"What if we choose to risk the world's displeasure and insist on punishing Hiyori? What will happen?" Lan Mu asked.

Bai Ze thought for a while and said, "The worst case scenario is a global discussion, but the possibility is extremely low because all countries are not united. I think at most it will be a secret denunciation and we will be identified as a terrorist organization."

"So what?" Lan Mu said.

"Nothing, master." Bai Ze said: "It's just that we may have problems internally. Now there are people from all over the world in the Lanbai Society. Except for the absolute loyalty of the blood, other personnel will also have thoughts and emotions. If they also think that the organization is deliberately targeting Hiyori, then their ideal motivation to work will be lost, which is not good for the working environment within the organization."

Lan Mu said angrily: "Do you think we should just get rid of MPI? The Hiyori government doesn't have to be sanctioned?"

Bai Ze said: "The subcontinent plan is real, and they should be punished, but master, there is no need to come forward in the name of the Blue and White Society... The order of the storage belongs to us, and the country is left to the country to deal with..."

Lan Mu was stunned, and suddenly smiled: "All retreat, take away the contents of the MPI, and humans will solve the rest by themselves."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

He found that he wanted to establish the prestige of the Blue and White Society too much, but the timing was wrong. They have forcibly eliminated MPI, and it would be too much to interfere with the government.

So the mission of the Blue and White Society has ended here, and the insider has told everyone that it is their business not to believe it, and it is fine if someone believes it, such as the United States.

Lan Mu said to Fang Moqi: "The organization will come to pick you up and evacuate here, and the rest of the matter will not be under the control of Lanbai Society."

Just as Fang Moqi was about to say something, Lan Mu said, "Don't worry, I'll stay here."

Having said that, Fang Moqi laughed. He knew that Lan Mu would definitely have nothing to do with this matter, but he didn't need to worry about it.

"Okay, take it easy."

Not long after, Bai Ze arrived here, and while constructing the established formula, he glanced at Lan Mu.

He disappeared not long after, and immediately summoned Lao Fang and others away.


The withdrawal of the Blue and White Society has relieved many countries. If they really use high-end force to tear up the government, then the whole world will be nervous.

However, the Hiyori government has to face a lot of mess. It has fought a "war on terrorism" in its own country.

What's more, the American fleet is parked in the nearby waters. Although it claims on the surface that it is only here to take a look, it still puts a lot of pressure on Japan and the country.

At this time, Lan Mu was invading the network in a certain city in Japan and got a lot of information.

"The cover-up of this matter is really beautiful, and the person who used the scepter also hid it very deeply. It really made other countries believe that this is a non-existent thing."

"However, I found you...a stab at Liuliang!"

Through data control, Lan Mu roamed the Internet and found a stab of Ruliang at a certain military base in Tottori.

At this time, Ruliang Yiji was talking to a man with yellow hair. The content was about that the ship was ready and could go to Europe at any time.

"Could this yellow hair be the one at the bottom of the sea?"

Lan Mu rushed to the vicinity of the base as quickly as possible, and detected it with mental power, and sure enough, he found a wooden scepter on the target, which was only about one and a half feet long.

"You can't catch him as a member of the Blue and White Society...how can you let spies from other countries investigate him?"

In the past, the spies of China, Russia, North Korea and South Korea were secretly investigating the truth, although the result of their investigation was 'no such thing'.

Now we just need to find a way to get Hua Guo's spies to show up and lure them to catch that yellow hair.

"Fortunately... I am now the image of the Asari tribe."

Lan Mu changed into casual clothes, revealing his sea blue skin.

He went directly to the place where the satellite could see, and used the data control to get through the phone number of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"I am Blue Star. Your planet is really terrifying. There are too many forces that I can't understand...I just want to go home now. How is it? How is the project going?"

A certain academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who had a good conversation with Lan Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "My God! Where are you? We thought something happened to you!"

"I am now in the country of Japan. There has just been a war here. The weapons used by both sides pose a huge threat to me. My signal shielding system has a malfunction. I just want to leave here now." Lan Mu said.

"You are in Rihe? That's too dangerous! Don't run around anymore, we will find a way to rescue you immediately!" the old academician said firmly.

"Thank you..."

Lan Mu nodded slightly, secretly thinking that he really has a lot of weight in Huaguo. For them, Lanxing's safety is more important than everyone else.

At this moment, the incidents of aliens in Japan and the country were passed on layer by layer, which quickly aroused the shock of the insiders.

"Why is she there! Isn't she injured? We've been going crazy looking for her these past few months!"

"Probably not, but she needs our rescue, and the rescue plan must be concealed. Foreign countries must not know her existence! Have you found the satellite?"

"I found it. She may have blocked the satellite observation ability before, but now we can see her normally, right there."

"Her signal shielding system is malfunctioning. We must first ask our own people to take her out of there and send her back to the country secretly!"

"Do you want to expose the lurking personnel? They have been lurking for more than ten years..."

"What is it compared to her safety? The latent plan is not necessary, and we only need to expose one."

"Act immediately, we can't delay any longer! Let the East China Sea Fleet respond to prevent being discovered and pursued by agents of other countries."


Lan Mu's mental power has been staring at Liuliang and stabbing the two, and at the same time Huaguo gave him a secret signal.

"Blue Star, our people will find you soon. You are safe only in our country. We will do our best to protect you. Please rest assured! The password is: I am an actor..."

However, Liuliang's cell phone suddenly received a bunch of garbled codes, and then he secretly left the base and walked to a dirt road in the mountains.

Lan Mu was completely stunned, and had a guess in his heart: it couldn't be him, could it?

A few minutes later, Liu Liang found the sluggish Lan Mu in the clearing of the mountain forest. He was taken aback when he saw Lan Mu, as if he was surprised by the appearance of the alien.

"Are you not injured?" Liuliang Yiji had been told about the aliens, and his original mission was temporarily interrupted.

Lan Mu was stunned for a moment and said, "The chip in my brain has been damaged a little bit, and it's doing a self-check. Are you..."

"I'm an actor..." Liu Liang said the secret signal decisively, and immediately wanted to take Lan Mu away.

"Wait, I remember that you are a party in the war. I have observed your battle through satellite and city surveillance system." Lan Mu said.

Liuliang nodded and said: "I understand your confusion, you can take this as a special fighting method of our civilization. In short, my task is to bring you back to the friendly Huaguo, and I will do my best to guarantee your safety!"

Lan Mu was dumbfounded, his idea went to waste, and Liu Liang turned out to be Hua Guo's undercover agent!

However, a bigger doubt arises. Ruliang Yishi must know about MPI's subcontinent plan, so why doesn't Huaguo stop it? Don't they think that the Blue and White Club can definitely stop it? This doesn't make sense. With such a big terrorist plan, how could it be possible for Hua Guo to do nothing?

"Is China sure to be safe? Through Internet investigations, I found that there is a plan for the rise of the subcontinent circulating among various countries, and Hua is also within the scope of the occupation. Can you really guarantee my safety? This weapon is too dangerous." Lan Mu followed Liu Liang's words.

Since they said Huaguo was safe, Lan Mu directly asked about the plan.

Sure enough, Liu Liang hesitated for a moment and said, "This plan has been blocked..."

"No, your civilized network is nothing in front of me. The main implementers of this plan are now in that base. This plan is very likely to be implemented secretly, and it is not your country that stopped the plan. You knew the existence of the plan, but did not stop it. Can I suspect that you have betrayed your own country? I think where you will take me now? After all, it will not be the country of Hua?" Lan Mu said back a few steps.

Liu Liang was a little helpless, as if he felt that aliens were so troublesome, he looked around and said, "Don't be exposed under the satellite anymore, my name is Liu Liang, a native of Huaguo, I can't betray my motherland."

"You know that person can threaten our safety, why are you indifferent? If you arrest him now and control that dangerous weapon, I can trust you. Otherwise, how can I guarantee that I will be safe in Huaguo?" Lan Mu was startled when he learned that Liuliang was from Huaguo, and he had a guess in his heart, but he still asked.

Liu Liang frowned and said: "The subcontinent plan will never be successfully implemented. That kind of catastrophe will never really happen, even if no one stops it."

Lan Mu was silent, he was almost sure of one thing.

I saw Liuliang continued: "He is also his own, you are absolutely safe in Huaguo. I know your importance, and protecting you is my death order from the superiors, please trust me."

Lan Mu never mistrusted him, but just wanted to clarify the matter.


p.s: I originally wanted to reveal it slowly later.

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