Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 623 Yinxin's Warning

For the Amon people, after all, they still have a body more than two meters high, and they still need spaceships.

But Ultron is different. The body itself is a multifunctional interstellar weapon integrating combat and navigation.

After jumping again and again, he stepped into the blockade.

Seeing the unified field ring that trapped them before, he stretched his right hand, and the same force field emerged and merged into the force field that enveloped the entire star.

Although the force field created by Lanmu is very small, it only needs to destroy a little bit of the structure. The unified field has already merged, and if there is a hole in one point, it means a hole in the whole.

In this case, the blocking effect is greatly reduced, and Lan Mu can use the jump technique to reach the next galaxy in an instant.

Repeatedly, when he jumped a certain time, the surrounding gravitational force suddenly increased, and part of his chest was cut off to the level of his collarbone.


The density of the neutron star is so high that the atom can no longer maintain its structure and collapses. Electrons merge into protons to form neutrons. Its density is the density of the atomic nucleus. The entire neutron star is a huge atomic nucleus composed of neutrons.

Lan Mu detected that the gravitational field and mass are 30 times that of the sun, and the surface temperature is 15 million degrees, and the entire galaxy is only one celestial body. There is no doubt that the fragments of the life ball are on the neutron star.

The gravitational field is full of Amish threads, and the threads move, moving along with the neutron star in a parabolic trajectory, forming a network like a lore for the fourth-tier fleet. But this is no threat to Lan Mu who has reached level five.

When he first arrived, his chest was cut open, and all the silk threads he encountered after that were cleaned up by the unified field released by Lan Mu himself. He also has Ami-level operating skills to decompose the silk threads into particle collections.

Just as Lan Mu kept approaching the neutron star, suddenly the amis threads that he decomposed began to vibrate.

Lan Mu hurriedly stopped, and could clearly feel that the silk thread network was recovering, and the lost Ami-level materials were automatically completed, and soon grew back.

Seeing this, he was taken aback.

Using the unified field to convert mass and energy, Lanmu can also do this, and it is very simple to repair the damaged things.

But the problem is that he is the only one in the entire neutron galaxy, and he has not noticed the unified field of others. Who is repairing the silk thread here?

Even the unified field is not used at all.

"Yinxin Civilization! It's not here at all, and I don't even know what I did to achieve the power equivalent to level five."

Just as Lan Mu finished thinking, a communication directly appeared in Lan Mu's computing system.

"Level 5 intelligent life, we are the galactic civilization, this is a forbidden zone for life, no life is allowed to enter, including you and your civilization, please leave here immediately."

He didn't even know where the message came from, it appeared completely out of thin air.

So far, the communication power of Levels 1 to 5 relies on communication. Even the Amon civilization only uses wormholes to shorten the distance between two places to achieve long-distance communication.

Unless it is quantum communication, information can be transmitted instantly.

But that is also based on the fact that the two ends of the quantum communication are set in advance. If the Galactic Center Civilization leaves a quantum port on the neutron star, and then passes it to the port and then to Lanmu, it will also go through a propagation process. .

After all, no matter how short the distance is from the quantum port to Lan Mu, there must be a transmission process, but Lan Mu didn't notice it.

This means that the Yinxin civilization directly set up a receiving end in Lan Mu's brain, but how is this possible?

He doesn't know the galactic civilization at all, and someone else installed a quantum communication receiver in his brain, maybe he doesn't know?

And the Amon civilization also experienced this situation, which means that this is a communication method beyond the scope of the fifth-level civilization technology.

"Where are you?" Lan Mu tried to broadcast to ask.

"Yinxin. Leave the restricted area of ​​life immediately." The other party is obviously an intelligent creature, and a communication port has actually been established in his brain without knowing it, which makes it possible for the other party to receive Lan Mu's broadcast instantly.

Of course, although the other party said that he was in Yinxin, he did not rule out hiding nearby, but Lan Mu couldn't see this possibility.

Lan Mu didn't move, but Yinxin Civilization urged him repeatedly.

The rhetoric is similar to that described by Amon Civilization, and Lan Mu can also guess where it is concealed.

Lan Mu knew that the other party would not tell him about the fragments of the life ball, so he simply asked: "You have implanted a communication terminal in my computing system? With my own materials?"

"The materials and equipment are all yours. We just edited the program to receive our communications. If you cooperate, it will not cause any harm." The Yinxin man said.

Lan Mu's mind froze, this was an inadvertent threat, meaning that if he didn't cooperate, the warning would turn into expulsion.

As for how to expel him, Lan Mu thought that the other party could edit his program in the air, and maybe he could control his body.

After all, this kind of technology is too mysterious and terrifying. It is tens of thousands of light years away, and he just interferes with other people's programs. As Ultron, he can't resist it, let alone the spaceship intelligence brains of other civilizations.

Each of the fifth-level civilizations is probably intimidated by this technology, and they are aware of this situation and obediently obey.

"How did you do it? A communication program was implanted in my brain without anyone noticing!"

Lan Mu was extremely unwilling. The neutron star was close in front of him, and his body was being pulled by gravity continuously.

"Leave the restricted area of ​​life immediately, please cooperate, otherwise we will take action." Yinxin Civilization said again.

"You must be nearby? Don't tell me that you can directly modify my action instructions. What can be tampered with regardless of distance?" Lan Mu asked.

" you need me to help you leave?" Yinxin Civilization said.

Lan Mu was taken aback, Graviton? Such a thing really exists?

"Gravity also has particles? How microscopic is that?"

Yinxin Civilization said: "The quantum limit is the smallest unit of matter under the smallest unit of time. It should be called a space-time particle. The graviton is just for your understanding. It seems that it is too reluctant for you. You will not understand it if you say it. of."

It's really too reluctant. If he can understand it, then the Amon civilization will naturally understand it, instead of talking about completely unknown means.

The sixth-level civilization explains to the fifth-level civilization what space-time particles are, which is equivalent to talking between chickens and ducks.

But Lan Mu still wanted to ask, because he wanted to confirm one thing, which was related to whether he should retreat first or make up for it by force.

Individuals with no civilization can directly come to the neutron star without the help of some tools and machinery. Therefore, the opponent's terrifying ability to tamper with programs makes even five-level civilizations fear it.

Even if it is a fifth-level civilization, it needs a spaceship. Could it be that the physical body travels through the void?

However, Lan Mu is a special case, he can cross the void, nothing more than switching from Ultron to Cell.

So he has to make sure that the opponent's technology can only modify the program.

"Space-time particles? Can particles interfere with space-time?" Lan Mu asked.

However, Yinxin Civilization said: "I'm sorry, we have given enough warnings, I didn't expect you to be such a fifth-level civilization..."


Lan Mu realized that the other party was going to take actual action, so he said hastily.

"Please forgive the curiosity of an intelligent creature. You must know that you are the idol of us and all fifth-level civilizations. As far as I know, you have also satisfied the curiosity of the Amon civilization."

The Yinxin Civilization was silent for a moment, and said: "I forgive your curiosity, I hope that after I explain, you can also cooperate to block this restricted area like the Amon Civilization."

Even agreeing, Lan Mu secretly rejoiced that Yinxin Civilization seemed quite reasonable.

In other words, they have a lot of restrictions and don't want to do it easily.

We must know that the galactic civilization is very likely to be completely sealed in the galactic black hole, and the strength of that kind of blockade must be extremely high. I am afraid that if this tampering technology really exerts the expulsion effect, it may pay a high price.

Yinxin Civilization didn't know that Lan Mu just wanted to make up for himself and gain more confidence.

However, Lan Mu did not expect that the explanation of Yinxin civilization was extremely short.

"Space-time particles are the elementary particles that make up space-time."


Lan Mu was stunned: "It's gone?"


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