Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 674 Harassing Sabi

At the critical moment, Lan Mu didn't have time to do anything extra, so he immediately communicated with the main god with gestures.

If he wants to escape the starburst of the Milky Way in an instant, he has many methods, such as using the Shenyin knife to force himself to disappear. How fast the thought is, the disappearance will be as fast as possible. The power of the four images to escape the backlight depends on this.

But this time it won't work, the Shenyin Knife is in the space ring, he is Ultron now, and he can't take things from it, it will definitely be slower when he transforms first.

So he immediately approached the main god and asked him to pull himself into the space of the main god, avoiding the blow that came at that moment.

However, he has no idea in his heart. There have been several battles, and he has not used the move of entering the space of the main god to avoid it. A few tenths of a second.

"Perhaps this kind of physical attack will not destroy Ultron's consciousness wave..."

As soon as Lan Mu thought of this, he saw a high-pitched 'voice' burst out of his consciousness.

"Galaxy Starburst!"

Then, the light that shone so brightly was truly released.

However, at the same time, Lan Mu had already entered the space of the main god under the white light.


Lan Mu was taken aback, he dodged the blow.

Because when Saga made a move, he called a wave of move names in communication.

It was only a little bit slower, which was negligible for others, but Lan Mu took advantage of it.

"I have to call out the name of the move. Is this also a small feature of information implantation? powerful..."

Lan Mu immediately understood that the information realized everything about Saga, including his image, equipment, ability, memory, personality, habits and so on.

And Saga, or all saints have a habit, the cry of faith!

When he existed in reality, this habit was still deeply ingrained, slowing down his attacks a bit at critical moments.

However, Lan Mu didn't want to try, whether Saga would be so slow every time.

Maybe Saga didn't know that he could dodge in an instant and made a mistake.

"Hei Saga is really difficult to get along with, especially with people like me who don't know each other, and don't even have the slightest friendship. Is it because of the seventh sense that I can see through my lies instantly? It's a pity that the seventh sense and the small universe Things will disappear with the information after he disappears, even if I learn the training method of the saint fighter, there is no way to realize it. His existence time is too short."

Lan Mu was very relaxed at this time, and let the main god show the projection scene after he left, to see what Saga was doing.

However, at this moment, the space behind him twisted instantly, and a fist hit his head, instantly blasting Lan Mu's head.

I saw the broken metal body explode and fly out, disintegrating into dust in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, another golden light appeared in midair, which was the Monkey King.

Lan Mu turned over and fell, calling out the golden cudgel and staring at Saga.

I saw Saga's stern face glaring at Lan Mu, her flowing hair was dancing, the holy clothes were emitting purple light, and a nebula-like scene came into view faintly.

"Lord God! Why did you let him come here!" Lan Mu was shocked.

The Lord God replied indifferently: "He followed your teleportation trajectory and came through the space."

This trick of different dimension space can theoretically connect to the channel of God. Most people can't find the main god's space, but in fact, if they can find it, there are still ways to get in.

Lan Mu doesn't want to fight with Saga, even if he finds a way to win, what if the other party burns all kinds of small universes? What if a holy warrior wouldn't be knocked down by the same move?

"It's been more than 30 seconds since Saga left the source of imagination, it's still early!"

"Lord God! Send me..."

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, just as Lan Mu was about to leave the space of the main god, he even planned to send Saga away as a reincarnation.

But at this moment, Saga disappeared, and a 30cm figure fell to the ground.


Lan Mu was taken aback, there was no way he could have miscalculated the time.

Not to mention that Saga left that planet, even counting from the birth of Saga, it was less than a minute.

He actually disappeared!

"I see, I see."

Lan Mu walked over and picked up the figurine, which was already in an unfinished state, that is, a blurred outline of a human figure.

He knows why the big universe can tolerate the existence of Saga.

Fantasy figures can manifest Saga, which means that more and stronger characters can be manifested. It is likely to be the same as the life ball, and there may be no limit.

Such a thing, at least from this point of view, is the same original sin as the life ball.

However, the attitude of the big universe towards figures is not very special. Obviously, the time of imagining human existence is directly proportional to the amount of imagination.

And it is very likely that when it uses the root algorithm, its existence time will be shortened even more, the principle is equivalent to what Reinhardt's fantasy hand took out.

The so-called other worlds, only exist for five to ten minutes, that is an ordinary role. A small planet with a population of only tens of billions, if it wants to support the existence of a character like Saga, it will definitely not last long, not to mention that Saga is far away from the source of imagination, which greatly shortens its existence time.

The fantasy figure is indeed powerful, but it still depends on certain conditions, and it is still within the control range of the big universe.

Just like the main god, theoretically the main god can also strengthen the small universe for people. After all, the main god also has fantasy information, but the points are sky-high, so the main god can be born normally back then because the setting was tolerated by the big universe.

The truly non-consumable imaginary life information implantation can only be done by the life ball.

"Tsk, compared to the fantasy figure, the life ball is really against the sky. Its information exists forever, not the flash of a meteor."

"Original sin."

"I can bear everything else, but I can't bear it!"


The appearance and disappearance of Saga let Lan Mu know something that he had thought about but was not sure.

When he learned from Backlight that the root algorithm can only rely on enlightenment, he wanted to learn Backlight, but was quickly ruled out by him.

So he thought, why is there only one way to get a glimpse of the root algorithm?

Maybe I can become a life with instinct and root algorithm, tampering with reality arbitrarily. There are many similar fantasy works.

Saga's seventh sense and the small universe perfectly interpret the adaptability of the big universe and the tolerance of information.

Things that fantasy figures can do, let alone life balls.

It is absolutely impossible to only have the passive characteristics of the root algorithm level without directly grasping the life of the information itself.

Lan Mu was thinking while dealing with the end times.

How the end of the world develops has nothing to do with him. He only cares about saving people and earning merit.

Of course, because he has been here, it means that he has also been included in the sphere of influence of the Blue and White Society. How to cooperate with this civilization is something that the Blue and White Society considers.

After spending more than ten hours, 90% of the monsters on the surface of the world were cleaned up.

The remaining monsters are concentrated on a large island, which is also one of the characteristics of their civilization in the future.

As for the large number of monsters in the sea, Lan Mu didn't care about it.

A civilization composed entirely of people with various abilities was established by Wallace, and because of his gratitude to Lan Mu, he established diplomatic relations with the Lanbai Society and voluntarily joined the club as a lower-level member.

After dealing with these matters, Lan Mu couldn't wait to go to the next apocalypse.

"I already know enough about the opponent, but does the actual combat effect have to rely on luck..."

Next time, Lan Mu doesn't want to face the fantasy characters directly, but plans to use the fantasy characters.

He has read all the works in the super U disk, and it can be said that he knows most of the fantasy characters in detail. He wants to practice how to guide those people with their own memories, personalities, and principles to do things that are beneficial to Lan Mu.

Of course, even if Lan Mu tried his best to fool him, it would be very difficult.

Lan Mu may not be able to make sense, if it induces the desired effect, it will be very troublesome if it fails.

Even if he is lucky enough to meet a good character like Naruto and get away with it, there is no guarantee that the figurine will reach the Sabi civilization, and the manifested character can be used.

"But... I have the Lord God..."

When Lan Mu faced Saga in the last few seconds just now, he asked the main god to imprint the reincarnation brand on him, and found that it was successful. After all, the fantasy figures are all human beings.

This also means that during the period of existence of fantasy characters, they can become reincarnations for a short time.

If Lan Mu is dissatisfied with the current character, take it away and wait for it to disappear before sending it back, then it can be randomized again, there is always a good choice.

Backlight cannot do the same thing. Backlight can travel through it at will, but he can't take people through it at will. He also needs to rely on media such as summoning, teleportation array, and storage space.

But if the strength is too strong, is it possible for Backlight to summon others at will? Is it possible to randomly receive people into the space?

So for Black Rose, the practical significance of fantasy figures is greatly reduced.

"As long as the luck is not too bad, this method should work, so try it anyway."

"The battleship of Feifu should have entered the sphere of influence of the Sabi people?"

"It's time to tentatively harass the Sabi civilization."

"When I inherit the inheritance of the dragon family, I will start the general attack. According to the rules of the figurines, the Sabi people's huge imagination foundation, there should be super-defying characters appearing..."


p.s: I couldn't post this chapter for a long time, I thought there was something wrong with the word harassment.

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