Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 279 Ghost Town

"The angel wiped out that monster..."

"Although I don't know what they said, but that monster should be the culprit of the plague?"

"What to do, the director, please give an order."

In the end, when the holy light of the angel disappeared and everyone lost the trace of the angel again, Director Qianlong only said: "The model is temporarily stored, but emergency measures must be taken. Once the order is issued, the opponent must be obliterated within ten seconds." .”

CANC has also been observing the angel, and seeing the angel disappear, they know that Qianlong did not use the containment.

CANC is very clear about the effect of Qianlong's obliterating containment, and they know that Qianlong has given up the plan.

"He actually let the angel go again, and informed Huaguo, hoping that they can kill the angel as soon as possible."

Themis' intention is that the curve influence Qianlong's decision.

Qianlong is controlled by the state, so as long as it meets the interests of the country, Qianlong is just a tool.


Lan Mu and Luo Yan left separately, no one knew that he could turn into a human to escape.

After that, the two met again and arrived in Harbin.

This is the last place to keep things in the wild. After it is resolved, Lan Mu will set off to Lop Nur to see the enemy of human beings.

He didn't think the contents here would cause him any trouble, but he found that things were not that simple.

In a hotel, Lan Mu and Luo Yan were eating and drinking, while constantly investigating strange things.

"No! The government and the media don't have any records about the supernatural, and no one in the whole city has noticed anything wrong." Luo Yan said.

The first feeling is that there are too many ghosts!

When Luo Yan arrived, he saw an evil spirit pestering a child. No one else could see the evil spirit, and all kinds of strange things scared the child to the point of madness.

Finally, when the evil spirit was about to kill the child, Lan Mu decisively captured it.

After this incident, the child told people everywhere that there are ghosts in this world, but no one believed them. Now I don’t go to school anymore, so I hide at home and pray to God to worship Gabriel, obviously frightened.

And this evil ghost is trapped in the barrier beside Lan Mu. Its abilities are so weird, it can teleport, pass through walls, become invisible and add illusions, which can be described as extremely terrifying to human beings.

More importantly, it is not restricted by liches, and the spiritual power puts a little pressure on them, but the power of darkness cannot transform them! Which means they are not undead.

"This kind of evil spirit is different, more like the one in various horror movies, and it is fundamentally different from Ma Xiaoou."

Ma Xiaoou is a spirit body after getting rid of negative emotions, while these ghosts are full of negative emotions, plus they have many strange abilities.

Lan Mu even guessed that there are quite a few ghosts who have the ability to tamper with memories, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why there are ghosts killing people in the city, and the police would be ignorant of it. Even the strange murder case has never occurred, and the whole city fell into a weird " normal'.

There are traces of ghosts in Harbin and surrounding counties and even towns and villages. At least with Lan Mu's spiritual power, he found no less than five hundred ghosts!

It goes without saying that ghosts will not be born naturally in this world, and the dead souls will disappear after a certain period of time. Except for Lan Mu, only the contained objects can cause ghosts to appear.

As for the contained object, Lan Mu could sense its location, but couldn't find it...

The place where the containment was located was at the end of an alley. When Lan Mu walked to the dead end, he felt that the containment was on the other side of the wall.

But when Lan Mu flew to the other side, he felt that the contained object was still on the other side of the wall.

Is the containment in the wall? No, Lan Mu directly smashed the wall, and without finding anything, his perception remained unchanged.

The containment was right in front of him, but he couldn't find it.

This is the weirdest containment that Lan Mu has found. He even suspects that the containment is actually hidden in the cracks in the space. If there are really cracks in the space...

"If you don't say anything, I will purify you..."

Lan Mu held the evil spirit hostage and threatened him.

However, the evil ghost didn't reveal any information, and couldn't even speak. It just looked at Lan Mu coldly. Luo Yan's eyes made Luo Yan shiver. It seemed that few human beings could resist the coldness.

Shaking his head, Lan Mu turned into a lich and absorbed it. Just stripping off its negative emotions, Lan Mu wasted a lot of time.

And in the end, he got very little, that is to say, the soul strength of the evil spirit's essence is not high, and what brings him ability is either a huge negative emotion, or the contained object that can't be found...

As for why the holy light is not used, it is because Lan Mu found that the holy light has a very poor effect on evil spirits, very poor, very poor.

The holy light will make it uncomfortable, but it cannot kill it. The holy light, the fire of hell, and even the fire of the unicorn had no effect. In the end, the lich came in handy. Although it couldn't be controlled, it could still be killed.

In other words, the only way for Lan Mu to deal with these evil spirits is to devour them, and only stronger ghosts can kill ghosts.


Harbin University, Yao Yuan ran around the campus late at night with a face full of horror. He was horrified to find that there was no one in the whole school!

He didn't know how he appeared on the playground. The only light in the entire campus was the streetlights, and there was no moon in the sky.

Instinctively, Yao Yuan stood under the street lamp, as if he could feel safe only in the light source.

The street lamp shone on him, casting a shadow on the ground, and he noticed that the shadow was smiling at him.

The shadow turned sideways and smiled at him strangely. The moment Yao Yuan saw this scene, Yao Yuan felt that his whole body was not well.

"There are ghosts! There are ghosts!"

Yao Yuan roared and ran, he had experienced many strange things, he didn't know what to do, it seemed that he was the only one left in the whole world.

When he ran to the teaching building, it was empty everywhere, and there was no one in the dormitory. He yelled hysterically, but no one answered.

That terrifying shadow followed him all the time, getting bigger and bigger, even forming a vortex to pull him to an unknown place.

At this moment, a man in black with a hood came out of the darkness, stepping up the stairs step by step.

Yao Yuan was even more shocked when he saw the other party. His first reaction was to regard the other party as a ghost, and he ran away in fright.

However, as soon as the man stretched out his hand, he froze it, and inserted his other hand directly into the shadow vortex.

A group of hazy black ghosts were pulled out of the shadow, and Yao Yuan's shadow returned to normal.

Holding onto the ghost, the strange man in black left without saying a word.

Yao Yuan still looked at his back in horror, until the surroundings suddenly lit up and the ice cubes disappeared automatically, then he calmed down a little.

He fell to the ground and looked around tremblingly. Everything on the campus returned to normal, and he was sitting on the ground of the playground.

"I obviously slept in the dormitory, why did I sleep in the playground?"

"There really is a ghost! This is not a dream!"

Yao Yuan stumbled and ran to the dormitory, trying to wake everyone up and tell his story.

However, no one believed it. It was just that the housekeeper wondered how he ran out. The door was locked. Could it be that he jumped off the building? The dormitory manager also thought that he was undisciplined by climbing over the wall, and planned to tell him to the counselor.

Yao Yuan wanted to cry but had no tears, and he didn't sleep all night, because he didn't even know if he had escaped.


In an office building, three employees are staying up late and working overtime, drinking bitter coffee, and working hard on the computer.

An employee had just finished a job when he suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood.

"Did you smell it?"


"The smell of blood!"

"Where is it?"

Seeing that the others didn't smell it, the employee didn't care. He picked up the coffee and took a sip. As soon as he took the coffee, his face changed. When he looked down, it was just a cup of blood.

"Pfft!" The staff was terrified, and directly sprayed blood all over the screen.

With a tick, a tooth hit the screen and landed on the table.

Seeing this human tooth coming out of his mouth made him feel sick.

At this time, blood was dripping from his mouth, and he looked terrifying. Two colleagues shouted: "Damn, what's wrong with you! Lost your teeth?"

"My teeth?'s not mine!" The staff member licked his tongue, feeling nauseated in his stomach. He realized that it wasn't his teeth!

"Go and wash!" A colleague came over to support him and accompany him to the bathroom to wash.

The bathroom was dark, and the door was a mirror. He felt a little terrified and couldn't take a step.

"Why don't you go in?" a colleague asked him.

The clerk panicked, thinking that his mouth was so disgusting that he would die, so he went in to wash it.

At this moment, the elevator sounded, and the three of them looked over, and a man in black broke into their company.

The man in black hid his head and showed his face, walked straight to the staff, and suddenly grabbed his colleague by the neck.

This employee is still baffled, who are you? Break in and commit murder?

He hurriedly shouted: "Stop! I'm calling the police!"

The man in black ignored him, dragged the man by the neck, and went straight to another colleague.

Another colleague tilted his neck and disappeared suddenly.

The staff was taken aback, why did the living person disappear? He wiped his glasses and really couldn't see his colleague anymore.

Looking at the colleague whose neck was strangled by the man in black, the old man whose neck had been stretched at this time, his eyes were still moving, obviously he deserved to die a long time ago when his neck was stretched like this!

"What's going on? Who are you!"

The man in black turned around suddenly, and came straight to the staff again.

"What are you doing!" The staff member was terrified at the man in black, he felt that what he encountered tonight was too weird.

The man in black said in a stiff and hoarse voice, "Open your mouth!"

The clerk didn't dare to open his mouth, and quickly backed away. At this moment, he suddenly felt uncomfortable in his stomach.

Stomach swollen like something.

The man in black roared again: "Open your mouth if you don't want to die!"

The clerk opened his mouth hurriedly, and the man in black stretched out his skinny hand and directly put it into his mouth.

A black energy penetrated into his stomach, and the man in black pulled violently, and saw a squeezed human figure being pulled out from his mouth. The surface of this human figure was still covered with a layer of dark matter, looking at the exposed The face was exactly his disappearing colleague.


The clerk vomited frantically, feeling as if all the acid in his stomach had been vomited out.

He couldn't believe how his colleague was in his stomach!

The man in black held a ghost in each hand, and the dark energy swallowed it, and finally both of them disappeared into nothingness.

After finishing this matter, the man in black took the elevator and left, leaving only the only employee lying on the ground in a daze.

After the two ghosts were devoured, his memory suddenly revived, and a strange but familiar memory surged out of his brain.

He is the only one working overtime today! The colleague who entered his stomach had died a long time ago, and he also died in an overtime work. The body was found in the toilet in the bathroom.

He didn't know another colleague at all, and there was no such person in the whole company, but these days he and others have always regarded this strange guy as a colleague.

Let a dead colleague accompany him to work overtime, but everyone seems to have forgotten about it, even the police forgot about it after disposing of the body.

The cruelty of the truth almost made him collapse. He and two ghosts were staying up late and working overtime, and he knew nothing about it!

He knew that if the man in black hadn't appeared suddenly, he would have died in the bathroom. Like that colleague, the body was found in the toilet and then forgotten by everyone...including the police.

"There are really ghosts in this could this be?"

"Who is that man in black?"

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