Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 242 Demon Attack

There was a big explosion on the sea, the waves were several meters high, and the cruise ship of the media was shaking violently.

Missiles and space-based weapons literally hit the angels.

"Keep the camera steady and continue the live broadcast!" The head of the TV station shouted persistently.

"Even if you are killed by the bomb, you must spread the appearance of an angel to the world."

"Damn, what is the government thinking?"

The public will only think that these weapons were done by the government, but no one knows which government is the specific one. Immediately afterwards, all countries are controlling public opinion, saying that a certain anti-Christian terrorist organization launched the attack.

Almost all TV stations in the world are broadcasting the Angel's Arrival. Although CANC has used means to interrupt the live broadcast of most TV stations before the attack, there are still some small TV stations that have released various footage, and the videos have been repeatedly banned on the Internet.

The situation of the bombing of the angel still let the public see that devout Christians were filled with righteous indignation, and no one was working hard anymore, so they paid attention to the situation of the angel.

Facing the attack, Lan Mu easily blocked it, and he no longer paid attention to this level of attack.

With his speed, he easily avoided the frontal attacks of space-based weapons and laser weapons, and consumed a small amount of power of faith to offset the explosive power of the missiles.

Looking down at the ships on the sea, Lan Mu shook his head slightly, and flew towards the southeast, where he and CANC would be tied up.

The golden light streaked across the sky and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye. It is impossible for any science-level weapon to catch up with this speed and aim accurately.

"Jerry, the boss told us to go back..."

"Wow, the angel of the Lord is disappointed in us. Did you see him shaking his head? We humans are guilty!" Jerry is a fanatical believer. Seeing the angel shake his head and then fly away, he made up countless thoughts in his head, as if What is missing.

There were too many ships gathered in the Mediterranean Sea, and Lan Mu flew over the Indian Ocean in a flash.

"If my flying speed is too fast, I will break through the gravity of the earth and go to space uncontrollably. Although I can soar to one tenth of the speed of light, it is a straight line speed. If I fly on the earth, it is best to keep within 10 kilometers per second. Okay, that's the first cosmic velocity."

Lan Mu hovered over the Indian Ocean, and satellites repositioned him a short time later.

I saw that Lan Mu was concentrating on it, quietly waiting for CANC's second wave of attack.

"Stop probing with that weapon, let me see your true strength."

Mastering the huge power of faith, Lan Mu has become a holy man. For the first time, he wanted to challenge CANC head-on. He was too depressed in the past. Every time he was afraid of the never-used deterrent containment.

This time, he didn't want to hide anymore. Now that he has become an angel and is trying to become an angel of God, what are he afraid of?

"What could it be? CANC..."


At this moment in the CANC space network, 03, 05, 06, and 08 are gathered together and are communicating.

06 is a blond white man, looking at the seraphim displayed on the satellite with a complex expression, and said, "What is his purpose? Maybe we can try to communicate..."

03 is a man of mixed race, and said solemnly: "Even if he is a god, his purpose is not pure. The two times the holy light wins people's hearts, look at the current world, how many people worship him? How many people attack him indiscriminately for him The government? How many people went on strike and stopped working?"

"Do humans need gods? In my eyes, he is a false god. The best gods only exist in the hearts of humans, and should never appear in reality."

"If the whole people depend on a god who doesn't know where it came from, will human beings have a future?"

03's words have already set the tone, and then we will discuss how to contain the so-called angels.

"The target's speed is too fast. It has been detected that its maximum speed has reached 11 kilometers per second, which is the second cosmic speed. Space-based weapons and laser weapons were all avoided by it, and it was unscathed by the explosion of the missile." 08 said just now get the information.

06 said solemnly: "With such a fast speed, he is a cosmic creature? If he can adapt to the space environment, he can gallop freely in the solar system."

08 said: "I don't know, maybe he came from an alien planet or another world. It first appeared out of thin air over the Mediterranean Sea, where there may be wormholes or space gates."

06 curled his lips and said: "If this is the case, it will be even more troublesome... Tsk tsk, the recent containment efficiency has been getting lower and lower. This year's containment success rate is only 37%, which is a record low... Angel, if he goes to such a containment If it escapes into space, or disappears suddenly, how can we contain it?"

At this time, 05, who had been silent all this time, spoke. He was a Chinese, he looked very old, and he was the oldest among the four bosses.

"Delete it directly! In recent years, the space bugs have dragged us too much, and the strength of the earth is getting worse day by day. We don't have much energy and ability to store and keep too many super Ω containment objects."

Once 05 spoke, 06 stopped talking and just looked at 03.

03 said: "I agree with obliteration. Every minute he exists, the whole world will be chaotic for a minute because of him. Even if we kill him, his influence will last for many years on the earth. The existence of faith wins over, the better the appearance creatures, the more dangerous."

08 asked: "Which containment object should be used to obliterate him?"

06 said: "Actually, the holy gun is the best weapon to deal with this kind of creature, right? It's a pity that his speed is too fast, so far no one has been able to make good use of the characteristics of the holy gun."

"Unfortunately, the black hole through train is only effective for humans, otherwise it is also a sharp weapon against him. There seem to be only two containment objects that can obliterate any creature. The obliterating eye and the real name of the devil..." 08 said.

03 said: "Time is running out, start voting..."

"Just use the devil's real name, this is my suggestion." After finishing speaking, 05 directly voted for the devil's real name.

The three of them looked at him and let the devil deal with the angel. They really didn't know if it was a bad idea or a good idea.

The devil's real name belongs to one of CANC's heaven-defying containment items. By sacrificing one person's life, the real devil is summoned, and he will fulfill a wish of the victim.

Of course, it is actually cheating. For some good wishes, the devil never bothers to fulfill them, and will kill the wisher no matter whether they fail or not.

As for the other Eye of Obliteration, it is a fixed area. If you want to destroy the Angel, you must use other containment objects to bring it into the Obliteration Domain.

This one would be difficult because Angel flies so fast, CANC would have a lot of containment against him if he wasn't flying so fast.

But now, there seems to be only one option.

"Fuck, is it really possible to use demons to deal with angels? Although demons can't be seen by humans, angels might be able to see them! I don't believe that demons can kill angels in seconds, and the two may fall into a protracted war. The impact will be huge. You should know that demon likes to intentionally kill a few people when completing commissions." 08 said to 05.

"Don't call me by my name...Since we have decided to destroy the angel, don't worry too much. As long as we can successfully kill him, what happens to the whole world afterwards has nothing to do with him. That is the trouble faced by the victor. And Even if the two fight, there are actually benefits. The world can’t see demons, only angels, so the damage caused by the battle between the two will only fall on the head of the angel. Will people believe in the angel who destroys him? We The pressure will be much less." 05 said.

The voting ended soon, 03 looked at the votes, one vote for the Eye of Obliteration, two votes for the real name of the devil.

03 I abstained from the vote and directly announced that the angels would be obliterated by using the devil's real name.

Everyone is not surprised, 03 rarely votes, he has the power of 1.5 votes, and will only use his power when it is really critical.

"Go and summon the devil. 08 pay attention to the Internet. If some people want to shoot, let them shoot! When they fight and there are human casualties, they will lead the public to say that this angel is actually a mutant creature or an alien. In short, let people If the cognition of angels is confused, then the awe of him will be gone.”

"Use [Fear Gun] and [Crying Doll] at the same time to test his resistance to other contained objects..."


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