Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 626: The Earth Was Reported

Lanmu and Yinxin civilization have communicated for a long time, and both sides are existences who understand the information.

Both got what they wanted to know.

Of course, Lan Mu concealed that he had picked up the life ball of the subject, and only said that he was special and could fuse information fragments.

In fact, he just fused with the life ball, and the life ball absorbed other fragments to complete the fusion.

Waiting for Lan Mu to return to the Wanderer, the Yinxin people were actually communicating with him.

Although they are in the silver heart, they seem to be in his mind.

This feeling is like carrying a galactic civilization with you.

He asked Yinxin, this is high-dimensional communication, the method of instant communication in the whole universe, without any transfer station.

Originally, this kind of communication was of no cost, but in order to solve the Zerg, they finally used the dimensionality reduction ban, which caused them and the Zerg to be trapped in a two-dimensional time and space, and then use this high-dimensional communication method to pay the price. will be very large.

But in order to keep an eye on Lan Mu, they don't care about the price.

"Tsk, can you stop doing this? Can you hang up first? We'll contact you later."

Of course, Lan Mu was not happy. Originally, he wanted to obtain the technology of the sixth-level civilization from Yinxin.

But Yin Xin told him that unless he has the ability to develop high dimensions, it is impossible to step into the sixth level.

If it is said that level 4 to level 5 can still be entered through learning methods, then level 5 to level 6 is no longer as simple as a gap, but a dead end.

It's not a question of learning at all.

Then the value of the Yinxin civilization actually ends here. If there is not a fragment in the Yinxin, and he still counts on Yinxin to help him in, there is no need for him to have a good relationship with the Yinxin civilization.

"Don't worry about us, we won't interfere with you..." the Yinxin man said.

But Lan Mu was very firm, and directly said: "I don't like it!"

After speaking, Lan Mu switched to transform.

As long as he switches sides, Yin Xin will immediately lose contact with him.

At this moment, Lan Mu turned into an angel at will, neither a wave state life, nor a silicon-based life, nor a carbon-based life.

God knows how long it will take when Yinxin Civilization contacts him.

What's more, Lan Mu's life form is often cut. If you usually want to do something, change your transformation, for Yinxin people, it's like a dead dog. Basically, only when you transform into Ultron, Cell, and Autobots, you can change your body. Get in touch with Lanmu.

"Huh? Is this the spaceship of the Amun people?"

As soon as he returned to the Wanderer, he found that the Amons were looking for him.

Feifu received their question: "It turns out that you have cracked our unified field?"

Lan Mu crossed the blockade and used the same technology to break the opponent's blockade. Of course, the Amons were aware of it and quickly found the Wanderer.

When I saw the Nomad, I was stunned.

How long has it been? A few days ago, I was still a junior in the fourth grade, so why did I become a junior in the fifth grade in a blink of an eye?

Lan Mu said: "As I said, my civilization is about to enter the fifth level. What you saw before is not our true strength..."

In fact, Lan Mu also wanted to say, now that we have reached the fifth level, we should be qualified to join the scientific truth club, right?

But before they had time to say this, the Ammonites said, "Why are you lying to us? Your planet hasn't stepped into level five at all, or even just level two!"

"Uh..." Lan Mu was taken aback. The Amon people obviously knew the real situation of the earth.

"I didn't deliberately deceive you. The reason why you see such a big gap is because our civilization...has not yet been unified! In fact, we are the largest force on Earth, and our purpose is to protect the normal development of human civilization .And we have gone through a lot, and broke through to this point by stifling the potential."

Lan Mu told the truth, but the Amon people were not angry, they just cared about being deceived by their friends, so it was fine to just say it. But at the same time, it also exposed that the Blue and White Society has no scientific potential, and the alliance seems to be yellow.

"I see. You said before that the earth has suffered many invasions and various disasters. Then for the continuation of civilization, you are divided into two branches. You who hold the power of foreign civilizations give up your scientific foundation to improve your strength. In order to protect the real earth civilization..."

After the Amon people finished speaking, Lan Mu was stunned, as if it was true... and it didn't seem to be...

Lan Mu is not interested in explaining too much, the existence of Lan Bai Club is too complicated.

"You went to the earth through the wormhole? Just to find out our details?" Lan Mu frowned.

Amon said humanely: "No, it's because your planet has now been marked as a cleanup target by all five-level civilizations."

"Huh?" Lan Mu was stunned again, what does this mean?

Who did you provoke? What is marked as a target for cleanup?

It wasn't until the Amon people explained the whole story clearly that Lan Mu suddenly realized, and then became furious.

"Why? There are no Zergs on Earth!"

"Sorry, the Zerg is the enemy of all civilizations. Once you encounter an undeveloped Zerg, destroy them at all costs. This is the responsibility of all civilizations. It is even the obligation of our fifth-level civilization, because only we can truly eliminate them. Zerg." The Ammon just came to tell him about it.

"How to eliminate it?" Lan Mu asked angrily.

"Our battleship has already set off. Of course there are no Zergs on the earth, if you don't deceive us again... In short, we will try our best to preserve the earth and the civilization on it..."

As the Amon man said, Lan Mu's heart sank.

The cause of the whole thing is very simple, that is, the escaped civilization back then, that is, the descendants of the ancient Egyptians who moved to Sea Star.

Not only did they not fend for themselves in the drifting of the universe, but they developed tenaciously.

This civilization continuously sends electromagnetic waves in the direction of the galactic center, reporting the coordinates of the earth and things about the Zerg.

Originally, these broadcasts were a waste of energy, and they would dissipate and become unrecognizable if they did not spread far.

But not long ago, a spaceship of a fourth-level civilization passed by and received this communication.

It immediately attracted attention. To know the legend of Zerg and Yinxin, any second-level civilization knows it.

And the civilization with a wider horizon will pay more attention to it. As an existence that can quickly sail across the galaxy, the fourth-level civilization already has relative obligations.

Therefore, under the spread of that civilization, the development of Zerg races on the earth was gradually known by the fifth-level civilization.

And the Amon civilization knew about it, just yesterday.

This is a big deal for Level 5 civilization! Sabi civilization, Xiwei civilization, and Amon civilization all have to contribute, and the warships are heading to Earth, so this matter must be resolved satisfactorily.

Even if everything is still uncertain, even if they didn't find the Zerg in the long-distance observation, they can't ignore it.

At the beginning, Nubis told Lan Mu that there may be hidden larvae in the galaxy, and any civilization found must be destroyed. And don't have any flukes, you must completely eliminate them with an irresistible general trend, leaving no future troubles.

So the best situation is that they strictly investigate every corner of the earth, and even every corner of the solar system, including any part of the earth's body. After all, the Zerg's methods are strange, and it is possible to parasitize and hide in the human body.

As long as it can be confirmed that there are Zergs on the earth, it is nonsense, and the fifth-level civilizations will not bully the earth, of course they will leave, and then wipe out the small civilization that reported indiscriminately.

But the problem is that this is only the best situation. Judging from the importance that the fifth-level civilization attaches to the Zerg, the probability of doing so is very small. Amon civilization may try to protect the earth as much as possible, but Sabi civilization and Xiwei civilization may not!

Because too many people on the earth know about the existence of the Zerg, and they can find a way to read the secrets of various countries, or the memory of some people, and they can confirm that what the escaped civilization said is true! Zerg really exist on Earth!

As for the earth civilization solving the Zerg race, who would believe it?

In this case, the mysterious awe of the Zerg will form a chain of suspicion! How can you be sure that the Zerg with unlimited evolution possibilities will be wiped out 100%? What if its hidden ability is MAX? How can a second-level civilization on the earth say that it defeated the Zerg?

Even if the fifth-level civilization did not find the Zerg in person, they would feel that the Zerg had used some method to hide it, such as degenerating itself to the point of ordinary bugs, and the fifth-level civilization might not be able to distinguish it.

Just in case, completely destroying the entire galaxy, and destroying it completely, would be a safer approach for a fifth-level civilization.

"Big trouble!"

Lan Mu gritted his teeth angrily. It is impossible to convince others that there are no Zergs on the earth, not to mention that there are still too many things on the earth that cannot be explained. Once the so-called clearers arrive on the earth, it is absolutely impossible to avoid this catastrophe by communicating, explaining, proving and other methods.

strength! Only those with strong strength have the qualifications to explain!

The Amon people who came to inform him of this matter said again: "My friend, the previous concealment can be regarded as a misunderstanding, but now, our Amon civilization is asking you very seriously, and I hope you can answer truthfully..."

Lan Mu was silent.

" there any Zerg?"


There is no need to deceive, this kind of thing can't be hidden at all.

"Zergs really survived..." the Ammonites were shocked. What other civilizations said might have framed the earth, but they would not be lucky if they learned this fact from the population of the earth.

"But the Zerg has been solved by us, I can guarantee it." Lan Mu said.

"Hehe..." The people of Amon didn't believe it, let alone other five-level civilizations.

Lan Mu said expressionlessly: "I will prove it."

"As a friend, I advise Amon civilization, and even your allies..."

"Don't come to Earth!"


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