Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 256 Real Game

At 8:00 pm on the 23rd, internal beta players around the world got their equipment as early as the afternoon of the same day.

10% of the beta testers are professional players selected by the Angel Group, people who once stood out in other major games.

The closed beta numbers of these professional players are given away directly, and the equipment is also free.

As for other players, they need to purchase equipment honestly, because the Angel Group has integrated eight major game companies, and the channel division is extremely wide, even in remote areas, they can get equipment quickly.

The number of registered users on the official website forum has reached more than 700,000. There are so many users in just two days, mainly from the word-of-mouth of the eight major game companies. Compared with many people, they do not fully believe in the existence of virtual reality. .

More people said in the forum that this game is at best better than VR games, and it is definitely not the kind of hologram that everyone imagined.

After getting the equipment, many internal testers began to post about the equipment and complain about the equipment.

Because the equipment they bought for five hundred dollars was too different from what they had imagined.

"My God, isn't this device too crude? An account password lock, an alarm clock setting... Before the Apocalypse game started, it was just an MP3!"

"Suddenly I don't have any hope for this game. There is no external joystick, no console, you read this manual... Wear the eye mask and lie flat on the bed, select the game to start and enter the world of "Apocalypse"..."

"Haha! I feel like those of you who bought the equipment have been cheated! How do you play while lying on the bed? Rolling?"

"The manual also says that after entering the game, the human body will be in a sleep state. Please be sure to keep the environment safe to avoid accidents. I laughed so hard, this is playing games in a dream? Then don't I have to sleep in the future? I work during the day and play at night. game?"

"Fortunately, I didn't buy it. I heard that video recording is available in the game, and it will start in a few minutes. You internal testers remember to record the first-hand trial! We are all waiting in the forum!"

"OK! I'll go in and record for a few minutes, then I'll quit and send it to you guys!"

The forum was noisy. Among most of the players, the beta testers had obviously become a kind of guinea pigs, testing drugs for them.

Seeing that it was eight o'clock in two minutes, the beta testers in the forum disappeared immediately, and everyone knew that they must have gone to bed.

Nani is a Portuguese who temporarily lives in the United States and is also a top anchor on Youtube.

He often reviews major games, tries them out or guides them, because his exquisite operation and imagination make him very popular, and he can always play some unique tricks in some games with a high degree of freedom.

This time he was invited to be an internal tester, and the equipment was distributed free of charge. He got a 10,000-dollar equipment, which is different from the cheap ones. You can charge money in the game.

Yes, recharge. However, recharging in this game is not very useful, it is only for resurrection.

It was announced on the official website that even if it is an internal test, death in the game will not be automatically resurrected, and there will be a five-minute wait for resurrection, and then choose whether to quit the game or pay for your life.

The official explanation for this is that a person has only one life, and if he is resurrected, he has to spend money to rebuild a character.

This setting is also a point that the forum crazily complains about, thinking it is a big way for game companies to make money, and the food is too ugly!

And there is another point, that is, after the resurrection, everything about the previous character is gone, basically you have to start from scratch! Because the game setting is that the earthlings use clones to fight in a different world, and the resurrection of a body after death is equivalent to re-possessing a new clone.

Unless you can find the things you left behind, or you have stored the lost things in the base before you die, then you can still get them back if you know the password. Except for skills that disappear with death, props and items can still be inherited previous role.

Nani just smiled at this. He is confident that he will be able to get familiar with this game with one life, and he will be the first to release the trial video when the time comes.

Wearing a blindfold, not to mention, the ten thousand dollar blindfold is very comfortable to wear on the face, and he is very relaxed lying on the big bed.

The device has been bound with an account, and there is a simple login screen in front of you.

Seeing the login screen, Nani's heart skipped a beat.

It's too simple, and the picture resolution is so-so, just mediocre.

"Could it be a small game worn on the face and operated with eyes? The background is quite grand..."

Nani pouted, feeling a little disappointed and said: "Entering the game..."

It is clearly written in the manual that the entry interface on the goggles can be voice-activated.

There are three major functions, enter the game, set the alarm clock, listen to the song...

It feels like an old game from the last century, which makes people feel unmotivated.

At eight o'clock, at the moment Nani chose to enter the game, the nanorobot acted. He suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep peacefully.

His consciousness was still there, as if he was bungee jumping, he sank suddenly, and a sense of weightlessness brought him to a small space.

"Where is this?" Nani was startled, the surroundings were dim.

Suddenly, the sound of mechanical operation sounded, and his eyes lit up, and he saw the outside world.

It turned out that he was in a small freezer with a corridor outside.

The steel corridor is full of refrigerated warehouses, and one person after another comes out of the warehouse, crowding the corridor.

"Have I lost my memory?"

"I was still at home just now! Where is this?"

"I'm locked up?"

They were a little terrified of the sudden change in the unfamiliar environment. They were still lying on the bed one second, and then they were locked in the iron room the next second. It was terrifying.

Nani panicked for a moment, then suddenly calmed down.

Because he discovered the recording device, there is a small device inlaid on his temple. This is the real-time recording device for the game introduced on the official website. It only needs one click to start the recording.

As a top anchor, Nani immediately chose to start recording.

At the same time, someone in the panicked crowd reacted and shouted loudly: "Everyone has recording equipment on their heads, we are in the game!"

"Really! Is this a game?"

"Isn't this too real?"

The crowd gradually calmed down, and when they knew it was a game, they became less panicked and began to marvel at the realism of the game.

"The touch is real...I can even feel my own heartbeat..."

"Let's get out! This corridor is too depressing!"

Many people couldn't bear the feeling of being crowded in the steel corridor, and ran towards the door at the end of the corridor.

Nani sneered and said, "This is really the bad taste of the producer. They frightened us at the beginning. The design of this place is really depressing."

He explained softly. After all, the video was turned on, and he was used to it.

A large group of about two hundred people pushed open the door at the end of the corridor and ran out one after another.

There was an open area outside, and there were men and women in the same attire as them standing there, and many doors opened in all directions, and wave after wave of people gathered here.

Towering steel buildings, fresh air, and bright sunshine.

White clouds float in the sky, floating naturally.

Countless people felt the reality of the game foolishly. Some people stroked the ground, as if in disbelief, and suddenly began to dig the soil with their hands, which was already two feet deep.

Others are feeling things with their tongues, tasting plants or licking steel, smelling clothes like a pervert.

Nani also explained in disbelief, constantly describing his feelings, true! It's horrifyingly real.

"The senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing are all perfect... Is this really a game?" People sighed.

Suddenly, Nani noticed that a young man was even crying, crying excitedly and running around, jumping up and down like a madman.

Nani laughed and said: "Yes, yes, we are also very excited. The perfect holographic reality game is indeed amazing, but you are not going crazy, are you?"

Hearing Nani's words, the young man said excitedly, "What do you know? legs are healed!"

"What?" Nani didn't know why, but he understood after listening to the explanation, and then he was stunned.

In reality, the young man was half-paralyzed in both legs, and stayed at home playing games in depression every day, but now in the game "Apocalypse", he has regained his healthy body!

This is the North American exploration base, and all the people present are registered as North American players, a total of 20,000.

Because of the authenticity of the game and the lack of any auxiliary system, they were very noisy for a while.

Until a man in a handsome combat uniform with a knife in one hand and a gun in the other pushed open the door of a closed building and came out.

"Everyone! Welcome to the North American Exploration Base, this is the world of Apocalypse. As explorers sent by the earth, you will explore here on behalf of your respective countries. I am Feige, the chief of your base, and I have the obligation to guide you... this It's a dangerous world, here..."

This is an NPC. After hearing him speak, everyone fell silent and listened carefully to his introduction.

Feige is a vampire. In his dream, he has the strength of three generations of vampires in reality, and at the same time, he also has most of the authority of the base. He is the NPC with the highest authority in the North American base.

In other words, he is the village chief of Novice Village...

Feige introduced them to the general situation of the world, which is also available on the official website. However, he also explained in detail about the terrain near the base and the monster branch, which is extremely dangerous in short.

"...Your duty is to open up a larger living space for the people on Earth in the future, and you can gain merit by contributing food, information, materials... etc. to the base. No matter what status you have on Earth, here we are. Only look at the merits! If you want to have it, you have to pay, there are many dangers outside, once you step out of the gate of the base, life and death are all up to you."

"Go, equipment is prepared for you in the weapon warehouse, and they will help you survive."

After speaking, Fig returned to the central building, but the door was still open, as if he could go in and find him at any time.

The players on the square looked at each other in blank dismay, and some smart professional players had already realized that this was a mission! They rushed to the weapon warehouse to collect equipment.

Nani naturally understands it too. In short, this is a game with a high degree of freedom. Players are allowed to explore outside the base, and everything they get from the exploration can be contributed to the base in exchange for living supplies, better weapons, and even skills. .

Outside is an infinitely vast different world, full of endless dangers, stepping out of the gate of the base, life and death will depend on fate and wealth!

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