Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 318: Teaching Techniques

"This... is this a quantum computer?"

Lan Mu has arrived at a courtyard specially prepared for him by the space agency. This courtyard was originally a foreign guest area for receiving strategic partners, and now it happens to receive Lan Mu alone.

The wreckage of the escape pod recovered by the transport vehicle was also transported here, and the transport method was still telekinesis, which of course was anti-gravity technology in their eyes.

Of course, Lan Mu couldn't hand over all the escape pods to Hua Guo, as the technical content in it was there, but if they really gave it to them for research, they would be ruined immediately.

So he refused the visit request of the scientists on the grounds of personal privacy. In order to divert their attention, Lan Mu directly dismantled the quantum computer from the escape cabin.

"This escape pod was made by myself at home decades ago. It has a deep commemorative significance for me. The performance of this quantum computer is only 10,000 to 20,000 times higher than your best computer. After all I'm just a little guy, I can't do better work."

As Lan Mu said, he described this computer, which has surpassed Huaguo for decades, as if a small person tinkered with it at home out of interest.

Several scientists in related fields looked at the core of the quantum computer obsessively, eager to snatch it away.

It's not that they don't know quantum computer technology, but they are extremely immature, and their computing power is not as good as the supercomputers currently in use.

The core processing box in front of me has a simple shape, and its volume has been reduced by ten times. It is a major achievement of CANC's painstaking research and development for an unknown number of years.

Moreover, Lan Mu also updated and upgraded it. The inspiration of his brain provided him with a better quantum algorithm, which directly made this calculation speed surpass CANC by dozens of times. Originally, this achievement of CANC was not enough to control the spacecraft, but now it is completely possible.

Of course, the improved one uses brand-new calculation symbols. Although it is the same as the mathematical model of the earth, it seems that there will be no tricks like binary Arabic numerals on the surface.

Even CANC doesn't know how long it will take to optimize the technology. For Huaguo, this technology is beyond their hundreds of years of technology.

"Can we test it?" An old academician with gray temples trembled.

"Yes, if there is something you don't understand, you can ask me. It's just that with this level of technology, my personal knowledge is still enough." Lan Mu is not bragging, he understands all the cutting-edge technologies on the earth, and it took less than In six days, he completed the technical absorption that others could never learn in a lifetime, otherwise, without this knowledge reserve, how could he improve CANC's technology.

So in front of him, a large group of researchers appeared and began to test the performance of the computer.

"The computing speed is 14,500 times faster than Tianhe computer..."

"If the quantum BIT continues to increase, this speed can continue to increase. With a suitable quantum algorithm, the speed increase is unlimited! This is a real quantum computer!"

The result is of course perfectly in line with their expectations for quantum computers. This is a relatively mature technology, and the amount of calculation required to support the operation of an interstellar spacecraft the size of a county town is not a problem at all.

But Lan Mu knows that this quantum computer can still be improved, as long as there is enough time.

Just like the appearance of the original crystal panel computer, after decades of replacements and technology upgrades. Ordinary computers used by people today are much more powerful than those used by national scientific research centers decades ago.

The same is true for quantum computers. The ones made by Huaguo are not as good as the existing computers, because their technology is immature. Theoretically, a newer generation of quantum computers can emerge, and there will be even better ones after the better ones. The development of quantum computers is far from reaching its limit.

Scientists in Huaguo also know that as long as there is a suitable quantum algorithm, the speed can be optimized geometrically.

"May I ask about the quantum algorithm of this computer?" asked the old academician.

Lan Mu said: "Of course, but dictation is too complicated. I will only describe the core content, and the rest can be recorded in your computer later."

Without any hesitation, Lan Mu blurted out and answered several core questions about quantum computers for everyone. As his narration deepened, the scene became more and more silent. These authoritative scholars in Huaguo seemed to be students eager for knowledge listening to the teachings. .

Their pursuit of knowledge is so pure, some of them are still taking notes seriously at a very old age, their eyes light up from time to time, they suddenly fall into deep thought, and then they smile in relief after suddenly realizing it.

The researchers next to them also quickly recorded these, and even recorded them altogether.

The problems of quantum computer technology from theory to practice are one after another. Looking at this group of people's thirst for knowledge like drug addicts, Lan Mu is not impatient, but explains it more patiently.

He is so professional at the moment. If it was Lan Mu before, he would never be able to say one, two, three. Now he has learned so much knowledge around the world with his highly developed brain. This knowledge has been dedicated to science here. For a lifetime of people, the usefulness is much greater than that of his Lan Mu Society.

Scientific development is not a matter for one person, and it is meaningless to be self-preserving. Even now he needs massive experimental data support, so Lan Mu must share it with more people, and scientists in Huaguo are the best choice .

This country has the resources, the money, the goals, the passion, and the insatiable hunger for knowledge.


Time passed by, and before you knew it, it was already afternoon.

More and more top scholars have been notified by their superiors that there is an alien in the space agency, and they are still teaching technology to humans, so they rushed here immediately.

At this moment, the courtyard of the space agency has gathered most of China's top scientists, in various fields, but mainly related to various technologies in the aerospace field.

Because there were too many people, latecomers could only stand in the yard and look into the house.

Although only a few words could be heard clearly, one could clearly feel the excitement and joy of the people inside, as if a group of people who had been trekking in the dark underground for decades suddenly saw the light at the entrance of the cave.

"This is a completely new theory..."

"How can it be……"

"I've thought about this possibility before, but I didn't expect it to come true..."

"My God, it's really..."

These few words made the people outside even more heart-wrenching, until they suddenly saw it, they were terrified.

"Hi chiefs!"

People moved out of the way, and at this time Lan Mu's teaching had just ended, and he taught everyone about the technology of quantum computers without reservation.

More detailed information is not useful just by talking about it, it has to wait until it is actually developed and put into practice.

"Welcome, distant friend, I don't know what to call you?"

"According to your habits, I named myself: Blue Star."

Now this race has blue skin and extraterrestrial life, so it is called Blue Star. In the case of Lan Mu's late-stage naming difficulty syndrome, thinking of such a name can be regarded as a flashback.

Regarding the enthusiasm of Hua Guo's leaders, Lan Mu also smiled politely. He knew that he had shown some real skills here, and he had completely won their respect.

Those top scholars know the authenticity of the technology as soon as they hear it, and some of them can prove it immediately by doing a few experiments that are not expensive. It is not a mystical theory that cost hundreds of millions to prove as some people imagined at first.

Secretly, someone has already tried the technology provided by Lan Mu. Once it works, it will prove that what he said is true.

The so-called non-technical things are some greetings, introducing the beauty and beauty of Huaguo to Lan Mu, and deepening friendship.

There is also the question of intelligent life in the universe, which is what all astronomers want to know.

They are so eager to learn about the ethics of another civilization, is there a universal morality in the universe? How should the exchanges between the two civilizations proceed? These are things that people are not sure about, and I hope to get answers from him.

Regarding these questions, Lan Mu was silent to himself, how could he know? I can only make it up... Fortunately, he was already prepared.

Based on the example of the Amway civilization he has come into contact with, he probably feels that there is no integrity between two strange civilizations.

The Amway civilization has discovered the wormhole and the earth here, but it only observes secretly with higher technology, without communicating or greeting.

If there were no Zerg that frightened them, the earth would have been invaded by alien civilizations as early as the last century.

In the end, he was more than happy to let the earth drag the Zerg, and they ran away decisively.

Lan Mu feels that no matter how civilizations communicate, he can only speak in the worst direction possible, and must not create a beautiful worldview for people.

In short, there is nothing wrong with being cautious. Who knows what will happen when two civilizations collide? If his words make Hua Guo become a foolish and sweet attitude towards extraterrestrial life, it is tantamount to harming them.

"About my civilization, I have nothing to say. Contacting you has already violated the regulations. As for whether the universe has a universal morality, no one knows, maybe it has never been..."

"I can only tell you that you must always be wary of foreign civilizations. No one can guarantee the attitude of the civilizations you encounter. I personally have recognized your friendliness and simplicity, but this does not mean that my civilization is also like this. I believe that each civilization thinks from a different angle, but it must be based on its own interests, so conflicts may arise at any time. Rather than conflicts appearing sooner or later, it is better to simply disappear!"

"About the communication between you and my civilization, I can answer you very clearly. Without communication, my civilization will not have any contact with you."

"Thank you very much for your willingness to help a victim like me, but even so, you will never know where my civilization is."

Lan Mu also seriously put forward several requirements for this project, what resources are needed, and how many resources are needed, he has a list in his mind.

The two were negotiating, but the astronomer on the side was a little absent-minded.

They don't know anything about this universe. They thought that they could understand something when they came into contact with aliens, and they could get experience in dealing with alien civilizations from his mouth.

But now he is even more confused, Lan Mu said nothing, and seemed to say a lot.

His civilization is a mystery, and perhaps all the civilizations he encounters in the future will be a mystery.


p.s: In the past ten days, the subscription has dropped horribly. I decided not to look at the backstage anymore. I stayed up late these days to save my manuscripts. I set off for Thailand today, and I will be back on the 20th. Update my design time at 12:00 noon, if the girl clicks, contact Luo Yan (a manager in the group). If the plane lost contact, the friends in the group asked Luo Yan to post an obituary on my account. above.

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