Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 696 Brazen

"The propagation speed of a gamma-ray burst is the speed of light. It will take 10,000 to 20,000 years to break out of the Perseus Arm at the fastest, and it will take at least 60,000 years to reach the Earth. We have enough time to stop it from harming the Earth."

Seeing that Lan Mu was worried, Feifu said hastily.

Indeed, because of the distance scale, gamma-ray bursts are still far away from reaching the earth.

In fact, such violent explosions often occur in the universe, and it is not uncommon for a gamma-ray burst to pass through the solar system on its path.

This probability is not low, about one in 10 million, and as time goes on, the probability of being hit will increase.

Nature itself is also cleaning up life, and occasionally some unlucky ones are wiped out by gamma-ray bursts, which happens a lot.

The history of civilization development of all intelligent creatures is a race against nature, and this has never changed.

But this time, the power was used by the Sabi people. They did not hesitate to release 30,000 gamma-ray bursts randomly here just to hold back Lan Mu.

Among them, the release time averages 20 seconds, and the release intensity is equivalent to the sum of all the energy released by two hundred suns in a lifetime.

This is a normal gamma ray burst, unless the Sabi were extremely unlucky, and happened to be emitted at a close angle, leaving a large dead-end safety zone.

Otherwise, it will not be a problem to exterminate 80% to 90% of the life in the Perseus Arm within 10,000 years.

"Notify the Amon people and those vassals to try to move to the border of Persian Arm. I don't have time to take care of them for the time being." Lan Mu was in a headache. This situation was beyond his ability, and he really couldn't manage it.

Even Feifu, an intelligent life, had his consciousness wave almost washed away. Fortunately, his body is on the earth, and the clone here is a quantum body, so it's fine.

Life in the quantum state is extremely resistant to photon-like radiation, so if Fivo is fine, the Sabi must be fine too.

Besides, the Sabi can hide in other universes, so they can unscrupulously launch such a havoc offensive.

"Gamma-ray bursts are indeed the best weapon against creatures, but they don't know that my dragon scales have related resistance runes."

When the technology reaches the fifth level, there are various ways to resist or avoid gamma ray bursts. The dragons have them, the Sabi have them, and even the Amon and Xiwei people can avoid the radiation area through the wormhole, so this only It can be said that it was an attack specially launched to stop the earthlings.

Who made the earth in the hearts of the Sabi people always have all kinds of inexplicable combat power, and they are all creatures, even if they are incredibly strong creatures, they are also creatures.

The effect of gamma ray bursts on dead objects is mediocre, but its lethality on life is too great, and it can instantly clean even creatures hiding in the ground.

It is impossible for any metal or other fortifications to block gamma-ray bursts.

Level 5 civilizations such as the Amons and Xivi need to rely on evasion to deal with it. One can imagine how desperate this kind of attack is for civilizations below level 5.


The Feifu fleet continued to advance, and dust clouds from star explosions could be seen everywhere. Now there is no complete celestial body in this star area.

Lan Mu has a body that is a million meters long, and has blessed the flagship with gamma-ray burst protection runes.

As a civilization at the peak of the fifth level, how could it be possible that there is no way to fight against gamma-ray bursts, and the dragon clan is the existence of physical bodies across the stars.

"Master, the galaxy of the Sabians is ahead, and they have integrated all the particle metal planets...Look!"

Under Feifu's observation, Lan Mu saw an astonishingly large silver celestial body.

It's like a huge metal planet, but its diameter is astonishingly 2.9 billion kilometers!

The volume is billions of times that of the sun! This is larger than any celestial body encountered to date.

In the Milky Way in nature, I am afraid that only VY stars can compete with it in size.

"It can't be a solid particle metal, right? Otherwise, its mass would be enough to cause gravity to collapse, and it would collapse directly into a black hole."

"Theoretically, there should be a lot of space inside..."

The Sabians detonated their own main galaxy, and gathered all the people to create a particle metal giant 1,600 times the volume of the sun.

"The stellar dust clouds near here have all disappeared. According to the curvature reaction, they have detonated long ago, so the Sabi people should have recovered all the stellar dust remains and used them as materials to make so many particle metals." Feifu estimated with.

After finishing speaking, Fei Fu seemed to have received something, and said again: "They sent a communication."

"Say!" Lan Mu said coldly.

"They proposed a truce, willing to leave the galaxy, and hand over the position of the galactic overlord." Feifu said.

Lan Mu shook his head and said: "It's funny, the overlord of the Milky Way is just a false name. We have almost liberated the entire territory of the Perishian Arm. We only need to eliminate this force, and we will be the well-deserved overlord. Do we need him?"

The Sabi people actually proposed a truce, obviously because of their pride, they really don't want to fight anymore.

Gamma ray bursts were ignored by Shenlong. This kind of creature is a bit too strong. Once the final decisive battle starts, it will be time to decide the survival of the race.

A scale on Lan Mu's neck lit up, and the rune imprint on it immediately began to send photon communication.

"You unscrupulously released gamma-ray bursts, and you have already made the decision to let countless races be buried with you. Now that you have this awareness, why do you need to propose a truce and humiliate yourself?"

Eliminating the Sabi people is an inevitable thing. The two sides have already started an all-out war. Where is there room for maneuver?

The Sabi people also seemed to know that Lan Mu would not agree, and they themselves would not let the tiger go back to the mountain.

So at this moment, in front of the two armies, they are extremely annoyed.

"We have found our way to level six! Just a little bit! Just a little bit! Any civilization should welcome this kind of greatness!"

"But you... are trying to prevent the birth of a great sixth-level civilization... You are the enemy of all civilizations!"

"Evil Earthlings, you are the modern Zerg! Barbarism cannot stop us... We are the light of civilization!"

Lan Mu was stunned for a moment, he was dumbfounded!

The Sabi call themselves the Light of Civilization and say they are the modern Zerg.

This is actually a very dirty swear word... and it also swears by citing classics.

The Yinxin people back then were the light of civilization, representing all civilizations, and fighting to the death with the Zerg race representing 'uncivilization'.

And at this moment, comparing the earthlings to the modern Zerg, saying that he is the enemy of all civilizations, this is really a very dirty curse! It means that you are extremely, extremely uncivilized, as if barbarians invaded a civilized country.

To put it bluntly, this is the... vulgar language quoted among super civilizations.

This is so irritating, it is simply turning black and white.

In the entire galaxy, as long as they know about the Sabi civilization, who doesn't know that they are the most aggressive civilization in the galaxy?

The civilizations destroyed under their hands are countless, and the number of enslaved races is as high as 800!

Who are the modern Zerg?

As soon as the earth army arrived, Shenlong broke through the thirty-six fortresses and liberated the thirty-six star regions. All the vassal civilizations choose to defect and disarm, isn't it just because they hate the Sabi people for the subjugation of the country?

Who is the enemy of civilization?

The real beacon of civilization is an existence that pursues the truth of the universe and is friendly to many civilizations like the Ammonites.

Although the earth cannot do that, it is definitely civilized. Among the uncivilized races encountered so far, the first is the Zerg, the second is the sulfur-based organisms, and the second... is the Sabi.

Indeed, on the scale of ‘civilization’, take the values ​​of the Amons as an example.

A civilization that has the hope of stepping up to the sixth level can be called the light of civilization, but it is also possible.

This is a big event for all "civilized" races that pursue the truth of the universe, and stopping it is indeed a great thing.

But this is not the reason why the Sabi people are qualified to use it to put gold on their faces. The Sabi people set foot on the sixth level. It is not that there will be another lawful person of civilized society like the Yinxin people. On the contrary, it is a sixth-level war madman.

If we have to say that there is a light of a new civilization in this post-galactic man era, it can only be the civilization of the earth.

Where on earth did the Sabi people have the face to say that they are the light of civilization, and forcefully compare this war to the greatness of the war between the Milky Way and the Zerg.

If they want to be so great, why do they do things that drag countless lives to be buried with them.

"Gamma-ray bursts are still raging at the speed of light! Are you really stupid, or do you think the whole galaxy is a fool?"

Lan Mu is very happy!

"I have never seen such a brazen person!"


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