Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 617 The Three Great Shard Races

If you mix what Lan Mu knows with what the Amon civilization knows, the situation is pretty much the same.

This life sphere fragment fell on a certain planet, transforming the ant-like creatures on it into Zergs. In fact, even if there is no Galactic civilization, they will rise sooner or later.

The Yinxin civilization helped them to speed up this process, and maybe raised the Zerg to level six.

The Zerg race undoubtedly came from the fantasy existence recorded in the super USB flash drive, and this kind of fantasy creature, which is inconsistent with the world view of the universe, can only be achieved by the life ball.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago... Apart from life balls, there is nothing else that can create things like Zerg that shouldn't exist."

Thinking of this, Lan Mu combined all the doubts he had in the past to think about it.

The first is to speculate on what was derived from the other two fragments.

"As far as I guess, the derived existence must be a creature that will not be born naturally and has a strong fantasy element. In addition, the existence that I have transformed must be eliminated. After all, the creature transformed from the big life ball on my body cannot be other. The fragments also change once, right?"

Zerg, in theory, Lan Mu can change by himself, but he has never been there. When he went to the moon to deal with Elise, he thought that it would be great if he could become the Zerg master, and he would be able to deal with Elise directly. It hasn't changed, and it's just down to luck.

Thinking about it now, the fragments that contained the transformation of the Zerg were actually not on him at all!

Lan Mu knows that what he can change comes from the information light spots contained in the life ball. Obviously, some of the light spots are missing, and the Zerg is undoubtedly one of the lost transformation objects.

According to this idea, Lan Mu quickly speculated.

"There is a fragment in the center of the galaxy, and the Xeon civilization of the Milky Way was born there. Could this race of Xeon civilization also be derived from the fragments of the life sphere? It is very likely!"

"Of course, I have never seen the Yinxin civilization, and I can't be sure. It is the No. 1 restricted area in Tianzi, and I don't have the ability to complete it yet."

"However, if another fragment is reflected from the mysterious race I have seen..."

There are still three pieces of fragments, one is known to be derived from the Zerg, and the other may be derived from the Galactic Center Civilization.

And finally, that fragment at the cantilever of Perseus...

Suddenly, a race flashed in Lan Mu's mind.


Lan Mu suddenly realized that the more he thought about it, the more likely it was, which solved a long-standing confusion in his heart.

First of all, he has never transformed into a real dragon, only transformed into a jiao, and in the end he managed to strengthen the dragon through meritorious deeds.

Second, the dragon clan that appeared on the earth is simply inexplicable. Could it be born naturally? Apart from myths and legends, Lan Mu couldn't think of any planetary environment that would naturally evolve creatures like dragons.

And according to the known information, the group of dragons who came to the earth at the beginning were very strong, very strong. They changed the natural climate, rescued the biological crisis of the earth, and allowed the earth to reproduce a rich and colorful species explosion.

Furthermore, they are alien creatures who came to Earth from nowhere, at least it proves that they have the supernatural ability to cross the world, or have the extraordinary talent to cross the interstellar.

Such an existence, if it is said to be derived from fragments of the life sphere, how could Lan Mu not believe it?

"It turns out that they come from the cantilever of Perseus. Is that the hometown of dragons?"

"What happened? Let them escape more than ten thousand light years?"

"Wait... In other worlds, there are also legends of dragons. If dragons really come from life sphere fragments, then this is a race that traveled to more than N worlds a long time ago? In the world of Heaven, there are rumors that the dragons are extinct. Over a hundred million years..."

"More than 100 million years ago, at that time, the dragon race began to become extinct? What made them extinct?"

At this moment, the three major fragments have basically found their location. Although there is no evidence, this does not prevent Lan Mu from simulating it.

Two of them met, the Galactic Heart and the Zerg, and the Zerg severely wounded the supercilious Galactic Man.

"Could it be a coincidence? Or... there is some kind of guidance behind this, so that the supercilious Galactic Man met the Zerg, causing one of them to be destroyed."

"I am the original sin. Isn't the dragon race the original sin? Isn't the Yinxin people the original sin? Isn't the Zerg race the original sin?"

Lan Mu suddenly thought that Elise was also sent to the earth by a certain existence, which was most likely done by the Zerg master who fought against the Galactic Man back then.

"The dragons in other worlds were extinct more than 100 million years ago, and the dragons on Earth arrived there only 30 million years ago. Perhaps the one on Earth is the last one to become extinct... because the scale of the star scale is large. , Is the distance of more than 10,000 light years too far away?"

"But why did they all choose Earth? The Dragon Race is like this, and the Zerg Race is also like this."

The only reason is that the biggest life sphere fragment is in the earth.

"No, the life ball has been broken for at least 100 million years. Why did I get the biggest one so late?"

"It's reasonable to say that it should have been discovered long ago. The Dragon Clan came and didn't find the life sphere, so they stayed on the earth to start a reproduction movement. The Zerg Clan came and fell asleep directly. The order was to sleep until humans landed on the moon before waking up."

"Unless... when they arrive, the earth doesn't have a life sphere yet? Are they waiting? Knowing that the biggest piece will fall there, so come here early and wait?"

"Who caused the life ball to delay for so long before it appeared on Earth?"

Lan Mu looked at the Amon man in golden armor and asked solemnly.

"Do you know the result of the war between the Galactic Civilization and the Zerg? Where is the Zerg now?"

Captain Amon said: "This question, if you ask other civilizations, you will not get an answer. I am afraid that only we in the universe will have a little understanding. After the Galactic Center civilization destroyed a tribe, it launched a full-scale attack on the Zerg. The cleanup war went on for a long, long time."

"Remember that we marked multiple restricted areas in the star map, right? It's best not to go to the second-level restricted area, and you can't go to the first-level restricted area. As for the Yinxin restricted area, you can't go at all. Most of the restricted areas are actually In the battlefield between the Galactic Center and the Zerg, some space-times were chaotic, and the conventional laws of physics no longer apply. Some black holes appeared, and some were in the supernova explosion zone. Many of them came from the influence of previous wars, and until now still exists."

Lan Mu was startled. The war between the Galactic Center Civilization and the Zerg was just imagined, and it was an extremely tragic and vast battle.

"Who won? The Yinxin civilization still exists, so they should have won?" Lan Mu asked.

"I don't know the ending, but we have traveled half of the galaxy, and we have never seen any signs of Zerg activity or aggression. I think the Galactic Civilization should have wiped out all the Zerg..."

Lan Mu's face was expressionless, but in fact, his heart twisted, he knew that there was at least one more... Elise!

The captain continued: "No, there should be at least one more."

"Uh..." Lan Mu was shocked, wondering if the Amon civilization had discovered it? No, I found Elise, so why not?

I saw the captain said: "The Galactic Center Civilization sealed off the center of the Milky Way. This is actually quite unnecessary. Our internal civilization research has speculated for a long time, and we basically believe that the reason for doing that is because the Galactic Core Civilization sealed the Zerg into the Milky Way. In the primordial black hole of the heart."

"You must know that the Galactic Center Civilization is very likely to be unable to completely wipe out the Zerg. They have done their best to minimize the damage of this race to the Milky Way. Through ways we cannot understand, the Galactic Center has been locked, allowing them and Perhaps the fact that the Zerg were trapped there together may be the truth."

"Of course, no one can be sure if there are Zergs hiding in the dark. It is too difficult to completely eliminate this terrifying race. The Galaxy Civilization once asked us that once we encounter undeveloped Zergs, Destroying them at all costs is something only level 5 civilizations are capable of doing, and almost all level 5 civilizations have received this entrustment from Yinxin civilization."

Lan Mu nodded, he understood.

Elise is most likely the larva that was sent to the earth at the last moment by the master who was sealed back then.

A seed that represents the Zerg's endless life and eternal killing.

Elise may be the only Zerg queen who is still free in the universe.

As for the Zerg with level six strength, they have been trapped in the primordial black hole together with Yin Xin.

"Both the galactic civilization and the Zerg have suffered losses, and both have withdrawn from the cosmic stage to a certain extent."

"As two races derived from fragments of life spheres, this in the best interest of the universe."

"If 001 is not only the will of the earth, but the will of the entire universe, then..."


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