Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 331: Before the War

Bai Ze, Jinx, Jia Dai and others looked at the new kid in surprise.

A large boxy wooden table was covered with various food plates, but the food on it had been swept away.

The plate is as smooth as a mirror, clean as if it was new from the factory, and there are thousands of plates stacked on top of each other.

The blood guards flew around, sending batch after batch of food non-stop, but was eaten by Elise as soon as it was put on the table. Her hand speed was astonishingly fast, and her small mouth kept taking in food , the skin absorbed the soup, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Elise was sitting in the middle of the big wooden table, eating much faster than the food was delivered, watching her sweep up all the food, and even ate the plate.

The plates disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. When there was nothing on the table, she moved her gaze to the table itself.

"Stop! Don't eat!" Lan Mu hastily called to stop.

Bai Ze said speechlessly, "Master, she ate all the food reserves on the island."

Lan Mu shook his head and said, "Really, it doesn't matter to her whether the food needs to be cooked or not, she shouldn't be brought to eat with you..."

Elise was brought and introduced to everyone. Everyone was used to the newly added non-human beings, and they didn't reject anything.

A large group of people gathered around the table to eat, and they were shocked by the ferocity of Elise's eating as soon as they moved their chopsticks.

"It's a waste not to let her eat normal food in the future. Go! Send her all the materials to be recycled from the island research institute." Lan Mu said.

There is a new material research institute on the island. The previous superalloy was successfully developed here. In terms of application technology, weapons are often tested, and there will be a lot of metal debris left over. These debris can be recycled and reused, but now it is just used for she eats.

So the normal food was finished, and batches of metal materials were delivered, and Elise ate with gusto.

Jinx jumped onto the table curiously, and suddenly took out a half-person tall missile and handed it over, as if to express her friendliness.

"Hey, I'll give it to you to eat." Jinx's tone was narrow, as if she wanted to watch something interesting.

Elise took it casually and gnawed on it, and at the same time, the place where her hand touched the missile was rapidly dented.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the missile exploded very close. Jiadai and the others backed away in fright. Jinx's missile was still very powerful, and she alone was equal to the firepower of an army.

However, the flame of the explosion had just appeared, and then went out in an instant. The energy of the explosion was compressed together, forming a red fireball that was constantly rolling and boiling, but it still couldn't escape Elise's palm and spread around.

In just two seconds, all the explosion energy mixed with missile fragments was eaten by her. The skin was like a super energy absorbing machine, sucking everything into the body. It seemed that nothing had happened on the scene. The wooden table and Elise His clothes were all intact.

"Amazing! Cool!" Jinx clapped her hands in praise, as if she had found a very interesting toy.

The corners of everyone's eyes twitched slightly, thinking in their hearts that Jinx had taken a fancy to Elise and planned to draw her into the prank group?

Two demons, a Zerg queen, and her little sister are simply a headache combination.

Sure enough, after a while, Elise ate all the edible materials stored on the island, which amounted to hundreds of tons.

However, this is not even the degree of clogging teeth for Elise.

Jinx took out another missile, which she made like candy, painted colorfully, and had a shark face pattern, making it look like Halloween candy.

"Hey! Call me boss and I'll eat it for you!"

Jinx tempted Elise with a candy-shaped missile, but Elise shouted decisively without restraint: "Boss!"

After recognizing the boss, he happily took a bite of the missile. For Elise, it doesn't matter who is called the boss or the master, she has no such concept.

What is etiquette? Can I eat it?

As long as you give her something delicious, she won't feel uncomfortable calling it whatever you want.

Jinx's fish bones can absorb resources in a radius of tens of kilometers and convert them into various fire weapons.

This is not created out of thin air, so the resources of the earth are still consumed, and the damage to the environment is great.

But a small amount is fine, and it's okay to give Elise missiles as candy once in a while.

Lan Mu stepped forward and told Jinx a few words, telling her not to feed Elise unrestrainedly, because the other party is a bottomless pit.

Jinx said: "Got it! I will be optimistic about my new follower!"

Lan Mu couldn't help shaking his head seeing Elise following Jinx like begging for food.

Because of Lan Mu's ban, in order to eat more, Elise could only please Jinx as much as possible, hoping to eat more bombs.

Jinx ribbon she met two little devils, Elise looked at them as if she was looking at delicious food, and she was so greedy.

Bibidi's crimson skin contained amazing strength. At this moment, he was flying up from the bottom of the sea with a great white shark on his back, ready to be roasted and eaten.

The earth's environment is actually not suitable for the growth of demons. It is too ordinary and mild, so that demons always eat a lot of meat.

I saw that he habitually threw the great white shark in front of Jinx, and before the great white shark landed, Elise thought it was a feeding for her, and ate the great white shark in mid-air until there was nothing left.

"What are you doing!" Bibidi was furious, he had always been the only one who robbed others, but today a little guy dared to rob him of food!

Jinx said: "She is a new follower, and she already recognizes me as the boss! Super super edible!"

Bibi Di cut out and said, "Give me all the fun in the future, and I will enjoy the delicious food first! Do you understand?"

Elise's expression sank, and she looked at Bibidi indifferently, as if she was looking at an idiot. As for Jinx, she watched the show heartlessly, and seemed to be looking forward to what happened next.

Seeing Elise's uneasy expression, Bibidi approached Elise shaking his football-sized fist and said, "New here, do you know what is the power of destruction?"

Elise shook her head blankly and said, "Can I eat it?"

"Hmph, listen! I feel the divine power in your body, give it to me, all the divine power should be absorbed by me." According to Bibidi, Elise also has a similar energy breath in her body, obviously It also absorbed the divine power of the angel, which is the highest quality energy in the barren environment of the earth, and Bibidi broke out of the egg by absorbing it.

Predation is Bibidi's nature. He bullies Elise's petiteness and wants to take away the huge energy in her body.

However, he didn't know that his words also angered Elise, asking for energy from the Zerg was worse than stealing money from humans.


Lan Mu gathered Bai Ze and others a few hundred meters away, and he was arranging a plan to capture all CANC strongholds.

The lunar crisis is resolved, and the next step is the decisive battle between the two major international containment forces on the earth.

When he transformed into the Asari tribe, the Blue and White Society had already started preparing for battle, and the combat power of the Hunter Association, the Blood Race, and the Blue and White Society's containment forces had already been divided into branches all over the world.

In terms of intelligence, the Lanbai Society has almost all the base locations and combat deployments of the opponent. With just one order, all the containment bases will be invaded, and the invasion will be simultaneous across the world!

Of course, since the target of the attack is the containment base, we must pay attention to destructiveness during the battle, otherwise it will be troublesome if the containment fails.

This level of battle does not play a decisive role in the outcome of the two organizations, because the truly important containment CANC is properly kept in the core areas such as the large submarine prison or the Antarctic Base Camp, and the containment bases of the branch worlds There is no CANC main force, so if you want to really win, you have to rely on high-end combat power.

However, fighting at this level is also very important. Once the containment base is fully occupied, it is equivalent to directly inheriting the background accumulated by CANC over the years, which is equivalent to shortening a lot of time for the development of the Blue and White Society.

"Now our advantage is that we have a large number of non-human high-end combat power, which is better than CANC. Their highest combat power is just an interpreter. That kind of stuff is just more difficult to deal with, but I don't pay attention to it. inside."

As Lan Mu was talking, there was a sudden loud noise, followed by the sound of an air explosion, and a crimson figure flew over quickly, slamming hard on a wall.

The huge impact knocked down the wall, and half of the house was turned into ruins.

Everyone squinted and saw Bibidi buried in the ruins in a state of embarrassment, with a petite fist mark on his chest.

With a sweep of Lan Mu's mental power, he knew what was going on.

Elise knocked Bibidi away with just one punch. She was completely crushed in terms of strength, and Bibidi was stunned. You must know that in the Shadow Island, except for Lan Mu, Bai Ze was stronger than him. If you really fight, Bai Ze It may not be possible to do Bibidi, after all, the devil's hellfire and destructive power are too strong. But now, Bibidi crawled out of the ruins aggrieved, and he knew that there was another person on top of him, a terrifying loli who seemed harmless to humans and animals.

Lan Mu nodded, thinking to himself: "Almost forgot, even if Elise doesn't produce Zerg, her human form is still a powerful force."

"Forget it, let's take her to the ocean planet. When the long-distance spacecraft is built, human beings can open up the interstellar space, and there is no need to be obsessed with the resources of the ocean planet."

"Canc must not have imagined that their lifelong enemy changed their image and became their enemy again, right?"


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