Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 680 Unfathomable

Edwin couldn't help thinking about it. First of all, Saitama couldn't be an enemy that the Blue and White Club didn't know. Lan Mu clearly greeted him in advance.

And Lan Mu obviously knows the bald man very well, so he must know him.

In Edwin's eyes, it is estimated that Saitama is too strong and not easy to control, so the Blue and White Society is using him to let Saitama go to Sabi civilization to cause trouble.

"It's normal for such a man to disobey the order of the organization..." Edwin thought that Saitama was a disobedient trump card of the Blue White Society.

In fact, Lan Mu was also very surprised, he knew exactly how hard absolute zero metal is.

Don't underestimate it because it can only blow up planets, the strength of this metal lies in its hardness, so in terms of penetrating power alone, stars can pass through it easily.

Unless there is a metal harder than it, such as particle metal or best metal. Otherwise, in terms of the biological defense alone, it would be an extremely terrifying thing to survive the high-speed impact unscathed.

It is confirmed from the side that Saitama's defense is a bit unscientific.

"If the body is hardened like this, when I think about it, I seem to have missed something before."

Lan Mu thought carefully, and based on his understanding of the information, he immediately realized that Saitama was probably the root algorithm.

"His strength is controllable, perfectly controlled! He can adjust his combat power at will, and his overall physical fitness can be improved or mediocre."

Lan Mu thought of Saitama's skin being scratched by a cat in the original painting, and he never slapped a mosquito.

It can be said that he didn't want to kill the mosquito himself, but it was too weird to have his skin scratched by a cat.

Could it be that the cat's claws were as hard as the best metal, and blessed with super-speed kinetic energy, to cut Saitama's face?

It was just an ordinary cat, but it could cut through Saitama's skin like an ordinary person's skin.

Contradicted with the super unsolvable defense displayed in the subsequent battle, this contradiction directly shows that his strength is not constant at the point of superman.

This directly overturned Lan Mu's previous speculation about Saitama's strength.

That is no longer a situation where Saitama's enemies in the world are too weak to explain.

Because Sha Lu can't let the cat scratch casually, no matter how willing Sha Lu is, the cat can't break the defense at all.

But Saitama can do it, this is an essential difference.

Only the root algorithm can explain it.

Otherwise, how can the same person not only be scratched by cats casually, but also be able to withstand super powerful attacks without any damage?

This kind of freewheeling, returning to basics, indescribable, and unfathomable combat power, if the big universe wants to adapt, it is impossible to use only one who is very strong to perfuse it.

"So it's coming back again... As expected, he is not using the root algorithm, but simply becomes the abnormal information adjusted by the root algorithm."

"In other words, his human body has been blessed with some kind of additional information, such as... adjusting his physical fitness from mortal to invincible according to his mind."

Lan Mu didn't know what the specific abnormal information setting of Saitama was, but he consciously guessed it pretty close.

A feature similar to Backlight and Saga's damage information addition and subtraction, but completely different.

Saitama is powerful as a whole, whether it is strength, speed, reaction and defense, he can go from mortal to invincible, and then from invincible to mortal.

From the fists of ordinary people, to the fists of the strong, to the fists that seriously hurt you, and the fists that absolutely crush you...

From the defense of ordinary people, to the defense of the strong, to the invincible defense similar to the golden body of the six kings...

He can easily use as much power as he thinks he should use, and how much depends on his enemy.

"No, there should be an upper limit, or...he doesn't even know where his upper limit is?"

Lan Mu doesn't believe in infinite strength in the true sense, at most he doesn't know how high the upper limit is.

That is the so-called unfathomable.

"By the way, he often feels that no one can force his strength. He has been boringly longing for enemies who can show him his full strength. It's a pity that all enemies can be knocked out with one punch if he wants. And he can't Constantly liberate your own strength for no reason, because it may destroy the earth casually. Even when you return to the earth from the moon, you must first think about the gravity of the moon to judge how much power you should use to jump and move it. Control it to the point where it will destroy neither the Moon nor the Earth."

"Because of this, Saitama himself doesn't know how strong he can be."

"He is afraid that he will use too much power and trample the earth."


Lan Mu wants to test whether what he thinks is true, he just needs to go up and experience it.

But he doesn't want to face the bald man who claims to be a one-shot man in person.

"Edwin, he has the strength to kill you with one punch. I want you to let him destroy the military fortress of the Sabi civilization no matter what!"

The task of testing Saitama's limits is left to the so-called galactic overlord Sabi.

The military fortress of the Sabi civilization is an important galaxy that blocks the Fav battleship.

An entire galaxy is man-made, and it is at the edge of the Perseus Arm. Because there is a isolation zone arranged by the Sabians around it, that galaxy is the only passage. If the Fivo battleship wants to pass, it must either detour or break through.

At first, Lan Mu planned to get there by himself, but after discovering the fantasy figure, he decided to use the real figure of the figure to help him open the way.

"Yes..." Edwin was not nervous.

Ordinary people wouldn't be nervous if they heard Lan Mu say that the other party had the strength to kill him with a punch, but unfortunately, Edwin had tens of millions of lives, and death of one was harmless.

He is not afraid of Saitama, a strong man with overwhelming physical fitness, but Lan Mu's ability is so weird, and he has the strength to seal the person who tortured him.

At this time, Saitama was still standing in the deep pit, and the ashes on his body had been swept away.

Squatting slightly, he looked up at the huge moon in the night sky.


The earthquake that had just subsided, shook wildly again, and the traces of explosion spread across the surface, and the continent under my feet slipped and drifted again.

The dust began to spread from the place where Saitama rushed out, and it was about to sweep across the continent.

And Saitama, from a macro point of view, is just a small one, piercing the sky at an extremely fast speed, and landed firmly on the satellite five seconds later.

Countless women on the satellite wore sexy clothes, screaming when they were swept away by the air waves.

Only Edwin and a demon stood upright, facing the dust.

"Bichon Frize..." Edwin winked at the demon, apparently they had already discussed the plan before.

I saw the demon bichon flying up, floating in the air with an evil and proud look, looking down at the dust with his hands clasped.

A figure stepped out from the dust, it was Saitama with a cute face.

As the price for having this strength, he not only became bald, but also lost the passion to fight.

He wouldn't be going around beating weirdos at all if he didn't have a constant interest in being a hero.

I saw Saitama puffing his mouth, felt it, and then exhaled: "There is air..."

"It really isn't Earth anymore..."

Saitama came out, just glanced at Edwin and Bichon, then looked into the space. The strange starry sky and pale planets he saw indicated that he was far away from the earth at all.

"Earth? The great Sabi civilization has already launched an attack there. At this time, all human beings should be arrested, right?"

Edwin made a conversation on purpose. He knew he couldn't beat Saitama, so he made preparations to lead the Sabians first.

At the same time, he suddenly killed the sons and women who didn't know what happened. Just with a high-frequency energy sword, those women who had had sex with him were cut in half.

"Ah! Your lord..."

"No! Father!"

Those people screamed in horror, but were still decisively and mercilessly killed by Edwin.

Then, under the secret technique of Bichon Frize, these dead people were sacrificed and transformed into a stream of pure magic power to bless Edwin, so that he can be erosive with the magic power of the abyss when he fights.

Lan Mu frowned, but said nothing.

He only asked Edwin not to kill the people in the canning house, and these women and his sons did not belong to this category. Lan Mu didn't specifically mention it, and Edwin used it casually, which was really heartless.

Saitama stared blankly at Edwin and said, "Are they your relatives?"

Edwin clenched his fist and said, "This is not something you should care about! Damn bald!"

Saitama immediately elongated his face, and his lazy and boring expression immediately turned into a very intimidating expression. The browbones like two swords piercing upside down and the sharp eyes, combined with the big bald head, are quite stern.

At the same time, Edwin took the initiative to attack. He was also physically strong, and he stretched his fist to Saitama's face in an instant.


Saitama blocked Edwin with his left arm, and punched Edwin with his right hand from below, hitting Edwin's stomach.

Immediately, Edwin vomited a mouthful of blood, flew upside down, landed on the ground and plowed a gully until two hundred meters away.

"Pfft!" Edwin got up, and couldn't help spitting out a piece of broken internal organs.

Saitama did not pursue the victory, but walked towards him step by step.

"Send me back to Earth quickly..."

Edwin took a few breaths, his internal injuries had healed, and while Saitama was approaching, he rushed up again.

The speed of the battle between the two is getting faster and faster. After all, Edwin's overall physical fitness has also improved to a very high level, which is no less than that of Sharu, but he is easily defeated by Sharu because he can't use his energy.

They just don't know how to fly, so on this satellite, they fought fiercely, punching to the flesh. The power control is very subtle, and the power is concentrated as much as possible without affecting the broken satellite.

Lan Mu could see that Saitama's current strength was much weaker than before. Obviously, he found that Edwin couldn't bear the previous punch, so he deliberately lowered his combat power to make it look like he was evenly matched.

"This guy, do you think this battle is boring at all..."

Lan Mu observed with his own eyes that Saitama has gradually become calm and calm from the beginning of coldness. Most of the time, he is still passively defending, and occasionally counterattacks to force Edwin back.

What's more, he often talked during the battle, asking Edwin to put all humans in and send him back to Earth.

This calm and lonely attitude made Lan Mu's heart itch.

"I really want to go up and fight him..."


p.s: Regarding the typo of the name, I thought it was nothing, but it seems that it should be corrected. Sorry.

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