Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 638 Breaking Time and Space

The Sabi bound themselves in a cocoon and sealed off the space. At this moment, they could only escape at sub-light speed.

But it is a pity that Lan Mu has made another breakthrough at this moment, the speed is two-thirds of the speed of light, not too slow.

More importantly, I can't stand his weapon commander!

During the process of smashing down, it continued to grow larger, and it was because of the smashing that ion sparks scattered.

The spaceship disassembled itself into ten thousand flying shuttles, so that the flying shuttle hidden in the core was only one meter long, and it looked like a fly when facing the golden cudgel that fell like the sky collapsed.

Turned into pieces on the spot, scattered in the sky.

In fact, for level 5 civilizations, turning into flying ash is not terrible. What is terrible is the inexplicable characteristic of the golden cudgel breaking everything. Under the use of Lan Mu, it is like waves, hurting the shuttle wave after wave.

Coupled with Jinxian's mana-stimulated immortal attack in the later stage, it severely curbed the repair ability of microscopic machinery.

"Fifty percent core damage! We're going to 'breakpoint'!"

"This is unscientific! Using Ami technology to its peak, how can a metal directly composed of elementary particles be so vulnerable?"

"It was broken out of thin air, just like the laws of nature... What is this?"

"Can life be so strong? Did the promised Zerg win by numbers?"

"No! This is not right! Black metal, super-strong individuals, and star gates... this civilization is not right anywhere!"

"Our tens of millions of years of hard work, the crystallization of the wisdom of billions of lives, is it not as good as this stick?"

The pride of the Sabi people was shattered, just like people who were confused by the contained objects began to doubt life.

Of course, they who already have a sound scientific outlook doubt only their own civilization, not science itself.

In fact, it's just that many incredible things have impacted the Three Views, coupled with the frequent interruption of thinking caused by core damage, and the mind is confused.

After all, technology has developed too far. They think that they have summed up almost all the laws of nature and can explain everything, so that they cannot accept it for a while.

This can be a good thing if you give them enough time. Because this time to clear the Zerg, it can be said that it opened their eyes, and discovered that there are still many mysteries in the universe, and there are many undiscovered laws of nature, and they know that they are still far from the truth.

Science does explain everything, it just depends on how inclusive your science is. Once this hurdle is overcome, there may be another great leap in technology.

But the problem is that Lan Mu won't give them any chance to wake up.

The Sabians raced against time to unlock the space blockade, but 50% of the inner core was damaged, resulting in a sharp drop in control power, making it impossible to travel at sub-light speed.

No matter where they fled, there was always a golden light catching up.

At the same time, there is also the Dinghai God Zhentie who is constantly extending, and ordinary people would be scared to death at a glance!

"Oops, the core loss is too serious, we can't dodge it!"

"Why does it add value infinitely? How big can this thing grow?"

"The space blockade will be released soon! It's almost there!"

In the face of a real crisis, the Sabi people frantically sent messages to delay the time.

"A truce! A truce!"

"We respect the strength of the earth's civilization and believe that you have defeated the Zerg!"

"Put down the stick!"

"Surrender! I mean surrender!"

"What are you doing? Don't grow up anymore!"

Lan Mu didn't hear it at all, and continued to enlarge the golden cudgel.

"Big big!"

An Optimus Pillar stands in space, and Lan Mu recklessly makes the Golden Cudgel grow wildly.

His aura was also rising steadily, and his killing intent burst out to the extreme.

Even if he heard the Sabi pleading for mercy, he would not forgive.

For a little doubt, the entire solar system was directly destroyed, and even all the galaxies within the surrounding 400 light-years will continue to be destroyed in the next 400 years.

When Samoyed blew up Brasilia, Lanmu slaughtered the abyss, defeated the six kings, and turned the world upside down, sweeping the invincible old apex into the garbage dump.

And the Sabi civilization has destroyed more than one city? Although the earth is fine, the sun that has accompanied the earth for billions of years is gone!

The entire solar system was wiped out!

When we had to give up the sun, when we saw that the original site of the entire solar system was empty, and there was not even a scum left. Although Lan Mu was calm on the surface, he was actually very angry inside.

It's just that he has shouldered too much, and countless people are watching him, so he can't help but think about it. In addition, he actually forgot the feeling of sadness.

It was an emotion that only he had in the past, but now he doesn't need to be sad, and he doesn't need to say a word.

Just do one thing.

With the wishful golden cudgel that has traversed 150 million kilometers of space in his hand, the Sabi people in front of him were wiped out.

Even when they go to the Perseus Cantilever to complete the life ball, they will make a big fuss in the Perseus Arm and wipe the entire Sabi civilization from the universe to prevent future troubles.


The 150 million kilometers long golden cudgel fell down at an incredible speed!

The top farthest from Lan Mu is blurred, and a red shift phenomenon spreads to Lan Mu's eyes in an instant.

More importantly, the space that the tip of the golden cudgel crossed was shattered!

There were obvious gaps and a sense of nothingness. The shattered space would have been restored the moment it passed by, and Lan Mu would not have noticed it at all, but the golden cudgel was too big, resulting in too large a broken surface. The feeling of nothing has become very intuitive, and with the redshift, it is directly seen by them as if at close range.

Why is it obvious nothingness, the obvious sense of space fragmentation. Because there is no gravity, even light, the photon seems to be drawn on the paper, torn away by the paper, and thrown in front of Lan Mu in a red-shifted way.

This phenomenon also frightened the Sabi people to death. The tip of such a large stick appeared faster than the speed of light and shattered the space!

At the moment of dying, they finally realized that time and space are matter. The galactic civilization unified the theory of time, space and matter, which was confirmed under the stick of Lan Mu.

The moment the core exploded, the space blockade was lifted first, and they sent the last message to their mother civilization before they could escape.

The news of Lan Mu, a creature that shattered time and space, was sent back through quantum communication.

As for the Sabi, they died in the core, and were directly shocked to death by Lan Mu's golden fairy mana! Stuck in an infinite breakpoint state.

The remaining particle metal fragments are flying around and become space junk.


"It's over... No, it's not over yet, but my combat power has returned to Xuanxian..."

Lan Mu stayed in space for a long time, and his strength returned to the original state. The phenomenon of on-the-spot improvement and leapfrog fighting only occurs when he encounters a strong enemy and must fight with all his strength. Once the crisis is resolved, he is nothing more than a mysterious fairy .

Temporarily set the normal state as the monkey brother mode, as for the display of power, it is called the great sage mode.

When Feifu's fleet came back here, they knew at a glance that the master had won a big victory, and hurriedly went to recover the metal wreckage.

The Amons and Xiwis also jumped a few detectors and found that the battle was over.

"You... defeated the Sabians?"

They couldn't help being shocked that the Blue and White Society actually created a miracle and defeated the overlord of the galaxy, even if it was only ten spaceships.

This strength has fully proved that they are indeed capable of destroying the Zerg.

As for why this civilized individual is so tyrannical, it's not that they haven't suspected that the earth civilization itself is the Zerg in disguise. After all, the strongest biological civilization is the Zerg. Anyone who sees Lan Mu's performance will feel that he is the boss of the Zerg.

But that's out of the question. This civilization has grown to be equal to them, and even more glorious.

Lan Muxin was so tired, he had no aura, no sun, and forced to leapfrog to fight, which made him physically and mentally exhausted.

The sequelae of the Great Sage mode began to appear, and now he wished to soak directly in the spiritual energy pool to replenish the exhaustion he had just squeezed out.

"Master, Yinxin Civilization is looking for you, but he said he can't contact you." Just when Lan Mu was about to go to the Heavenly Court to recuperate, Fei Fu said suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

With a somersault, Lan Mu entered the spaceship and passed Feifu, Yinxin Civilization said.

"Your life form has changed again! Your information has been fused with the information integration body, and the information there will appear from your body!"

"Ah, so what?" Lan Mu responded casually, Yinxin Civilization's vision was indeed high.

"But this can only explain your question. What's the matter with this stick? Is it absolutely hard? As a macroscopic substance, it doesn't disintegrate at superluminal speed, at least it is directly composed of space-time particles."

Lan Mu was not surprised when he saw the golden cudgel shattering time and space, because he figured it out quickly.

Macroscopic matter cannot exceed the speed of light. If the matter is too large and the mass is too heavy, the force required to make it exceed the speed of light is too terrifying, and the instantaneous energy consumption is astronomical.

And if you want to reduce the mass, it will cause the object itself to be unable to withstand the resistance of dark matter, and the mass will continue to increase during the accelerated motion, and will be torn apart by gravity.

So it doesn’t matter if it’s too light or too heavy, at most, one particle can move faster than the speed of light in the microscopic world.

But what if this thing is a containment in the macrocosm?

First of all, the quality of the golden cudgel remains the same, it will always be 13,500 jin! Under its almost infinite extension, its hardness will not change, and it will always be indestructible!

Then this led to the fact that when the golden cudgel was 150 million kilometers long, it was swung around one end, and the other end went from one point to another in a very short time, causing the 150 million kilometers in the middle to pass in an instant. However, beyond the speed of light.

This is a strange thing that only occurs when its mass is constant, otherwise even in space there will be the gravitational force of dark matter as resistance.

Combined with the unified theory of space-time and matter of the Galactic Man, at the moment when the macro-matter surpasses the speed of light, the particle density of a certain period of space-time is zero, which looks like the space is torn apart. The huge golden cudgel, the top end surpassed the speed of light, as if a torpedo rushed out from the bottom of the water at super speed, and would pull out a short-lived waterless area.

Because there is no gravity and no light in the void where time and space are broken. Any stick will break at that moment, except... the golden cudgel...

In fact, the speed of light still has not surpassed, and the moment it is about to surpass, the space-time of the path ahead is gone, which means that the 'distance disappears'.

That's why the golden cudgel was smashed down instantly, and a long distance was crossed in a time shorter than the speed of light. Taking Lan Mu as the time frame of reference, it was 'beyond the speed of light'.

In fact, Lan Mu also thought of this, so he continued to extend the golden cudgel. Now it seems that this is the case, the characteristics of the golden cudgel are incredible.

"It's just as you think, this is a weapon with unique natural laws given by additional information."

"It's called Ruyi Golden Cudgel!"


p.s: Don't say that there was water suddenly behind me, this needs to be explained, otherwise someone will definitely say that I am acting recklessly, why does such a long golden cudgel fall in an instant, at least it will take dozens of minutes to hit someone... God, if Really, how ugly.

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