Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 212 The Man Who Signed the Contract with the Sea

"Wow! Jiaolong?" The Chinese man said with a smile, his voice came clearly in the sea.

He doesn't seem to need to breathe, nor is he bound by water pressure, he can speak and move at will.

Lan Mu's heart sank, and he understood that this was a human being who had mastered a certain powerful containment. He was already amazed by the ability to appear like teleportation just now.

"Could it be that he is a senior executive of CANC? The reason why CANC secretly monitors here is actually a hidden protection personnel?"

Lan Mu thought quickly, while thinking about how to get out.

"Being so bound by the sea water, it is unrealistic to rely on the form of a dragon to escape, and I have to expose a little bit."

"For example, if you become a blood race, it looks like a human being on the surface, but you mislead the other party through language that you are just a dragon transformed into a human, and you can be 'killed' if necessary. Anyway, if you become a blood race, the only thing that dies is a clone. I still have a hundred Multiple around the world."

"It seems that he is the only one nearby. Could it be that because of his strength, those so-called protectors just cover up his existence and don't need personal protection? If so, I can turn into a nightmare and instantly pull him into a dream. Get away easily without revealing too much information..."

"Unfortunately, just in case, I left both the best metal and the space ring at Bai Ze's place. Otherwise, it would be very simple to get close to him and use the space ring to contain him!"

"And there is an even simpler one. The mental power directly stuns him. This is completely a magic skill that is invincible against human beings!"

He has too many abilities. In an instant, Lan Mu thought of several ways to escape, and was thinking about which one to use.

The man said: "What a strong vitality, and the power to make waves... You were responsible for the huge tsunami that suddenly appeared in the northern Pacific Ocean last time?"

"It's really bad... If I didn't calm it down, the tsunami would spread to the coastal cities and cause a big flood..."

Lan Mu was stunned for a moment, remembering that when he made a big fuss on Lost Island, in order to fight against the flames of the sun frog, he set off a huge wave, and finally managed to escape.

Thinking about it afterwards, the tsunami did not hit the cities along the North Pacific Ocean. He thought it was due to his own ability, and the tsunami would subside automatically after a certain period of time...

Now after listening to the man's words, I realized that the follow-up of the incident was calmed down by him.

The man teleported again and appeared directly above Jiaolong's head.

He stroked the unicorn of the dragon and said, "It turns out that there are really dragons... Do you still have Father Dragon and Mother Dragon? Oh... I have never raised such a big pet before!"

Lan Mu was so angry that this guy actually wanted to subdue him!

After hesitating for a while, he still resisted the urge to directly transform into Nightmare to deal with him. After all, the other party can teleport, which is a super tricky ability. If you are in trouble, you will only expose your abilities in vain.

Thinking of this, his mental power extended into the man's brain, and he was startled.

"Fuck! Soul strength is higher than mine? It's impossible!"

Lan Mu looked at the man in amazement, wondering if he was human.

The soul strength of a normal human is one, and Lan Mu has more than 50,000! Even the number of super mobile suits who have been training hard for several years does not exceed fifty.

This man actually has more than 50,000. Lan Mu doesn't know his exact soul strength, but his intuitive feeling is at least several times that of Lan Mu! All in all very very high!

Lan Mu directly gave up the mental shock, and quickly withdrew his mental power to protect himself.

However, he soon became confused, because the man didn't notice it at all, he didn't release his mental power at all, and he didn't care about his mental power going in and out of his brain.

"Wait...he doesn't seem to respond..."

Generally speaking, Lanmu can sense the spiritual power of other people. If the spiritual power invades him, he will feel it immediately and resist and expel it.

But the man didn't have this kind of consciousness at all, and let his mental power enter the brain generously.

But even so, Lan Mu didn't dare to be mentally shocked. With the terrifying strength of the other party's soul, if he dared to do that, he might be backlashed.

The man seemed to have no feeling at all. He didn't know that an invisible and intangible mental force was spinning around in his mind and then ran away.

He smiled and said, "Oh, you are too big to keep... Maybe you will be asked to leave by the CANC guys. They will never let me keep a pet like you."

Lan Mu hummed, surprised by the man's words, and felt that there was a huge amount of information in it.

"Isn't this guy an executive at CANC? So that group of people is indeed watching him, and he knows he's being watched, but why didn't CANC arrest him? Because he couldn't be caught? But why didn't he leave this place? ? Can you still play so leisurely?"

Lan Mu was confused, and thought to himself: "Isn't this guy too chic? Using the power of the contained object in front of CANC, but no one cares about him?"

Thinking of this, his mental power penetrated into the man's brain again, and the mental shock would be counteracted, but the gentle method of mental linking is not important.

"Human... don't stand on my head!"

A deep voice sounded in the man's mind, he was taken aback, and instantly jumped off the top of Jiaolong's head.

Pointing at Jiaolong, he said in amazement, "You can talk! Wow! Did you make friends with me just now?"

Lan Mu turned into a vampire silently, but the huge bondage still shackled him.

"Untie your shackles!" Lan Mu growled.

The man looked at Lan Mu curiously, and shouted in Chinese: "It turned out to be a monster! My God! You can also transform!"

As he spoke, he untied the bondage.

Feeling free, Lan Mu immediately flew towards the surface of the sea, and he wanted to leave the bottom of the sea.

"Hey! Don't go!" The man suddenly appeared behind Lan Mu, restraining him again.

"Again?" Lan Mu frowned, and instantly controlled the man's blood.

You can control sea water, I can control blood!

"Cut!" Seeing that the other party disappeared in an instant and appeared more than a hundred meters away, out of his control, Lan Mu felt extremely troublesome.

Haili is the opponent's home court, and Lan Mu really can't beat him. Just being able to teleport is a bit invincible, plus that huge suppression ability.

But Lan Mu didn't panic, it doesn't matter if he dies after becoming a blood race, it's just consuming a clone.

"what do you want?"

The man shouted from a distance: "Don't be so indifferent! This is the first time I've seen a monster! You belong to the dragon clan, right? Have you ever seen a real dragon? Is your father a real dragon?"

Lan Mu felt a little helpless, he wanted me to commit suicide and escape, right? This body blew itself up directly, and it would be fine if the consciousness went to the other clones in an instant.

"Why don't you talk?" The man asked from a long distance away, seeing that Lan Mu didn't speak, and suddenly disappeared.

Lan Mu hurriedly guarded his position, but unexpectedly the sea water in front of him suddenly condensed into a human form and became a human-shaped water element.


Lan Mu was stunned, only to see the water man patted himself, and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Can't speak Chinese? I thought you were a monster from the Hua Kingdom when you turned into a yellow man... By the way, don't you know how to communicate?" ?"

"Water element doesn't have vocal cords, how do you speak?" Lan Mu finally answered him, speaking directly with his mouth, using Chinese.

The man smiled and said, "If you want to say it, you can say it... You really are a monster in Huaguo, and you can speak Chinese well!"

"You haven't answered me yet! Is your dad a real dragon?"

Faced with such a Chinese who is invincible in the sea and chattering, Lan Mu regained his composure and adjusted his mentality.

In the past, when facing people with containment objects, he was always able to crush them with his strength, and he could test them as much as he wanted and then contain them easily.

Seeing that he was so friendly this time, Lan Mu decided to use a different way to test him and start the deception mode.

"Well, yes..." Lan Mu nodded, acknowledging the existence of the real dragon.

Anyway, he even changed Bi Fang. In the vast sea of ​​light, there must be a real dragon, and he will change sooner or later, so it is not really fooling him.

"Is there really a dragon? You are the Dragon Prince? That's great, take me to see your father!" the man excitedly said.

Lan Mu pouted and said, "Why should I tell you? I don't even know your name!"

"Sorry, my name is Tang Xiaohai, you can call me Xiaohai. What's your name?" Tang Xiaohai said.

Lan Mu let out an uh and said, "My name is Ao Mu!"

"Where is your father?" Tang Xiaohai asked.

"My father is dead..." Lan Mu said in a low voice, his father passed away when he was a teenager, he will not lie about this.

"...Uh, sorry." Tang Xiaohai was a little embarrassed and regretful, thinking that the real dragon would die too? Thinking about it, monsters are too rare in the world. Up to now, I have only heard of a nine-tailed fox and a divine bird. With the addition of flood dragons, monster-type containments are extremely rare.

However, he doesn't know that all the monsters that have appeared so far are all Lan Mu alone...

"You asked me so many questions, it's time for me to ask you... How did you get your ability? Don't lie to me, I know the existence of the containment." Lan Mu said abruptly.

Tang Xiaohai did not hide it, and said: "They do call existences like you a containment object, alas, that organization also defines me as a containment object, but I am obviously a human being!"

"You mean this is your original ability? It doesn't rely on the containment?" Lan Mu was taken aback. Can humans really have superpowers?

"No, no, no! I was just an ordinary person... I know what you want to ask, yes, when I was picking up trash, I found a containment object in the sea. It is what made me become like this! What made me become like this now Under house arrest..." Tang Xiaohai said.

Lan Mu's eyes lit up, it turned out that this person was under house arrest...Why didn't CANC lock him up? Can't win? No, if he can't win, Tang Xiaohai won't be under house arrest.

Confused, Lan Mu asked: "What kind of containment is that? Has it merged with you?"

"Fusion? I don't know. It's the skin of a sea creature with words I can't understand written on it, but the format is like a contract, or a contract! There is also a place for signatures underneath." Tang Xiaohai said.

"Contract? Did you sign it?" Lan Mu asked.

"Of course! After writing my name, that thing turned into water and flowed into the ocean, and then I...signed a contract with the entire ocean!" Tang Xiaohai said.

Lan Mu's pupils shrank, there is such a containment?

The man who signed a contract with the entire sea! What is this concept?

On a planet with 70% oceans, it's no wonder CANC doesn't dare to act recklessly. Even if he can be killed, it will probably cause a catastrophe, right?

Lan Mu was envious for a moment, but then he was relieved.

If there is any containment that can rival it, there is only the future Lanmu.

"As far as potential is concerned, I have endless transformations! There is no need to envy others!"

"Among the legendary transformations, there are so many sea gods!"

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