falling asleep every day, Zhang Heng will automatically enter the eternal dreamland. Because of Lan Mu's permission, he can freely enter and exit the dreamland.

"It allows people to freely enter and exit the dream world, so the fear effect is reduced to a very low level... Do you want to add restrictions? For example, you can only wake up in a certain area?"

Lan Mu intends to launch a virtual game, a game that is real to him and false to players.

This will be the most realistic game in the history of the world. In such a sense of reality, life, combat, and death only need to be designed well to bring a good sense of fear.

Of course, this sense of fear is insignificant compared to directly pulling people into a dream and letting them suffer all kinds of horrible things in the dream.

It's not that Lan Mu didn't think about designing a world of endless horror, making people think that they have traveled to a different world like hell, or a breeding farm created by existences like gods and demons...

But if this is done, there will inevitably be a large number of brain-dead people in reality, and the impact and panic it will cause will be great, and CANC will definitely regard it as a disaster caused by a certain containment, and conduct in-depth investigations.

If only a small number of "meat pigs" are selected, so small that CANC will not notice it at all, and the reality will not pay attention to it, then what is the point of this number? What's lacking in quality will be made up for by the sheer size of the audience for which the game will be made, and it'll be safe, profitable, and even publicity-worthy.

"However, it is best to have two plans in parallel. One provides me with a large amount of normal fear, and the other provides me with a small amount of high-quality extreme fear!"

After confirming that the two plans are being carried out at the same time, Lan Mu is not so urgent about whether the game pursues a higher level of fear.

Anyway, the benefits the game brings to him depend on the quantity, so he decided not to limit the offline mechanism too much.

"After setting it to be offline, the character's body still exists in place. There is no offline protection. If you are forced to log off in a dangerous situation, you will inevitably be killed by monsters... This indirect restriction should be enough, big Most people will still try their best to log off within a safe range, which is similar to directly forcing them to log off in a specific safe area, but it has a world of difference in the player's perception of the game."

"It is also designed to wait five minutes after death before you can go offline or pay for resurrection. You must know that the body dies in the eternal dream, but the consciousness still exists. Losing the five senses and only thinking, that is a state that makes me extremely scared! I think …Having experienced the absolute emptiness that explodes with fear just thinking about it, no one wants to die again, right? Players will definitely cherish their lives in the game even more.”

"As long as you are afraid of death! Don't want to die! Then the fear of death will be greater! In this way, the main theme of this game is war! War games are the theme with the largest number of deaths. By the way, there is also the theme of the end of the world... It’s so tangled, or both?”

"Since the number of players and online time are pursued, most players still don't like to play Shaking M games, so don't be too cruel and exciting... At least have more fun and refreshment in the early stage, and then slowly change the style when the players can't stop. , subtly let them adapt to the style little by little..."

"Tsk tsk, just thinking about it makes me feel so bad... The refreshingness in the early stage and the super high authenticity, as the first holographic virtual game in history, it is impossible to have fewer players, and it will only be me who is not enough in the end. The dream line, alas, is only 400,000, we can only open an internal test first, and when the dream line grows to 100 million, the public test can be..."

"At that time, 100 million may not be enough, maybe there will be a situation where you can't buy a helmet if you have money."

If a game dealer knew what he was thinking, he would probably vomit blood. This is probably the most in short supply game in the world.


The technology of the game helmet is very simple in the eyes of scientists. After all, it does not involve other functions. It only needs hypnosis and awakening, and extremely high security measures are enough.

The core technology is in the hands of Lan Mu, and the final result will be a supernatural helmet covered with technology.

With the guarantee from the scientists, Lan Mu put this matter aside for the time being, and waited for them to make the samples first.

In the conference room of the research center, Bai Ze was followed by four three-generation blood clansmen. These were the mercenaries he transformed from Shadow Island back then, and now they are his direct soldiers.

"Master, these are all the information collected by the blood race. The American government does have a lot of information about the contained objects."

Bai Ze took out a hard drive and played it to Lan Mu through the computer.

He pointed to a map and said: "This map identifies all the containment bases in the United States. After all, the US government will not allow CANC to build bases in places they don't know."

Lan Mu looked at the map in surprise and said, "There are fifteen containment bases in America?"

Bai Ze said: "They are all small. Large-scale containment bases will not be established in a big country. After all, the agreement belongs to the agreement. We still have to beware of big countries turning their faces. The security requirements of large-scale containment bases are very high. CANC is still very cautious in this regard. .”

"Well, what about the information about the contents?" Lan Mu asked.

Bai Ze switched to another picture, it was very blurry, and it was taken by satellite. A group of people who should be the task force are besieging a little girl. The picture is not clear, but it can be seen that the girl is holding a stuffed toy in her hand. thing.

"All the American policemen who assisted in the containment operation have been wiped out of memory, I think you should know this, Master..."

Lan Mu nodded. He had seen Bai Ze use amnestics when Nine-Tailed Fox was taken into custody, and he was hit by the trick and lost a small part of his memory.

Bai Ze continued: "The one that erases memory is a website, which is strictly controlled by CANC. I cannot log into that website without authorization. Most of the time, CANC is used to erase the memories of government support personnel in various countries, so the United States has very little information on the contents. But this does not prevent them from obtaining intelligence by other means."

"The United States has a department that specializes in dealing with contained objects. In fact, it is already the prototype of a containment organization. It often uses satellite peeps or other means to secretly detect information when CANC is contained, and makes inferences and guesses based on scarce information..."

"Usually only those containments that make a lot of noise can speculate on their properties, and most containment CANCs have done a good job of keeping secrets."

Bai Ze pointed to the photo and said, "This is what once killed hundreds of US troops in California, a plush teddy bear!"

"Under certain circumstances, the toy can grow bigger and become a berserk real bear, with a body height of ten meters, enough strength to smash a tank into scrap iron, and it is not afraid of shells."

"Having been taken into CANC about a year ago, the little girl had her memory wiped and was given to an orphanage by the American government... well, that girl's parents were killed by a bear."

Lan Mu nodded, and Bai Ze switched to the next set of pictures, introducing the contents one by one.

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