Nonlinear Love

Chapter 186

"Brother Chi..." Su Lian said with difficulty, "Do you remember the last time I asked you, do you believe that there is such a thing as time-travel in the world?"

Chi Yan hummed and raised his eyebrows slightly: "So?"

Su Lian broke the pot and blurted out: "I actually came back from the future. I don't know how to do it, but it did succeed. Really, I didn't lie to you."

"...The future? Transmigration?" The words can be understood, but when they are connected together, Chi Huang can't understand.

Su Lian's whole face was pale and bloodless, standing in the gust of wind trembling slightly: "You may think it's absurd, or maybe I'm just imagining, but it's true, do you remember the day we first met? It was the first day I came back through time."

Recalling the scene of that day, Chi Huang felt as if it was no different from usual. He avoided the evening self-study every day, and then ran into Su Lian when he was over the wall.

He blinked slowly, then raised his hand and touched Su Lian's forehead: "What nonsense are you talking about? You don't have a fever, why do you suddenly want to say this."

"I knew you didn't believe it." Su Lian closed his eyes helplessly and opened them again, "I came back from 2026, eight years ago, so I know exactly what will happen next. You If you really don't believe me, I can tell you some big news that will happen in the future."

The tone is very serious, not like a mischievous joke.

Chi Li didn't speak any more, leaning back against the wall, fell into silence.

The amount of information is too large and too absurd. Su Lian said that he came from the future. How did this happen, from the cracks in time and space?

But looking at his anxious expression, it doesn't look like he's lying, and there's no need to lie.

Just thinking about it, I still think it's outrageous, except for movies and novels, does such a thing really happen in reality?

But this so-called transmigration object is still his boyfriend.

He raised his eyes and looked at Su Lian, his fingertips digging into the flesh with his palms, his whole person looked very helpless and flustered, as if he was afraid that he would have the slightest suspicion.

Chi Huang squeezed his palm tightly, and said again, some incoherent: " go back to the past, will you still leave?"

Su Lian understood the inexplicable sentence: "No, I won't go."

"That's good." Chi Huang felt a mess in his heart, and his expression was solemn, "Tell me when your father will have an accident first, and we will talk about it slowly when it is resolved."

Su Lian raised his hand and glanced at the time, and whispered, "There is still one hour and fifteen minutes."

Chi Wang nodded slightly, took out his mobile phone and called a taxi: "I'll take a taxi to your house now."

"Brother Chi, do you believe me? Do you think I'm sick?" Su Lian's voice was so soft that he almost melted into the wind.

His whole body trembled uncontrollably, afraid that Chiliang would feel that he was full of nonsense, or fell into imaginings.

No matter who this story is told to, probably won't take it seriously.

Will Chili feel scary, or absurd, or even want to stay away from himself.

Su Lian regretted it a little. It should be done gradually, not so rashly.

Before anyone could answer, he sighed deeply: "Forget it, you thought I didn't say anything."

"Susu, although this matter is indeed beyond my imagination, but I believe in you, I believe whatever you say."

The two stood at the corner of the corridor, and there was no one around. Chi Wang lowered his head and touched the corner of his lips lightly. He hugged him into his arms and said, "Don't be afraid."

Su Lian's nose was sore, and he wanted to pour out a lot of words.

To be unconditionally trusted, this person is too gentle.

He wanted to share with him his loneliness during this period of time in one breath, and also wanted to tell him about the panic of returning from time travel, and there were many, many memories of the two of them in the future, and he wanted to tell him slowly.

However, now is a little too late.

Chi Yan glanced at the phone, raised his hand and fastened his loose coat: "The car is here, be nice, I'll go now, see you at home later."

Su Lian lowered his eyes, still unable to hide his panic: "Okay, be careful on the road."

Chi Juan turned around and ran down the stairs. As he was descending the last step, he heard Su Lian's voice coming from upstairs.

"Brother Chi, the person I was with for four years before was you."

In that second, the sound of wind and rain and Chili's heartbeat all stopped.

The author has something to say: My pool is really gentle

Chapter 54 Chapter 54

All the voices in my ears disappeared, and only those words remained in my heart for a long time.

Chi Yan turned back, and across the long stairs, the two stood far away, staring at each other quietly.

It took a long time for him to speak, his voice hoarse: "You mean, the ex you have been talking about is me? Or, the future me?"

Su Lian stood at the top of the stairs and nodded lightly: "It's you, the only one I love from beginning to end is you."

Got a positive answer, but Chi Li couldn't tell what it felt like.

He was so chaotic in his heart that his mind was almost empty. He wanted to ask too many questions, but they were all stuck in his throat, and he couldn't make any unnecessary sounds.

Time passed by, and the taxi master had made three consecutive calls to urge, and the vibration kept ringing.

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