Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 270 Auspicious

Qilin is the number one auspicious beast in China, the king of beasts.

But Huo Qilin is unique, it seems that it is naturally responsible for missions or constraints.

It has the same ability as the Balrog, and the flame is even better, it seems to be able to fly.

The four hooves kicked in the air, and he flew up out of the air, and then a bolt of lightning struck his head.


The thunderbolt hit his huge horn with great power, and immediately knocked Lan Mu staggering.

"Hiss! It hurts!" Lan Mu raised his head in shock, seeing that the dark clouds in the sky were still lingering, and he could vaguely see the brewing lightning.

"Why did you hack me?"

Lan Muwan never thought that he would be struck by lightning when he became a unicorn, obviously the unicorn is auspicious.

When the second thunderbolt struck, he wanted to dodge it, but the lightning was too fast and its trajectory was erratic, a refraction in midair hit his head like a guide.

"This is coming for me!"

Lan Mu resisted two thunderbolts, and found that his head was really hard, and his lightning resistance was extremely high.

The two thunderbolts were more powerful than the other, and I only felt pain, which was not a serious problem.

"Damn, why is it so like Du Jie? How can I get Du Jie when I'm free?"

"It's still the same feeling as before, do you want me to go back to China?"

Lan Mu can always feel a kind of pressure bound by heaven and earth, forcing him to return to the place where he should go quickly.

"You two, just wait for me here, I will definitely be back in six days at the latest!"

Lan Mu carried the third thunder, his head was numb, and the pain in his brain was unbearable.

Hastily instructing Luo Yan and Song Yixue to rise up against the sky and head northeast.

The connection between my heart and that piece of land has always been constant, this direction, this distance, isn't it within the territory of Huaguo!

Fire Qilin's flying speed is extremely slow, probably about the same as Sesshomaru's. This speed seems to be not as fast as his running speed.

As a result, Lan Mu jumped back to the ground and galloped with all four hooves. For a while, he seemed to turn into a galloping flame, and he could cover hundreds of meters every time he leaped.


Another lightning struck, and Lan Mu, who was running wildly, tilted his head and almost fell down.

"It's over!"

At this time, Lan Mu had already run back to the Tibetan area, following his gallop, he could not help leaving flame trails.

He restrained his flame very much, not letting the flames start a prairie fire.

If the thunder cloud in the sky forced him to go back to China, why did he attack him now that he was already in Tibet?

"There is still a distance between my heart and the land I have established a connection with. So I can't even stay in Tibet?"

Lan Mu already had a guess. He felt that he would truly get rid of the fate of being struck by lightning when he entered the border of Sichuan Province.

"I was struck by lightning in the first place not because I was too strong... The lightning didn't do me much harm, at best it gave me a headache."

"Besides, how strong is transformation for twelve days? There is no restriction for me to become an angel?"

"The only thing that can be explained is that as a fire unicorn, you can't leave the ancient China's homeland. This seems to be a contract deeply imprinted deep in your genes, a mission that must be abided by forever no matter what."


Human beings have discovered the traces of the fire unicorn.

A fiery unicorn ran wildly on the ground, its miraculous appearance caught people's attention, and they were dumbfounded.

What was even more surprising was that there was a thundercloud chasing Qilin in the sky, each thicker than the other, but Qilin ignored it and headed east all the way.

The movement was too great, humans couldn't help but notice it, and Lan Mu couldn't hide it.

He thought to himself, since the angels are public anyway, it doesn't matter if another unicorn appears.

So Qilin was struck by lightning all the way, and ran wildly with wind and fire all the way. The combination of thunder and fire seemed to make people go back to the ancient times.

"That can't be a unicorn, can it?"

"A unicorn covered in flames?"

"Isn't the unicorn an auspicious beast? Why was it struck by lightning?"

"This thunder is too strange, chasing after the unicorn..."

Many people have seen Qilin with their own eyes, but they couldn't catch up, they just caught a glimpse.

Qianlong and the Huaguo government quickly discovered the vision in Tibet, and a formation of fighter planes flew from an unknown military airport, following Qilin from afar.

There is also a group of convoys on the ground who dare not approach or lose track. This is Qianlong's special team.

There are people chasing him in the sky and on the ground. Of course, Lan Mu has discovered it a long time ago, but he can't help it. The thundercloud is too annoying.

It doesn't feel good to be chased and hacked and unable to fight back. His first priority is to get rid of Leiyun.


It took Lan Mu less than an hour to cross the small half of Tibet. He was hit by 30 thunders along the way, and his huge horns were almost smashed.

When he crossed the border of Sichuan Province, the thundercloud finally dissipated.

There are many mountains in Sichuan Province, and Lan Mu stood on a big rock on the side of a small mountain, watching the thunderclouds in the sky blowing away with the wind, full of doubts in his heart.

"This thunder is too strange. It appeared purely to drive me back to the country. Now that I have entered the ancient Chinese homeland, it is gone. Will it still appear once I go out?"

Lan Mu frowned. Such a regular thundercloud not only has a trigger and dissipate mechanism, but also chases and chops him. It is definitely a supernatural phenomenon.

Since it is a supernatural phenomenon, the first thing Lan Mu thought of was the containment.

"No! How could the contained object be aimed at me? Aimed at Qilin?"

"It's like supervising the existence of Qilin. It specifically restrains me in China's homeland and I can't leave it. Did I provoke it?"

"Could it be that God is actually a containment object?"

Having been chopped on the head dozens of times, Lan Mu felt that his head was about to explode, and the pain was endless, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

"You can't treat everything as a containment object. The characteristics of a containment object are somewhat different from the supernatural. Many of my transformations have supernatural abilities. The life ball is a containment object. Isn't the object of the transformation not a containment object? According to the rules , the supernatural things created by the containment are called derivatives."

"But it is obvious that CANC's division method is problematic. At least for me, many transformations are not just as simple as derivatives, because I can also derive more abnormal existences, such as the army of undead, army of flame elements, Ghost Legion, Vampire Legion, etc... Should they be called derivatives of derivatives?"

Just as Lan Mu was thinking, the sound of a helicopter came to the sky. There was a military area in Sichuan Province, and they rushed to Qilin's place as soon as they received the order from Shangfeng.

After the driver saw Huo Qilin with his own eyes, everyone was dumbfounded. They were not agents of Qianlong, and they had too little contact with supernatural existence, and the image of Qilin was so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that the government didn't know what to do with him. .

Lan Mu glanced at the plane, ignored it, turned around and got into the deep mountain.

The plane hurriedly followed, but just stared at it from a distance, daring not to do anything.

In a very short period of time, the government built hundreds of sentry posts around the mountainous area, surrounding it, and Qilin would be spotted as soon as he left.

Qianlong's agents arrived quickly, and they wanted to contain even a unicorn.

However, just as Qianlong was preparing to act, the country suddenly stopped their plan.

Because it was too conspicuous for Qilin to swagger into Sichuan Province.

Coming from the hinterland of Tibet, I don't know how many people have seen the heroic appearance of the fire unicorn along the way.

Even if some locals don’t know each other, seeing the continuous lightning falling from the sky and chasing after it, such a spectacle has never been heard of for thousands of years. The two visions merged into one, and the news was flying all over the sky for a while, and it had already spread to the whole country through tourists from all over the country.

Various videos were circulated on the Internet, because Lan Mu was too obvious when he was running, and thousands of people photographed him along the way. It can be said that there is no need to question it, the video is absolutely true.

Qilin's name is too resounding, especially in Huaguo, it is like thunder.

Has anyone seen a unicorn? This is a divine beast, the most auspicious in the world, none of them!

And it's still a fire unicorn! If it was just a unicorn-like beast, some people might question it, saying it was a mutated monster, or an artificial animal.

But the flame can't fake it, can it? The flame was full of spirituality and burned the grass clean, but it was retracted by the unicorn as it ran, obviously to prevent the fire from starting a prairie fire.

Such a psychic and supernatural Qilin, who said it is not a mythical beast?

"The unicorn is born!"

"Fire Qilin surrounded by flames!"

"The height is more than three meters, and the horns are extremely magical, so cool!"

"Why was it struck by lightning? Did it make any mistakes?"

"Upstairs 2B? Du Jie doesn't even know? Didn't you see Qilin not afraid of lightning at all? Nothing happened!"

"Are you a Qilin? You are not a Qilin, how do you know that Qilin doesn't need to cross the tribulation?"

"The Qilin has finished its tribulation, and it is now in my Dachuan Province. I want to find it!"

"I'm here... Please pay attention to me, I want to broadcast the vision live!"

Some people who were nearby heard the news and rushed to the mountains where the unicorn was hiding.

The mountains are complicated, but everyone knows where Qilin is.

Because it is so conspicuous, there are burning clouds in the sky in broad daylight, and the rainbow floats above the head of the unicorn, like a divine light soaring into the sun, it is hard not to notice it!

Such visions can be seen from far away, and they were immediately spread, arousing the excitement of the people at once.

I finally know why the unicorn is said to be auspicious, and it carries visions wherever it goes. Coupled with its miraculous appearance, people don't have the slightest fear of it, but want to get close to it and touch it!

"When the country is about to prosper, there must be auspiciousness."

There should still be freedom of speech. If this is the case, there is no reason to ban it. There are too many people who have seen the unicorn, and there is no way to stop it.

The governments of various countries still seek stability, and such "dirty work", "tiring work", and "thankless work" are all entrusted to CANC.

After the war of angels, all countries have thrown the blame to CANC. After all, the people need an explanation. Why did modern weapons attack Angel when he appeared?

This pot, only CANC can bear it, and only they dare to bear it! Of course, CANC chose to create a peripheral organization. As a terrorist organization that is responsible for the responsibility, it is obviously wanted by the whole world.

But Huaguo is different, he has no one to lose the pot! The unicorn appeared directly in their hinterland, whether it was auspiciousness or disaster depends on Huaguo.

Qianlong internally requested to contain Qilin, but they still failed to come up with a safe plan.

They are not the same as CANC, they are not independent, but affiliated to the country, so before there is no better solution, the country would rather maintain the current situation and let Qilin stay in the mountains, anyway, it has not caused disasters for the time being .

At least, public opinion is beneficial to the country. As long as it is beneficial, what is principle? It is not a principle-oriented organization like CANC.

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