Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 381 Fake Faith

The return to heaven project was a complete success. Spaceship No. 1 has moved away from the earth, and its acceleration has reached 160 kilometers per second, and it is taking the shortest route.

The nearest route is not the most energy-efficient route, except for Guitian-1, there is no energy source of any spacecraft that can support it to complete this seemingly shortest route.

Now people no longer need to worry about the lack of energy for the spacecraft. The nuclear fusion reactor of Guitian-1 is enough for it to fly to another galaxy.

There were small-scale celebrations in China, but they quickly started to work, and realized video communication with the spacecraft through the ground base.

The data in all aspects was stable, and the engine of the spacecraft entered sleep mode in the early morning of the next day, using inertial navigation.

In the afternoon of the next day, Lan Mu discovered that the number of participants in the Guitian Project had decreased by two-thirds and had been transferred to other places.

No need to ask, Lan Mu also guessed that Huaguo started to independently carry out the project and build his own long-distance spaceship.

The name of the project is unknown, but Lan Mu believes they can do it themselves.

It is impossible for the space industry to rely on an organization or a certain person to develop, and there must always be support and mobilization from a country on the bright side.

Since the defeat of CANC and Sea Star, the international space team has existed in name only.

The cutting-edge talents in the aerospace field of various countries have been taken away, causing scientists in related fields in the world to fall into a vacuum. Now it is unrealistic to even think about independent research and development. The only country that can represent the strength of human spaceflight is China.

When they announce the situation of silently leading the world in the future, it will definitely shock the world.

After returning to the capital, Lan Mu locked himself in the house, his mind deep.

"One more day, let's decide on the next transformation."

Lan Mu first chose the most stable yellow so far, and it was still eight days.

"It's either seven days or eight days, isn't there anything better?"

Thinking that there are three more chances, he changed to red, which was once a fire unicorn.

"Four days, six days..."

At a last chance, he picked green, with a ten-day gap.

"Ten days! It's alright, finally we have another ten-day class."

"I didn't expect the green to be strong once. It was not strong in the past. What will it be this time?"

So far, Lanmu has had two major green transformations, one for Fat Ding and one for Sesshomaru, both of which are seldom-used transformations.

However, the length of the interval represents the strength of the transformation. This is the experience that has been summed up. No matter how weak the interval of ten days is, it will not be so weak.

After confirming his next transformation, Lan Mu began to think about what he should do next.

Now that the Lanbai Society has mastered the summoning technique, and the strength of the blood clan has also increased greatly, plus the undead clan, it should be enough to clean up the Three Kingdoms containment organization. But after all, it is a containment organization, and its strength is erratic, and CANC is always hiding and waiting for opportunities, so the Blue and White Club needs to continue to become stronger.

"There should be one or two other worlds that can summon me, right? I hope it's a high-energy world."

"However, we can't rely entirely on the conquest of other worlds, and our own transformation can also help..."

Lan Mu thought of the life spells he learned not long ago. The elves created a real enchanted forest. The rich natural power inside can effectively improve the human body, and more importantly, it can spontaneously secrete magical energy.

These magical energies are suitable for the survival of monsters, but they are also very beneficial to humans.

Human beings live in this kind of forest for a long time, and their own physical fitness will change. The specific use is temporarily unknown, but even improving people's physical fitness is enough.

"Let's put the forest in Africa. It's time for the Sahara Desert to become history."

The vast majority of people on the earth have become believers of angels, and every time they transform, countless appeals will flock to angels with the power of faith.

It is impossible for Lan Mu to realize all these wishes. Except for some greedy desires, a large proportion is the peace and prosperity that African believers seek, and the wish is extremely strong.

Lan Mu had purified the world with holy light earlier, and AIDS and Ebola have actually disappeared, so now the foundation of faith in Africa is very solid.

Today they generally abandon their mythology, attribute it to the realm of culture, and devote their faith to angels.

And only the angel Gabriel, not God.

When the virus is cleaned up, the people in the Sahara will only be plagued by war, hunger and poverty.

And all of this is largely due to the environment.

Since Lan Mu took in the sand crocodile, he extremely suspected that the formation of the Sahara was related to it. Without this containment that constantly creates sandstorms, the Sahara would not be so bad.

"If there is enough vitality, I can definitely raise a forest in the desert. This is of great significance to blocking the wormhole, the only exit of CANC, and to improving the earth's environment."

After setting this goal, Lan Mu turned his attention to Transformers.

This transformation is extremely unique. First of all, it is a sci-fi type, and only the Asari can barely be classified as it. Second it has an angelic create! It's just that Transformers can only create objects.

Taking advantage of this, Lanmu can manufacture real objects, and then allow scientists to reverse research and obtain technology.

Nanotechnology and high-strength alloys are obtained in this way, so the communication technology and detection technology urgently needed by the spacecraft may also be realized through it, and many military technologies and livelihood technologies can also be obtained.

It's just that all of these require huge core energy. The energy of Transformers has incredible power. For the time being, Lan Mu doesn't know how to supplement it, or there is only one way...that is to let the angels who can also create with ideas provide energy for Transformers.

However, the core energy and the power of faith are similar in that the creation of pure fantasy without principle and basic support will consume a lot of energy.

This is true for angels, and so is Transformers. Transformers consume a huge amount of energy to create technological items that Lan Mu himself cannot understand.

Similarly, if angels want to replenish the energy of Transformers, if they do not understand the energy composition, the consumption of the power of faith will be at least ten thousand times wasted.

This is too much for the gain, so Lan Mu has never combined these two transformations, and the use of Transformers has been delayed again and again.

"However... if you have the power of faith..."

"If Transformers can use the ancient sword of idealism, all I need to do is set a stamp of thought on myself, can I forge the belief of 'never waver'?"

The thought seal used by Themis is almost a perfect match with the ancient sword of idealism.

The more Lan Mu thought about it, the more he felt that this was the perfect way to use the ancient sword of idealism.

The day passed quickly, and someone came to visit him almost every few hours.

Lan Mu knew that if he played missing again this time, the Huaguo scientists would have to go crazy.

To secretly transform into an angel, Lan Mu plans to create a fake body.

Creating a brand new life consumes too much, so Lan Mu only intends to make a puppet.

There are two options for making a puppet, one is to create a creature without intelligence, which consumes much less, but it is too easy to debunk that a dignified alien suddenly becomes mentally retarded.

So Lan Mu used another method, first creating a blood clone, and then transforming its appearance into the image of the Asari.

Ever since, a thing that looks like an Asari tribe, but is actually a blood clone was born.

Lan Mu left an explanation: Pretend to be in deep thought, if anyone disturbs, drive them away.

The blood clone has superficial intelligence and can act according to the deity's instructions. He will replace Lan Mu and stay in the small courtyard of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After doing all this, Lan Mu left invisibly, without anyone noticing.


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