I saw that under Edwin's punch thousands of times faster than the speed of sound, Lan Mu was instantly sent flying, and his flesh and blood burst out.


Under Edwin's surprised eyes, he found that the blue-skinned guy who hit him just now was not a blue-skinned guy again, but a cyan-skinned monster.

At the critical moment, Lan Mu turned into Sha Lu, resisted the punch, and his lower abdomen burst, all internal organs were oozing blood, and a depression like a fist mark appeared between his chest and abdomen.

However, this injury quickly healed.

At this moment, Lan Mu was very excited and said: "It's my turn."

As soon as Lan Mu's arrogance exploded, he rushed to Edwin in an instant, punched him into the sky, and then appeared behind him in an instant, and hammered on the platform again.

The hard platform made of four-level metal was directly knocked out of a deep pit.

His subordinates on the platform, in fact his sons, were all frightened, and instead hid far away, not daring to attack Lan Mu at all, just hoping not to affect himself.

Edwin crawled out of the deep pit, raised his head angrily, and wanted to give Lan Mu a look.

But before he could stare, a violent knee bump was right in front of him, making his face sunken and blood flowing.

But this time Edwin didn't fly backwards, stabilized his figure, and counterattacked with a punch at a very fast speed. He was about to hit Lan Mu in the face, but Lan Mu blocked it with his arm.

The two started a super-fast fierce battle, with fists and kicks so fast that most people couldn't even see them.

Sudden shattering of metal floors, and sudden bursts of air often occur.

Only when the two of them hit the sky, can they clearly distinguish the difference in speed, and Lan Mu can always easily smash it to the ground.

"You can't fly... you rely purely on your body, you don't know how to use your breath at all."

It was discovered that Edwin himself could not fly. Apart from jumping, he relied on the anti-gravity flight of technological equipment. In the fierce battle just now, all the equipment was destroyed, and Edwin immediately lost a lot of means.

An opponent who only knew how to rely on the contained objects, but didn't learn enough to practice himself.

Lan Mu immediately lost interest in him, even if the opponent's physical fitness is very close to his, the gap in strength is still huge.

After calming down from Sha Lu's interest, Lan Mu directly hit Edwin in the air, preventing him from landing at all.

Edwin wanted to fight back occasionally, but a majestic air wave stopped him and easily lifted Edwin's body into the air.


Lan Mu had figured out the opponent's strength, and a qigong with all his strength blew him up, leaving no bones left.

No matter how high the cell activity is, when every cell is wiped out, there is no way to heal itself.

However, in the next second, at the place where he shattered, Edwin reappeared in an instant, intact.

Resurrection in full state.

It's just naked, without any sense of shame, he glared at Lan Mu and growled in a low voice.

"You monster! You can't kill me!"

After finishing speaking, Edwin glanced at the pawn mirror, the wall of light disappeared immediately, and the mirror sank between his eyebrows.

Lan Mu wanted to stop it, but there was no light, so Edwin took back the mirror.

"Is this containment parasitic in your body? What are its side effects?" Lan Mu asked.

Edwin snorted coldly, piercing Lan Mu's brain with extremely strong mental power, instantly making Lan Mu lose his mind.

And suddenly dozens of high-energy lasers hit Lan Mu, vaporizing him.

However, it obviously failed to destroy every cell of Lan Mu, and he soon began to regenerate at a super speed.

During the regeneration process, it was still moving at high speed, avoiding the next laser attack.

Crawling back from the brink of death, Cell's body will only become stronger.

But when Lan Mu finished repairing, he found that Edwin had escaped.

He took a small personal spacecraft, tens of thousands of kilometers away from the platform at this moment.

"I didn't take the opportunity to fight just now, but ran away..."

Lan Mu knew that although it was useless to fight, it was even more useless to run away.

He immediately turned into Ultron, directly invaded Edwin's spaceship, and took control of it.


At this time, Edwin was ordering the spaceship to rush towards the sun at full speed, and then jump to other galaxies.

He finally decides to abandon the children, the entire population of civilization, and escapes alone.

"Damn Lanbai Society, why is Black Rose so useless? It's fine if you lose, but no news has come here since the war started!"

Edwin relies heavily on technology, so he never uses things like messenger talismans.

"I sold hundreds of billions of people, but I still can't beat that guy...Fortunately, I destroyed all the teleportation formations, and the rest of the Lanbai Club can't catch up for a while. I heard that the Lanbai Club has five Advanced technology, it is difficult for me to leave when the large army comes..."

"If I knew it was so fast, I should have left from the beginning."

After Edwin guessed that something happened to the black rose, he was a little caught off guard and suspicious, so that he didn't run away immediately. Instead, he built more spaceships and sent spaceships to store canned houses everywhere, reluctant to part with the trillions of people.

After all, a large number of canned houses are on the two planets, and if you want to take them away, you must put them on a spaceship.

So this greed made him miss the only opportunity.

If he had escaped to other galaxies earlier, he could still rely on the depth of the universe to escape, but it would be too late now.

"Damn it! The person I've saved for so long..."

Although forced to give up the population, run away alone, even abandoning all the children.

But he was resentful in his heart, he was still unwilling, and extremely annoyed.

At this time, he had a granddaughter by his side, who innocently became his only object of venting his anger.

This personal spaceship originally belonged to his granddaughter, and of course, this granddaughter was also his daughter...

Now it is the only population he took away...

"I'm so pissed off! Do I have to start from scratch... spend countless years on a planet to repopulate human beings..."

The mirror can only pawn human beings, and the probability of encountering human beings in other places in the universe is infinitely low, so if he wants to become stronger and revenge, if he wants to continue his life indefinitely, he must reproduce the human race... Relying on the two of them...

"Don't worry, Edwin."

Just when Edwin was about to vent his anger, a cold voice echoed in the spaceship.

He was startled and looked at the screen, only to see a silver-white face staring at him, his eyes were as indifferent as a machine.

"You..." Edwin hurriedly wanted to control the main brain. He didn't trust artificial intelligence more than anyone else, so all spaceships didn't have intelligent life. At best, they were just some highly intelligent programs. Anyway, anyone can use a fool's operation.

But now, no matter how he operates, there is no response.

"You took control of my spaceship? You damn intelligent life!" Edwin panicked. He regretted that he didn't run away in the first place! Also stay there to collect population.

The silver-white face is of course Lan Mu. With the body of Ultron, he abolished the curvature navigation and jumping engines of all the spaceships in the entire civilization. Among them, the ship controlled by Edwin is completely controlled. German returns.

Lan Mu stared at Edwin indifferently, listening to Edwin's abuse, he didn't want to say a word.

"What are you going to do with me?" Edwin calmed down and asked after enough scolding.

Lan Mu didn't speak.

Edwin frowned and said: "Just tell me what you want! You are here for my containment! To tell you the truth, this containment is integrated with me, unless I die, otherwise I don't want to , no one can take it away!"

"But don't think you can kill me. No matter how many times you kill me, I will be resurrected. I am immortal!"

"My cell activity is unprecedented. Every time I kill me, I will wipe out all the cells. If I am not too lazy to fight with you, I will consume that blue monster and kill him!"

"How many lives I have, I can't even count them!"

"How about I join you? I will release the mirror and lend it to you for research..."

Hearing Edwin trying to fight for his own life, Lan Mu finally spoke.

There are still many ways to deal with the guy who can't be killed. For example, seal, or life imprisonment.

Edwin obviously knew this too, otherwise he wouldn't have been Backlight's subordinate at the beginning, and he wouldn't have been so afraid of falling into the hands of the Lanbai Society and be so angry here.

He deliberately said that the Lanbai Society was for the containment, so if he wanted to get the containment, he couldn't kill him.

But does Lan Mu care about such a containment? Things designed to pawn human beings should be contained indefinitely. Perhaps Edwin is a good containment measure.

Lan Mu said indifferently: "Is it immortal? I will make it difficult for you to die."


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