Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 678: Saitama

The situation was under control, Lan Mu changed into a human form and stood in front of Edwin, and he didn't dare to resist.

He is willing to do anything, and the things that Lan Mu told him at this moment seem to be life-saving straws.

I saw Lan Mu said: "Soon there will be a person on the planet. No matter what method you use, you must lure him to attack you. Of course, you can use the humans in the can house, but you cannot kill them. If the person who appears Weaker than you, you can kill him. If he is stronger than you..."

After speaking, Lan Mu summoned a demon with average strength.

"He will cooperate with you. When you lose the enemy, open a dark portal from the satellite. You must lure him there... He will disappear within ten minutes."

"If he is much stronger than you, the other side of the door will be the territory of the vassal of the universe's fifth-level overlord Sabi civilization. Destroy that planet and bring the handle back, understand?"

Lan Mu doesn't need to arrange too detailed plans for him. In order to perform well and strive for leniency, Edwin will definitely try his best to do it, and Lan Mu doesn't need to worry about it at all.

And he absolutely did not dare to take the opportunity to escape, once he failed, what would greet him would be unbearable terror.

Edwin didn't even have the courage to give it a try, and doing his best to explain things was his only way out.

On the main star, Lan Mu silently watched the changes in the fantasy figures.

From the blurred outline of the human figure to the gradually enriched image.

A smooth head appeared in front of Lan Mu's eyes. He looked at it for a long time, but he didn't recognize who it was.

"Not a single hair? There are many bald heads. Which one is this?"

It wasn't until the figure was fully formed that Lan Mu realized that this guy with a bald head and no eyebrows was exactly Saitama.

Wearing a yellow tights, like a yellow street lamp.

"For Saitama, it's hard to divide strength, right?"

Nothing can't be solved with one punch, and if there is, then two punches.

It sounds good, but the information is not detailed and absolute enough. In terms of specific performance, the original world view is too general, so in reality, his strength is not necessarily the root algorithm.

Compared with the cosmic battles in some works, Saitama's cosmic overlord Poros is not as good as Dante in Lan Mu's eyes.

In that universe, Sharu can also reach the level of Saitama.

If you can't reach the point where you can't perform without the root algorithm in terms of strength, the big universe will not forcefully exaggerate.

According to Lan Mu's understanding, Saitama's so-called one-punch KO is probably just caused by being too strong.

Because Saitama can control his own power, his combat power can fluctuate greatly against different enemies.

But it is impossible for Saitama to control the use of the root algorithm independently. He has no such thing as the seventh sense and the small universe. If the big universe wants to adapt to him, its strength is at most a passive root algorithm.

That is to say, the upper limit of the so-called physical fitness has been raised. It is impossible to estimate how high it is. It can be Shalu's level, or it can be higher.

"It's hard to be clear. There are obvious differences between him and Saga."

The strength of saint fighters such as Saga is a description of the amount of information such as the speed of light and the smashing of the galaxy, but the expressiveness is lacking. Therefore, if the big universe wants to adapt to them, only the root algorithm can do it.

However, there is no clear data on Saitama's strength, and if it is set off by external objects, KO's enemies are too weak, and they will destroy the earth at most, and it can be explained without a root algorithm.

"His strength should only be at the level of Sharu..."


The main star is not desolate. People in the canned house can take turns to let the air out on the ground. After an hour, they will be brought into the canned house and released another batch.

The human beings in the world are divided into more than 20 groups, and they have a little free time in turn.

It can be said that the humans on the main star are much happier than the humans in space. Most of them are between fifteen and thirty-five years old, which is the reproductive period.

Many people only have the opportunity to meet each other at this moment, looking for each other in the crowd, and then cherish the short hour.

Some of them are lovers. They know each other and love each other in the pitifully few opportunities to meet each other every day, and then give birth to a certain number of children that are mandatory.

Some are friends, trying to talk about things from the shallow and pitiful knowledge. Anyway, they don’t have to do anything. They have to think about many boring problems every day when they are locked in the canning house. They just wait for this one-hour relaxation time to communicate with friends, then go back to meditate, and then come out to communicate, and so on.

People cherish the time when they are young. They know that when they are old in the future, they will be locked in space forever, waiting for the death penalty.

Until... a big bald head appeared in the crowd.

The big bald head is naturally Saitama. He is observing this strange world in amazement. There are steel cylindrical buildings in the city, as if the whole city is a forest of steel.

No vehicles, no advertisements, no supermarkets.

On the streets, only human beings can be seen, densely packed naked human beings.

"This is not Earth... I was kidnapped by aliens!"

Saitama is wandering around, he doesn't know what to do, and he doesn't speak the language!

Gradually, more and more people stared at him with fear on their faces.

Because he is wearing clothes! Wearing clothes, in this civilization, means being a resident of the satellite, and if it is a man, it means being the son or grandson of the lost lord Edwin.

Qiyu didn't know what was going on, and wherever he went, people would back away in fear.

He wanted to know the situation, but no one answered, because the native humans did not speak the language of the earth.

At this time in the dark, Lan Mu monitored him through Feifu's means, and Edwin was also monitoring him.

"Is this the guy? He looks so weak, he's just a mortal! So I just need to kill him, and the mission will be completed!"

Edwin was extremely excited. He felt that this task was too simple, and he had to perform well!

On the surface, Saitama is indeed just a mortal, and he can feel it when he walks. Every step is very casual, and the strength of his arm swing is also very natural.

There is no energy intensity, and the evaluation of combat effectiveness is extremely low! Mental power is not very good, just like a waste!

It can't be blamed for Edwin's contempt for Saitama. To be honest, Lan Mu felt that this was so weak that it was a bit weird.

If he didn't know Saitama, Lan Mu would not think that he is a strong man at all.

Lan Mu knew Qitama, but Edwin didn't. He directly sent his sons to catch Qitama.

A few small spaceships flew in the sky, their metallic weapons pointed at Saitama.

Qiyu stared blankly at the spaceship, and murmured, "It really is an alien..."

"Hey! Take me back!"

Edwin's sons, of course, can understand Saitama's language. After all, it is the language of the earth, and the main brain of the spaceship can automatically translate it.

"Ignore him, catch him, and kill him if he resists!"

A mechanical gripper extended from the bottom of the spaceship to capture Saitama.

Qiyu was directly grabbed by the waist, and then moved towards a canning house.

The movement here has attracted the attention of humans in the entire city, and they looked at Saitama in fear.

Saitama was still shouting: "You guys are so rude!" His legs kept swinging, as if he couldn't get rid of the mechanical arm.

Edwin shook his head while watching in the dark, a person who can be captured by a spaceship is too weak.

Qiyu was imprisoned in the canning house without accident, and was still banging on the door.

"Are you sending me back?" He still thought that the aliens were planning to send him back to Earth.

But then, the canned house where Saitama was imprisoned was stuffed into the canned array and treated like all human beings.

Not only that, the time for the release is over, and all human beings are forcibly captured in the canning house, waiting for the next release.

The human beings parted with sorrow and reluctance, and machines forcibly locked them into small cans.

"The strength of this human knocking on the door is too small, it is exactly the same as a normal person..."


Edwin observed from a distance, and just as he finished speaking, he saw the canned house burst and the metal door flew far away.

I saw Qiyu seemed calm and said: "So you locked me up..."

He finally realized that he was arrested...

At the same time, he also saw the scene where countless people were imprisoned in a canning house, and instantly understood the source of people's weird expressions and fear.

From the surface, the oppression of naked people by people wearing clothes is also known to be extreme.

I saw Qiyu raised his head and looked at the annular belt in the night sky, which was a planetary ring composed of countless cans.

He lowered his head, and his feet were also stepping on the ground made up of countless canned houses...

"Don't tell me, it's full of humans."

There was a flash of light on his bald head, and even his expression was blurred, making it hard to see clearly.


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