Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 369 MPI Information

"Issei Rura was born in Kanagawa, and his previous experience was nothing special. Before the age of seventeen, he was just an ordinary high school student, but he suddenly emerged at the age of eighteen, and became a supernova of swordsmanship in the Hiwa Kingdom in just four years. After joining the Rura family, he was known as the youngest swordsman in the world." Miner said.

Lan Mu asked: "That is to say, he got the contents of that ancient sword when he was about eighteen years old?"

"Uh, that's not the case. According to our information, there was no record of him using an ancient sword before joining the Zuruliang clan," Miner said.

Lan Mu looked through the records of the confrontation, and the last few pages were all about his battles with the containment troops, blood clans, Zero Qi and even Fang Mo Qi.

"Old Fang also lost to him..." Lan Mu was not surprised by this. Fang Moqi's physical fitness was only superhuman, and it hadn't reached the unbelievable level. It was much worse than the blood race. The truly miraculous battle involved the encirclement and suppression of five blood clans of four generations, all of which made him run away.

"What is the characteristic? Each confrontation is short-lived, and there are no side effects at all."

Lan Mu skipped Liuliang's sting for the time being, and checked other people's information.

"The holder of the Uchiha fan, Sanjo Naghide, was an interpreter selected when the MPI was first established. He has a strong background and his father is a business tycoon. He can use the Uchiha fan to fly and block almost all attacks. The side effect is also obvious. The Uchiwa fan distorted his heart, transformed his heart into a woman, and made him dress up, behave like a fake mother."

Lan Mu was stunned when he saw a match record. "Sanjo once confessed to Zerozaki during the battle... was almost hacked to death by Zerozaki..."

"A containment with relatively high defensiveness, unless it is a sneak attack or covers a large continuous blow, it can handle him, right?"

Lan Mu didn't pay too much attention to a fake mother, and soon saw the next chain holder.

After reading a few descriptions, Lan Mu directly thought of the Ecstasy Messenger, but the side effect of the chain is also quite obvious, that is madness.

"Go Sanada's body has been fused with the chain, and he has transformed Go Sanada so that he no longer has human physiological activities. The chain runs through Toth's stomach and is usually wrapped around his waist. It can automatically attack those who attack Sanada Go, and it can also be controlled by him. Anyone who touches the chain will fall down as if losing their soul."

Miner said: "Special envoy, according to Captain Zerozaki's information, it can be confirmed that there are hundreds of dead souls entangled in Go Sanada's chains, and they cannot be freed. These dead souls harassed Go Sanada day and night, which has already made him unconscious and bloodthirsty."

Lan Mu nodded. The souls of the dead contain too many negative emotions and intrude too much on the living beings. It is easy to distort the personality and make it difficult to distinguish the self.

Go Sanada killed more than a hundred people, and now he should be a complete lunatic, already bloodthirsty.

Minar said: "He is the cruelest of the enemies. Our people can't get close and can only attack and kill from a distance, but the combination of him and Gomez makes our snipers helpless."

Lan Mu looked at Gomez's information again, he was a white Japanese, his parents were Belgian, and he was born in Japan.

Gomez was the first person to insist on picking up a cigar before he died in the test for the selection of the preacher, so he became the preacher.

Since he came to SJ, he basically slept with a lighted cigar in his mouth. That cigar burned forever but couldn't be burned out.

Shrouded in the thick smoke of cigars for a long time, even the thermal induction imaging is disturbed, the concealment range is huge, and the smoke is extremely stubborn, and it takes a long time to dilute at the seaside. Apart from himself, only the undead could not be affected by sight.

Not only that, the smoke is also toxic, and can even penetrate the human body through the skin, causing organ failure.

So in the battle records, only Zerozaki's ghouls are the most suitable to deal with him, but it is very troublesome for him to partner with Sanada.

As for the side effects, Lan Mu looked at it and shook his head. In theory, this is also a tool to destroy the world.

"The smoke can't be taken back, and the cigars will never be extinguished, and the poisonous smoke will always be released... Hiyori is really brave! He dares to take out such a storage, and more than a thousand people have fallen ill and died in Matsushima City because of the smoke, and they still don't stop?" Lan Mu felt that MPI was crazy.

Miner said: "This containment object was originally hidden in a satellite in outer space by the Japanese government. After the establishment of MPI, they shot down the satellite and activated this containment object. Special Envoy, you will be able to see the situation of the seaside of SJ city soon. It is the seashore with the worst air quality I have ever seen."

Lan Mu understands Rihe Kingdom's decision. In order for MPI to gain a firm foothold, they no longer care about the possible future consequences of certain contained objects.

For the time being, the consequences of the thick smoke seem to be bearable by Japan and the country, and it has also caused great resistance to the Blue and White Society.

"You don't stop, I'll help you stop! Never-extinguishing cigars? Thick smoke? Looks like I found a good snack for Elise..."

Lan Mu was about to return the documents to Minaer, but unexpectedly he pointed to the last page and said.

"Envoy, there is one more containment..."

"Oh, I almost forgot, MPI sent five of them, and one is on the bottom of the sea."

Lan Mu turned to the last page, the information on this containment was the least and most concise.

I don’t even know the situation of the interpreter, but I only know that it can change the geographical environment. I once sent a containment force to go down in a submarine. As a result, even the people and the submarine disappeared. The last message was still far away from the target, but it was wiped out in an instant.

It is preliminarily judged that the scope of action of the target containment is extremely wide and far away.

In addition, the data also infers the characteristics of the contents from the side data.

"The Rihe submarine land has risen by 350 meters. If it rises by more than 1,000 meters, land will be formed, making the Rihe island closely connected with the Eurasian plate."

"And the latest survey found that the depth of the southern sea area of ​​the Koryo Peninsula has also decreased. That is to say, the new land is likely to block the Bohai Sea... The changes in the continental shelf have triggered intensive earthquakes, but they all occurred in the coastal areas of East Asia. Hiyori is located in the earthquake zone, but it has no effect."

After closing the file, Lan Mu had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Minnar, I heard that MPI has ten exponents, how about five more?"

Miner said: "To be precise, there are six more. Ruliang Yishi was recruited, and it is the eleventh."

"In fact, the six containment objects are just weird and unscientific things. They are useless and do more harm than good, so they are all left in the MPI headquarters."

"Can the MPI be stopped by controlling the government?" Lan Mu asked.

Minar shook his head and said: "Special envoy, although the government of Japan has been infiltrated by our Blue and White Society, the MPI is no longer just an existence for the government. After mastering multiple containment objects, it often does not obey the government's orders. It has vaguely become an institution equal to the government and maintaining the 'country'. The difference between them and the government lies in one being bright and the other being dark."

Lan Mu asked: "Don't listen to the government... Is the money provided by the chaebol?"

"That's right, 90% of the funds are provided by chaebols. A number of business tycoons have joined forces to form a wealthy club. With their support, Rihe Guocai established MPI. Among the eleven evangelists, eight are from families with deep backgrounds, so MPI benefits elucidators extremely."


Miner said: "MPI evangelists have criminal immunity protection, including the privilege of murder! During the mission, they can refuse to obey government orders and only obey MPI's instructions. They are also given military ranks, and can control the army to a certain extent with the permission of MPI. As for wealth, there is no need to worry. The bonus for each mission is between 200,000 and 1 million U.S. dollars, and every elucidator is even given some group dry shares, and the annual dividends are used as a fixed salary..."

Lan Mu became more and more speechless, no wonder MPI was able to recruit the holders of the containment objects, it turns out that there are such high benefits and privileges.

In comparison, CANC, Qianlong and Lanbai Club are all weak.

Like Fang Moqi, he is equivalent to the explainer of the Lanbai Society, with sufficient funds, but not many privileges.

The same is true for Ma Xiaoou, who previously stayed in Siberia to practice in the bitter cold, and recently went to Europe to sit in the Three Kingdoms. He has become an undead himself, and he never needs to enjoy anything.

The top management of the Lanbai club is a bit weird, they are all closely related because of Lanmu.

Some people don't pay a dime, but they work hard.

In contrast, the obedience of the preachers in Japan and China is all based on high welfare and privileges.

There is no real idea of ​​protecting the populace.

It's as if the holders of the storage objects have become a new privileged class in Hiyori.


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