Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 631 Interstellar tennis racket!

Lan Mu randomly sent Elise to a certain universe.

And resolutely sent all the technology obtained since exploring the universe to Elise.

Zerg can obtain technology through parasitic learning, but now Lan Mu directly sends it to her, which saves a lot of trouble.

When the fifth-level Ami technology is obtained, and the decomposition of matter reaches the elementary particle level, everything in the world is food, and there will be no difference. They will explode and evolve faster, and the entire galaxy will be transformed into Zerg.

The fifth-level Zerg is basically indestructible, and at the sixth level, they really have the ability to devour the universe.

Because Level 6 has mastered space-time particles, space is also food for Level 6 Zerg, if enough time is eaten, the entire universe will disappear.

In other words, the Zerg is theoretically invincible at the same level, but from the perspective of technological civilization alone, it can only be killed if it is two levels higher.

Of course, Lan Mu will not release bugs as soon as it comes up, that will only turn all civilizations into sworn enemies.

Zerg killing endlessly does not mean that the earth is qualified to join in. Several fifth-level civilizations went crazy, and Lan Mu was not sure to keep the earth.

"The abyss cannot stay for long, the flow of time here is too slow."

Lan Mu didn't stay here for long, and immediately rushed back to Earth.

When he came near the sun again, he was notified by Feifu.

"The galactic people said that the Sabi fleet has already entered the Orion cantilever, and they are constructing a super long-distance folding jump."

Lan Mu was stunned for a moment, even if he changed into Dante and disconnected the Yinxin people's communication, they would still be able to link with the nearby intelligence, and then pass it on to him.

"Where is the jumping point?" Lan Mu asked.

Feifu can't find out this kind of thing yet, but Yinxin people can easily see it.

But the Yinxin people didn't say anything, but asked Feifu to tell Lan Mu that they wanted to talk directly to Lan Mu.

Lan Mu hurriedly turned into Ultron, and suddenly a message appeared in his mind.

"Super-information matter! I found a large amount of super-information matter on your planet! This is the product of the Creator-level civilization, which directly adds additional information to the matter, causing it to have characteristics that override the normal laws of nature." The Yinxin man said excitedly .

"I know, but if you say that, you didn't keep the Iron Capital and the Physics Laboratory?" Lan Mu said.

Yinxin said: "What is that? We have never been to the earth. The universe is so vast. Even if we can go to any place, we have no fate to find the earth. This place is amazing. No wonder a creature like you was born, maybe Just because you are a super-information creature, can you fuse the information complex?"

Lan Mu didn't tell him that it was because of the fusion of the life ball that he became a so-called super information creature.

In addition, the galactic center has never known the earth, which proves that some of the things that were thought to be left by the galactic center civilization are actually the real contained objects that emerged from the earth itself.

This is what he thought wrong. The appearance of many contained objects is obviously a product of the earth, and they are even written in the language of the modern earth. It is impossible for them to be aliens.

Just because a civilization has the ability to go wherever they want doesn't mean they've really been there.

Perhaps in the dark, they did not pass by the earth, but passed by the Zerg mother planet, which was guided by some kind of existence.

"I'll talk about the earth later. Let me tell you the truth. You can't find the source of many things. Now, please tell me the transition point of the Sabi civilization."

"Well, they are making a leap a thousand light-years away. In fact, the mature fifth-level civilization no longer needs to rely on the gravitational field of stars. They can directly set the landing point in the real void. According to our judgment, their landing The point is the asteroid belt outside your galaxy...that place!"

With Yinxin Civilization's instructions, Lan Mu hurried over there.

At the same time, hundreds of Tier 5 battleships were also spread out from all angles, and there were a large number of Lanbai Society's main elites inside.

Hundreds of thousands of monster races, millions of immortal cultivators, every piece of equipment is full, and there are countless scrolls of talismans on their bodies.

As for the front line, Lan Mu specially set up a dark portal to stand in the asteroid belt. The dark portal is indestructible, and any attack will be transmitted directly to the opposite side. Opposite is the universe that a reincarnated member of the Lanbai Society has been to. After completing the task, he threw a void cloud. Originally, Bai Ze was planning to use it to develop the branch of the Lanbai Society. Now it is better to use it as a garbage dump use.

Lan Mu deliberately recorded the location over there. If there is any attack that is uncertain, as long as it goes straight, it will be fine to throw it in other universes.

"There is still one day to transform, and we must not delay it, otherwise the variables will be too great."

Lan Mu incarnates as Cell and adjusts himself to the best condition.

Soon, the Yinxin man said, "Here we come."

In the next second, ten spaceships emerged from the space. The whole process seemed to emerge from the water, and they came to the solar system in an instant.

This is the Sabi fleet, each spaceship has a diameter of less than one kilometer, looks very smooth, and is completely spherical.

"Fivo, send a warning."

After seeing the posture of the Lanbai Club millions of kilometers away, and the warning.

They didn't have anything to say, and launched an attack directly, completely ignoring the Blue and White Society.

"Master, it's a unified attack."

Feifu quickly analyzed the opponent's attack.

The force field propagating at the speed of light spreads rapidly, and the surrounding asteroids seem to be pulled closer to the spherical spaceship, and the whole process is also at the speed of light.

These asteroids and other substances are turned into powder under the pull of this speed of light. After touching the smooth surface of the spacecraft, they are directly decomposed into elementary particles and then absorbed, converted into energy and then used to release the force field, forming a profitable cycle.

In other words, this kind of attack is not only useless, but can also replenish the energy and material reserves of the spacecraft.

In theory, it's only a matter of time before they can unleash this attack all the time and devour the entire galaxy.

Lan Mu was furious at the disregard of Sabi civilization, they are not low-level civilizations to be slaughtered.

"Fivo, neutralize its force field!"

After finishing speaking, Lan Mu's body erupted into a vigorous air wave, rushing into the enemy's force field.


It's not an energy cannon, nor is it a kinetic weapon, it's purely a terrifying whip leg.

Pure muscle strength, from the mighty power of creatures, kicked the spaceship with a bang.

A cloud of blood mist exploded, and Lan Mu's right leg was directly shattered. As for the spaceship, it flew backwards at a speed of 1,000 kilometers per second, smashing hundreds of asteroids in succession before stopping steadily.

This is not over yet, Lan Mu's physical body broke through the air, and rushed towards the spaceship next to him without stopping.

In the middle of the flight, Cell's body flashed with electric sparks angrily, and the vigorous arrogance rushed more than a foot away.

This time it was a punch. The moment the punch was punched, the shattered right leg was instantly repaired, and it was intact again.

Immediately afterwards, Best Metal suddenly appeared, covering Cell's body with a layer of Best Armor in the blink of an eye.

This time his berserk attack won't hurt himself anymore, and he will directly fight the fifth-level spaceship with his uppercut, whip and kick!

In the blink of an eye, ten spherical spaceships fell far away like a ball, and many meteorites were also affected.

"Master, their force field is very strong. I can interrupt the move to destroy the galaxy, but I can't do more." Feifu said hastily.

Of course, Lan Mu knew that he felt it when he kicked the enemy just now, and most of the terrifying kinetic energy was absorbed. If this kind of spaceship would be damaged by collision, it would not be a level five spaceship.

The Sabi civilization suffered no losses, but was immediately awakened.

The Sabians existing in the spherical spaceship are a kind of quantum creatures. They have not only transformed their souls, but because of certain talents of the race, they can transform their entire bodies into quantum states with the help of technology.

In fact, the entire spherical spaceship is almost solid, and the Sabi are compressed in a tiny force field barrier in a quantum state. Most of the functions of this spaceship are more about defense.

"The intelligence of this civilization is seriously wrong, and its technical level has reached level five, which is similar to that of the Amon civilization. It also has unknown biotechnology, and the biological weapons used by the opponent have the bioenergy to destroy the star system individually."

"Is it the Zerg? It absorbed the technology of the Amon civilization and formed a biological civilization with such distinctive features!"

"It's not the Zerg, otherwise the fifth-level Zerg would be dead now... The Amon civilization spaceship was detected, located on the seventh planet."

"We are currently under the observation of the Amon civilization. It seems that these cowards chose to wait and see..."

"The Amon civilization sent a message saying that the earth civilization has eliminated the Zerg on its own. It's strange, the galaxy civilization also said the same before, what qualifications does this civilization have to be so valued?"

"A declining civilization, and a cowardly civilization, we Sabi don't need to listen to their words, even if the Zerg is really wiped out by this new fifth-level civilization, as long as it is a threatening civilization, it is the enemy... Immediately launch the black hole arms!"

Blue light particles suddenly emerged from the smooth surface of the Sabi civilization, and then shot towards the sun at the speed of light.

Feifu immediately said in a hurry: "Master, the unified field of the opponent and me interferes with each other. Now no one can eliminate the opponent's attack. I can't stop that particle!"

Lan Mu saw the light particles flying towards the sun. This is the speed of light, and he couldn't catch up at all.

So he directly bumped into a piece of best metal standing next to him, and the shuttle ring was opened when he was about to hit, and he traveled through the past, and instantly crossed a distance of a few light minutes to the vicinity of the sun.

"The speed of light is my favorite."

The particles went straight, and Lan Mu took the shuttle door to pick it up and returned it to the Sabi spaceship.


The calm and proud consciousness of the Sabi was finally startled, and saw that the emitted particles were caught by the opponent's star gate, and at the same time passed through a nearby star gate, hitting their spaceship in less than a second.

"How can the star gate be so stable? And it opens instantly... that's not a star gate!"

The hit spacecraft changed on the spot, all matter collapsed inward and released surging energy, and the surrounding asteroid belt was completely empty.

In the next second, a dark thing appeared in place, and all the light flickered around the dark area, which was the event horizon of the black hole.

Lan Mu was taken aback, and secretly said: "It turns out that it is a black hole generator, which directly defeats the gravitational force of massive matter, causing it to collapse into a singularity. This weapon is almost sure to kill. Fortunately, I am cautious enough."

"As a civilization standing at the pinnacle of the fifth level, there are many things that the current Feifu cannot resist...I can't let them destroy the solar system with different tricks, it's up to me!"

Lan Mu's expression sank, and he returned directly to the asteroid belt through the shuttle ring.

At the same time, a Best Ship Slashing Knife in his hand zoomed wildly.

In a short while, it spanned 300,000 kilometers, and he made a super-large shuttle door on it, and then transformed into Ultron, rushing towards the Sabi spacecraft at sub-light speed.

He turned the huge Best Ship-Zipping Knife into an interstellar tennis racket. This area is enough to beat planets, not to mention the small spaceships that capture the Sabi civilization.

With a sweep, the black holes, spaceships and even asteroids in front of him are all empty, and the starry sky is much cleaner.

This time, he sent the enemy and the black hole to other universes.

He has prepared several low-level universes that are used as garbage dumps. With Ultron's speed, he is caught off guard and slaps the enemy to other universes with one beat, which is also a good move.

Lan Mu hadn't had time to rejoice before closing the shuttle door on the spot.

The space in front of him was distorted, countless particles emerged, and began to vibrate crazily, and then nine spaceships suddenly appeared.

Feifu said: "Quantum transmission, they transformed the quantum in this area when they jumped over, no matter where they go, they can be transmitted back as soon as possible!"

Later, Feifu received a broadcast from the Sabi civilization.

"Amazing our counterattack, I'm starting to kind of believe you guys can kill the larvae."

"Then you don't leave here yet!" Feifu said.

"No, you deserve to die even more."


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