Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 312: Successful Artificial Cultivation

Lan Mu changed into the old hooded windbreaker, very neutral clothing, if he still wore the red coat like this, it would be too conspicuous.

"If you don't cover your face, you will be treated as an alien if you go out..."

In fact he turned out to be an alien, a literal alien race.

"Psychic power can let me fly, but the speed is only 400 kilometers per hour. It takes 40 hours to fly at such a slow speed to reach New York. It's better to fly."

"I can't get on a plane with this appearance, but I have data control. This ability is probably to perceive various forms of signals and control data flow. When I turned into a silicon-based creature, I also have similar abilities, but I don't need any help. The body, I can directly convert brain waves into signal sources..."

Using the force of his mind to support himself to fly on the ocean, he arrived at an airport in New Guinea after a while.

"The plane will take off at night, the adjustment work has been completed, and the fuel level is sufficient... very good!"

Lan Mu Shi suddenly walked into the cabin, the cabin door opened automatically, and all the instruments were lit up.

He went to a good seat and sat down, the door closed automatically, and he was the only passenger in the whole plane.

"Now... take off!"

The two major abilities of mind power and data control control the plane and directly enter the pre-flight runway.

The airport personnel are all dumbfounded. The plane will take another three hours to arrive. Who is flying the plane now?

"JX07 returns to the holding area immediately, the flight order has not been approved... Please answer the flight crew!"

"Hey! You snatched the flight!"

The orders from the base station went unanswered, and they didn't even know that the plane didn't even have a pilot.

"What's going on? Is there a communication error?"

"Something is wrong, there is no flight order, how to start the passenger plane?"

"Yeah, we don't give navigation here, does he rely on his feeling?"

"Oh my god, it just took off! Headed east."

The pilots at the airport were in disarray, and planes that were supposed to be on the runway were forced to wait because the flight was scrambled.

Soon the captain and the flight attendant crew of this flight were notified. They were enjoying their last leisure time before takeoff, and they were all dumbfounded after receiving the notification.

"We're all here! Who's flying the plane?"

"I don't know, the people in the plane don't answer..."


The plane had already taken off, but the remote console command was invalid. The airport staff watched the flight go away in a daze, and the passengers hadn't arrived yet.


Under the data control of Lanmu, the aircraft is directly connected to the satellite signal for navigation, and enters the automatic flight mode.

The speed has been increased very quickly by him, even so it will take more than sixteen hours to fly.

He was not idle at this time, and sent a strong signal to insert into the earth's network.

Countless information rushed into his brain, and he immediately set up filter items and allocated a thousand input ports.

Under the control of data, he swims freely in the network like a fish, entering the networks of China, Russia, and the United States. So far, no firewall can stop his intrusion.

In a private biological research institute in New York, dozens of blood races are preparing for surgery.

Andrew's stomach has obviously bulged, waiting for something, wandering around the institute.

Suddenly, the image on the screen mutated, and the image of their true ancestor appeared on it.

Some blood races have never seen the true ancestors at all, so naturally they can't feel any blood class when looking at a picture.

But Andrew had seen it before, and immediately recognized that it was the true ancestor.

"True ancestor?"

The image is an almost real-life CG made by Lan Mu's intrusion system, and he said, "Have you received my order? Bai Ze should have notified you."

Andrew said excitedly: "Yes, you asked us to take out the fetus and carry out artificial cultivation."

"I'm making preparations now. I... have my mission been completed? True Ancestor!" Andrew was very happy about this order. He was a majestic duke who was pregnant in the laboratory and was studied for two months. Now it seems that I can finally be freed.

"Yes, but you still have to stay here to assist them in the simulation of the mother body. After all, this is the first experiment of artificially cultivating blood races. Everything remains in theory and requires your cooperation to provide a large amount of experimental data." Lan Mu said.

Andrew nodded, he could only obey the True Ancestor's orders. "Yes, I see."


Sixteen hours later, the plane was approaching New York.

During these sixteen hours, Lan Mu has been swimming in the ocean of the Internet and browsed a lot of information.

Countless books have been recorded in his mind. He transformed into a powerful brain space, but he has no matching knowledge. He feels empty in his head, so naturally he has to keep reading and studying.

In fact, he did the same thing when he turned into a silicon-based creature, but his so-called memory at that time was stored in the body, and it disappeared after another transformation.

That is to say, that knowledge is only useful when maintaining that transformation, but having no soul makes him very uncomfortable, so after writing down the knowledge on the Internet, there is no follow-up, and he does not intend to use this to think about climbing the technology tree.

It is different now, the learned knowledge can also be used for deeper understanding and broad thinking. The subconscious mind of the brain is much faster than his main consciousness. Sometimes the main consciousness thinks that a problem is impossible, but the subconscious quickly gives a new solution. Answer.

This feeling is a bit like a flash of inspiration, a brain that can always give answers in a flash of inspiration when facing problems, Lan Mu must add enough knowledge for him.

When he arrived over New York, he had already recorded the information stored in multiple national network databases, and by the way, he had solved a famous mathematical conjecture.

"Becoming a master in minutes, aliens are so smart, how can people on earth mess around?"

Lan Mu paused for information integration and concentrated on controlling the landing of the plane.

American Airlines has already discovered the plane. According to the plan, there is no plane from New Guinea at this time. Through communication, they learned that the plane was hijacked by unknown persons.

This is a big event, maybe it is a terrorist attack of hijacking a plane.

However, this matter was quickly noticed by the Ministry of National Defense, and then nothing happened.

It was not intercepted, and no other measures were taken to allow an unauthorized aircraft to enter the airspace over the United States.

When it arrived at the New York airport, the airport had no idea what to do.

"Has the above investigation been clear? Isn't this a hijacked plane?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be landing, let's do it normally!"

Airport personnel prepared the runway for the passenger plane and directed it to land.

However, Lan Mu did not land from there, but picked a remote alternate runway.

"What's the meaning?"

"There has been no response to contact."

"Why did you land there?"

"Go quickly!"

The plane landed safely on the alternate runway, all the instruments were shut down quickly, and all the internal lights went out at once.

When the airport personnel rushed all the way here, they found that it was an empty plane with no one there.

The man who had piloted the plane to New York was nowhere to be seen, having apparently departed silently.

This incident is too strange, as if a ghost plane flew over by itself over a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers.

When the reporters all came and started reporting on the matter, the American officials gave the results of the investigation.

The result is very simple. A group of unknown elements hijacked the plane and escaped after landing. As for the purpose of this group of people, it is not clear, but the authorities said that they are already tracking down and will definitely ensure the safety of the people.

Of course, this kind of rhetoric was put forward by Lan Mu. The United States is in the hands of the blood race, so it is very easy to fool the people.


Lan Mu didn't go to the Institute of Biology immediately, but went to Diana first.

He had asked Bai Ze to inform Diana before, and Diana already knew that the true ancestor had become a blue alien again, and had been waiting for Lan Mu to come.

Now that Lan Mu is in this state, he can't even enter the door of the Biology Research Institute without resorting to some means. It is much more convenient to bring Diana with him.

Walking side by side with Diana, people in the research institute saluted when they saw her, and respectfully called: "Your Majesty the Queen."

Arriving at a well-arranged cultivation center, an artificial cultivation environment has been prepared for the first fetus of the blood race.

Walking in here, Lan Mu asked, "Have you started nurturing?"

All the blood races didn't know who this person was hiding their heads and covering their faces, so they all looked at Diana.

Diana hurriedly said: "His words are like my orders, all of you must cooperate unconditionally!"


The faces of the blood races froze. They dared not cooperate with Diana's order, and hurriedly laughed: "The fetus in Andrew's body has been taken out, and it is being artificially cultivated here. We have initially simulated the maternal environment, provided by Andrew himself. There is a lot of blood, and the current situation is going well."

Walking to the cultivation cabin, Lan Mu glanced at the eyes and basically understood the experiment situation.

If there is no accident, the fetus will eventually grow into a healthy four-generation blood family, with the same genes, the same appearance, and the same nature as Andrew.

This is just an experiment, and the birth of the whole fetus has no other real significance, just to prove the feasibility of growing out of the mother.

"Very good, the cultivation was very successful."

"This method is feasible, but the cloning glasses are containment objects after all, and the cloned genes do not have the ability to reproduce independently... The reproductive ability of the Asari tribe itself is relatively safe, and what is bred is a real new life. Let's start, Saree..."

First of all, Lanmu needs a spouse, or a gene provider.

This gene provider can be other races.

Men definitely can't do it, Lan Mu is the first to rule it out, even if it's the fusion of the nervous system and the sympathy of the soul.

Then the target is only women, who will be the first fusion object? Human or vampire? Or is it the undead?

"People on Earth don't have any special talents, and the genes in the undead's bodies have no special characteristics, and the roots are in the soul, and I don't know if it will work..."

"Let's start with the simple ones, that's the blood race."

Thinking of this, two candidates popped up in my mind, Song Yixue and Diana.

This was chosen for him subconsciously, because both of them are second-generation blood. But Lan Mu ruled out Song Yixue without even thinking about it, leaving only Diana.


"Diana, come with me."

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