Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 57 Nature Conservation Control Council

In the middle of the night, the sea breeze blows.

There is no one around here, and it is an undeveloped area.

Lan Mu turned into an elf, sat down next to Bai Ze, put one hand on Bai Ze's chest, and instilled a little force of nature into him to hang him.

The reaction produced by the force of nature and the force of life does have a healing effect. After receiving the treatment, Bai Ze's complexion improved a lot, at least he recovered from the dying state.

This is the second time he used the ability of the elves to save people. The first time was to his good brother Ma Xiang. Unfortunately, Ma Xiang had died when he shot.

Thinking of Ma Xiang's death, Lan Mu looked sad, and wondered if he was too timid, a little too timid?

The previous battle was hearty, and for the first time, he let go of his hands and feet and went all out, switching between multiple transformations to fight, and wiped out the group of people who wanted to take him in.

After venting violently, Lan Mu not only didn't look forward and backward, but was refreshed, and even felt that it was not enjoyable enough.

Originally, in this situation, every time he chose to run away, but this time he really couldn't run away, and it was really cool to do it.

"Maybe this is the corruption of power on people's hearts?"

Lan Mu is now in the state of an elf. He picked up a pebble, the force of nature burst out, and his hand turned into an afterimage and smashed it.

The pebbles flew out like bullets and smashed hard on the mountain wall by the sea, blasting out a bowl-sized crater.

Clenching his fists, Lan Mu smiled and said, "I don't hate things like power..."

If there are really many inhuman and supernatural beings in the world, why should I hide from XZ?

"Hey! Can't you die?"

Lan Mu kicked Bai Ze, and Bai Ze was treated by him, at least out of danger.

Bai Ze said weakly: "I admit it...cough cough...the nine-tailed fox, the lion, and the demihuman form now, which one is your main body? What kind of containment is it?"

"Who is the containment object? I am a human being!"

Lan Mu punched him with a wave of his hand, causing Bai Ze to vomit another mouthful of blood. Immediately afterwards, a refreshing force penetrated into his body, and the injury healed a little.

"Damn it! Kill me if you want, why save me!" Bai Ze growled lowly, unable to bear the torture of being beaten to death and then cured.

Lan Mu said: "I need to clarify some things... Let me ask you, which unit do you guys belong to?"

Bai Ze sneered, "You want to interrogate our organization's intelligence? Hehe, as a senior member, do you think I will tell you?"

"Bang bang bang!" With three consecutive punches, Bai Ze writhed in pain, vomiting blood, like a slug that had been sprinkled with salt.

Then, Lan Mu gave him treatment as a matter of course, and the wound was obviously healing, but Bai Ze's life was worse than death.

"Can you not save me? Kill me!" Bai Ze stared at Lan Mu resentfully and said.

"Answer my question, which unit do you belong to?" The Blue Shepherd looked like a fake girl, but had a fierce appearance, which seemed extremely unsuitable.

However, Bai Ze was still scruples about Lan Mu's fist, he hesitated for two seconds, and then confessed.

"CANC, the full name... Forget it, you can take it as the Nature Conservation Control Council."

Lan Mu was stunned: "Environmental organization?"

"Yes, we are the largest environmental protection organization in the world and the number one organization in the world." Bai Ze said proudly.

Lan Mu tilted his head and said: "The world's number one organization is an environmental protection organization? Then why is there still air pollution in this world? Melting glaciers? Penguins in the Arctic have no home?"

Bai Ze said: "Penguins are in Antarctica..."

"Bang bang bang!" Lan Mu gave another old punch, which made Bai Ze vomit blood, and then he was healed resentfully.

"Don't interrupt! Just answer my question!"

Bai Ze swallowed his anger and said: "Our organization doesn't care about the protection of the natural environment. Those organizations have specially established subordinate organizations to operate them. For example, WWF is one of them."

Lan Mu suddenly said: "You only care about unnatural ones? That is, people with superpowers?"

Bai Ze said: "How can there be superpowers? Human beings are the most natural existence, and all supernatural things must not be human beings."

"Fuck you! What I told you is not human anymore?" Lan Mu raised his fist.

Bai Ze cut a sigh and said: "You are just an intelligent container. No matter how human you look, you are still a monster after all."

Lan Mu frowned tightly, and almost turned into the deity to show him, but he calmed down quickly, and it was no big deal to be misunderstood as a monster.

"Could it be that in this world, there are no human beings that have mutated surreal abilities?"

Bai Ze shook his head and said: "Impossible, as I said, human beings are the most realistic existence. In our organization's protection of the earth for more than a hundred years, we have never seen supernatural human beings. Even if it is a container close to human wisdom, There were only there are four."

"Bang bang bang!" Lan Mu beat him up again, and after healed, Bai Ze went crazy.

"Why did you hit me?"

"I'm afraid you'll lie to me... Come on, continue."


A few hours later, the sun rose from the east, and the morning light shone on the sea.

Lan Mu tortured Bai Ze all night, and finally squeezed Bai Ze dry.

I saw Bai Zesheng lying lovelessly on the beach with tears in the corners of his eyes.

From what he learned, Lan Mu basically understood what CANC was.

To put it simply, it is a hegemony-level secret society whose power is above that of the government of a small country.

The wealth is incomparable to the enemy, and the organizational wealth is higher than that of the entire European economic system.

Signed secret agreements with more than 100 countries with stable regimes around the world to assist CANC in containing supernatural objects.

The network of influence spreads all over the world, and there are only two countries in Asia that have not signed the agreement, one is the Northern Dynasty and the other is China.

The main reason why the state machine compromised with a secret association was that this organization secretly protected the earth a long time ago, housing hundreds of surreal beings, including creatures, and some unimaginable items.

For example, α-7 is nicknamed the Diary of Prediction.

It is a diary with a black leather cover that sells for 1,000 yen. Write the date in Japanese on a certain page of the diary and write a question below it, and the answer to the question will automatically appear on the next page of the diary. The acquired information can only be saved for three minutes, after which the memory of these three minutes will disappear from the known person's brain, and the known person will randomly lose a year of memory as the price. In amnesia there will be a very strong sense of vomiting. The diary was kept by CANC in the 1960s, and after years of use, 84 pages have been consumed, and there are 36 pages left.

It was because of this containment that Lan Mu exposed his hiding place, which caused Chinatown to suffer.

This is just a very common supernatural item that CANC has contained for a hundred years, and there are some more perverted ones, such as α-37 Demon Real Name.

This is a name that must be spoken for at least ten seconds, and the name is recorded in a place that only the four bosses know. Once the name is spoken, a black figure with the same silhouette as the legendary demon will be seen in front of the eyes, and the demon cannot be detected by any means other than the person who said the name. When you see the demon, you can ask him to do something within his power, and then after completing the commission, the demon will immediately take the life of the wisher. The highest level of desire can be to destroy the earth. After testing, wishes such as resurrection, becoming a god, eternal life, and turning back time cannot be realized. And no matter whether the wish can be realized or not, it will eventually take the life of the wisher.

Even the United States compromised after CANC secretly disseminated information about the containment to high-level officials.

Logically speaking, such an organization with many supernatural items and incredible power should have the ability to control the world.

However, the top management of the organization did not do this. Instead, they signed agreements with major powers, cooperated with each other, and tried their best to maintain the earth behind the scenes and protect human beings from being harmed by supernatural things.

Not only that, but the use of the contained items is strictly controlled internally, and abuse is never allowed. If any member of the membership uses the contained items for their own selfish desires, they will be considered as defectors and killed.

This organization has existed for a hundred years, and human society is still in a calm and rational state on the surface, and no one believes that there is a supernatural existence. This kind of atmosphere, the organization owes a lot to them, they do their best to maintain the harmony of nature, and carry out all the unnatural existences found: containment, control, and destruction.

The purpose is to keep this planet pure, because they believe that all unnatural existence will inevitably cause harm to nature, and only in the hands of human beings can it be controlled so that its physical or psychological hazards will not pose a significant threat to global security.

As for the boundary between natural and unnatural, it lies in all anomalous objects, individuals, and phenomena whose principles cannot be understood by humans. The organization contains anomalies themselves until they are fully understood and new scientific theorems emerge from their characteristics and behaviors.

If the containment remains incomprehensible to humans, it is supernatural.

If there is a scientific theory to explain and define in the future, it will return from the supernatural to the natural.

In other words, everything is based on human will.

Lan Mu sighed and thought to himself.

I am so depressed to have such an organization that secretly protects the world as hostile.

Damn, if you can understand it, it is natural, if you can’t understand it, it is unnatural, what a domineering extreme humanist environmental protection organization.

However, their self-restraint on their desires is quite powerful, holding so many magical items in their hands, but they have not embarked on the path of reckless behavior.

This is quite admirable, thanks to their principled organization.

Otherwise, the world doesn't know what it would be like now!

"Bai Ze, from a human point of are indeed great!"

"Fighting for humanity in the shadows of the world..."

Lan Mu walked up to Bai Ze, suddenly shook his finger and said.

"However, you do not represent natural selection."

"You can't even represent humans!"

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