Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 324 Justice From Heaven

After bidding farewell to Reinhardt, Lan Mu stepped into the passage to the deep underground of the moon.

His angelic body is naturally not afraid of the space environment, and Eleven is also not afraid at this moment, because he is soaked in the 'water of adverse environment'.

That is of course the containment, which can cover the surface of the thing soaked in the liquid with an invisible film, which lasts for about a day, and it can protect the soaker from being affected by the space environment, but the oxygen has to be provided by itself. In addition, the side effects are also very simple. When the film exists, once exposed to a good environment to adapt to, it will be fatal.

At this moment, Eleven is only wearing a close-fitting combat uniform, covered with a layer of protective armor made of nanomaterials, and the mask has oxygen-providing equipment and a headset for talking, which can ensure that Eleven will consume five hours of intense consumption.

This armor is almost the standard armament of lunar warriors. After the exterior is damaged, the nano-armor will automatically repair the damage. Of course, if it is repaired too many times, this armor will only become thinner and smaller...

In addition, he is also equipped with a variety of explosives, basically to open the way.

Because although there are many passages dug by CANC under the surface of the moon, it is the territory of the Zerg after all, and almost every time they enter, they will find that the roads are blocked.

The passage is not the metal pipe type as imagined, but just a layer of stone steps, like the stone steps in ordinary small scenic spots.

If it is paved with metal, the Zerg can eat it all in less than a day.

"Boom boom boom!" This is the voice of the two people, watching the explosion in front of them, and the unexplored area is displayed in front of them.

Kill bugs with strange shapes all the way, and some bugs can resist an angel's sword! Very tenacious. Some insects are extremely resistant to high temperatures, and even 6,000 degrees Celsius are considered nothing. There are also bugs that are extremely fast and can avoid most penetrating damage. What's more, some insects are immune to ice, fire, thunder and lightning, and their power is super strong!

Their teeth can crush diamonds, their tentacles can pierce steel, their impact can crack rock, and their claws can tear alloy!

But it can only cause a little hindrance to Lanmu. The Zerg also needs capital to manufacture powerful units. It is impossible for each bug to be immune to tens of thousands of attacks. If that is the case, wouldn't the cost of a bug be sky-high?

Bugs still rely more on insect sea tactics and learn to imitate attacks similar to fantasy weapons.

For example, electric currents. Some fantasy weapons release powerful electric currents, but the Zergs adapt and evolve organs that can absorb electric currents. After that, the Zergs can create combat units that emit the same electric currents.

Another example is magic power. Once the destructive magic power of fantasy weapons is absorbed, the bugs can quickly learn it and release similar destructive attacks.

It can be said that CANC has been fighting for so many years. Although it has blocked the Zerg, it has also made the Zerg stronger and more capable.

Eleven threw all kinds of bombs, and in conjunction with Lan Mu's energy impact, opened a path directly.

"It's already 150 kilometers underground, and we've never been to a deeper place. It can be said that the bugs in the front are just appetizers, and we will definitely encounter real fighting bugs in the back, which are very powerful!" Eleven Holding a scarlet spear and carrying a teleportation scepter on his back, he pointed at the hole that exploded out and said.

"Oh..." Lan Mu flew down without hesitation, and Eleven hurriedly followed.

The more you go down, the more bugs, the more powerful!

About 300 kilometers underground, they finally encountered a terrifying big meat worm with astonishing momentum, which looked like a ball of yarn.

About thirty meters in diameter, countless hollow powder-like tentacles are entangled together to form a sphere.

Countless black hairs, carapaces, and pupils are all over the body, looking extremely terrifying and frightening.

"What is this?" Lan Mu felt that this monster looked awesome, and it should have been specially sent by the Zerg to snipe them when they discovered that the invaders were too deep.

"We call it a sucking insect. Every tube in its body is an energy absorber. It is a powerful unit created by the Zerg three years ago. After that, almost every large insect swarm will have it. It restrains ordinary fantasy weapons. Unless it has a very special power, as long as it is an energy-type attack, any attribute will be ineffective against it, because it has learned to absorb all attribute attacks under our many years of attacks, not only that..." Before he finished speaking, Yi Levin saw Lan Mu fly directly over and start attacking.

Shock! Slash! flame! Frost! Thunder! tear! corrosion!

Various energies were released by Lan Mu, attacking the sucking insects.

The force of the impact was absorbed, and the sword energy of the slash disappeared without a trace.

Not to mention those attribute attacks, the mud cow disappeared into the sea!

After testing a set of attacks, Lan Mu found that it was really completely immune, not only that, but also quickly counterattacked, using exactly the same attack method as Lan Mu just now.

The tentacles shot out the absorbed energy like a gun barrel, blasting the soft underground structure into wild vibrations, and began to collapse.

"... Not only that, but it can also absorb damage and give feedback!" Eleven finished his unfinished sentence and hurriedly started to dodge.

Faced with all kinds of energies in the air, Lan Mu clapped his hands and bounced an energy bomb.

"How fat are you raising it? You must use the power it has never touched before."

In the next second, Lan Mufei stepped forward, and a sword containing brand new magic power pierced into the body of Sucking Chong.

This energy is purely original by Lan Mu. It is set to have extremely strong armor-piercing properties, and at the same time, it can also cause a big explosion in the living body.

The energy will use any cell as fuel to forcefully detonate the sucking bug.


"Boom boom boom!" The terrifying explosion wave echoed, and the two men made up their voices.

The explosion was contagious, leading to a series of big explosions, and the huge sucking insects were directly blown into slurry, which drenched towards Eleven.

These slurries were also infected with this energy, and began to explode again in mid-air, scaring Eleven to roll away in a hurry.

But the slurry in these sucking worms spread continuously with the explosion, exploded again, and spread again.

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, Eleven suddenly pulled out a blank card from his body and threw it out, hitting the splashed blood in the middle.

The slurry in the air was suddenly sucked into the card, and the scene in front of him was completely empty.

"Be careful! I was almost killed." Eleven rushed up to pick up the card, looked at it and exclaimed, "Oh my god! Eight stars! What kind of attack did you just do?"

Lan Mu looked at Eleven's behavior in amazement. He created a kind of power specially to kill this big bug, which fully consumed half of Lan Mu's power of faith, killing the giant sucking bug instantly, and the explosive energy continued to whip Corpse, the remaining slurry also caused the dense swarm of insects around to explode in a row, and it was wiped out directly.

Can such an attack be strong? Lan Mu dared to say that even if there were ten times more bugs here just now, they would all be blown up.

The explosion will detonate nearby mobs, causing a chain explosion, which is perfect for dealing with swarms.

"Your storage is a card?" Lan Mu asked.

Eleven jumped down with a spear in his hand, stuffed the card into a sleeve at his waist and said, "A card sleeve, you need to sacrifice a living person to create a blank card. A blank card cannot absorb living creatures, but it can absorb special effects of attacks. Stored in the card, it can be released anytime, anywhere.”

Lan Mu looked at the card sleeve with interest. He knew that if the containment of the interpreter could be approved, it must not be too harmful to human beings. Although it sounds like a blank card needs to be sacrificed to a living person, this kind of sacrifice can be done with D-level personnel. There are many death row inmates in the world, so as long as the amount of sacrifice is not too large, there is no problem.

"Hey, don't stare, you can release an eight-star attack at will, this containment is just tasteless to you." Eleven said.

Lan Mu asked: "Is eight stars strong enough? How much is the highest?"

Eleven said: "I don't know the highest, but the card's absorption limit is ten stars, so far eight stars in my hands is already the top attack method."

Lan Mu nodded, suddenly thinking of the Annihilation Ray on the Lost Island.

"Have you tried to absorb the attack on Lost Island?"

Eleven shook his head and said: "It's useless, that kind of attack is terrifyingly strong, far beyond the limit of the card. Most of the weapons I store are science-level weapons..."

"Heh, the attacks you received in the card are probably ineffective against the Zerg, right?" Lan Mu said.

Eleven grinned, indeed. Almost every day, he thinks of ways to collect some attack methods that the Zerg have not yet adapted to, and store them in the card.

"Don't underestimate me. When the explosive power is dense enough, even the armored Zerg can't stop it. The Zerg can resist the explosive energy, but what if it is a stronger explosive energy? Absolute power breaks the upper limit of the Zerg's defense , can also cause harm!"

As he said that, he drew out a card, which displayed countless rocket barrages! Seven stars!

"We know more about bugs than you do. Why do we have to build so many technological weapons on the lunar surface? Because they are a very economical race, and it is a waste of time to maintain high-strength resistance, so they often degrade some of their functions... ..."

"You used powerful fantasy attacks along the way, so the next bugs must spend a lot of resources on maintaining magic resistance, and degraded the damage of bombs that we haven't used for a long time. This batch of bugs is deeply hidden Underground, how long has it been since I saw how powerful I, Eleven is?"

Millions of bugs would appear in the ground anytime and anywhere, frantically rushing towards the two of them, and Eleven hurriedly flew out the card in his hand and shouted.

"Gabriel, we humans didn't survive on the moon for forty years by luck!"

A dense barrage of rockets appeared out of thin air in front of the card, setting off a storm of explosions.

"Justice descended from heaven!"

In an instant, a large number of missiles were released, bombarding the ground indiscriminately.

Explosions, flames, stumps, rubble...

The missiles flew out like a meteor shower, like a dense barrage!

Countless stones were blasted away, and countless insects came to stop them, and were submerged by the explosion. They were brave enough to die, but they found that the missiles were endless.

In this crowded underground, every explosion can take away the lives of a large number of bugs, forcing them to immediately evolve corresponding carapaces.

But when one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand missiles arrive, the hastily transformed carapace will soon shatter.

For a while, insect corpses were everywhere, and wreckage was full of potholes.


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