Del Rio is a small border town in Texas.

Because there are constantly smugglers coming from the Mexican border, the security here is a bit hard to describe.

upon arrival.

Harry's eyes went straight.

A large number of Mexican women dressed in cool clothes, who fit the old black aesthetic, just stood openly outside the large number of temporary wooden houses entering and leaving the small town, waving to the passing vehicles.

As long as you have a knife in hand.

You can vent your unknown obsession here.

Look at Harry's anxious look.

Dean chuckled: "Harry, when you're done, you can ask ten girls to have sex with you. Don't forget, you're rich now."

A $1 million prize ticket, minus nearly 45% of federal and state taxes.

The legal funds obtained are about $550,000.

Dean took half a million dollars alone.

Harry picked up a hush money of $50,000 for nothing, equivalent to nearly eight or nine months of his previous salary.

For Harry of the Moonlight Clan, he is indeed rich now.

However, the high money laundering fee made Dean feel sad, and at the same time, he had the idea of ​​building a company for the first time.

According to his still somewhat vague plan.

For self-preservation and a better life.

On the surface, he will work hard to get promoted and gain power, but secretly, he needs to support a small gang that will connect with Eve's anti-drug department and grow stronger.

This process inevitably requires legal money laundering channels.

But this is just a preliminary idea.

Specifically to implement.

It still needs to wait for Dean to climb to a certain position and win over more suitable people at the same time.

Thinking room.

The police car stopped.

Malago let out a sigh of alcohol, and said a little tiredly: "Okay, we're here, let's get out of the car."

The Del Rio branch office is the only branch office in this small town. The architectural style is relatively rough, and the khaki tiles make it even more simple.

Malago led the way, and the three of them walked inside.

along the way.

The police kept greeting Malago cordially.

compared to Los Angeles.

The police officers here are not only more slack, many of them don’t even wear police uniforms, the only common trait is that they are all white, and they all have a gangster spirit that the Los Angeles police officers don’t have.

They're more like gang members than cops!

Dean also noticed that many of the hairy officers had the same tattoo on their arms.

Harry followed Dean closely.

Only in this way can he feel a little safe.

He's so prominent here.

Along the way.

From time to time someone looked at him.

Fortunately, because of Malago, no one came to make trouble.

Walk through the office area.

Malago took Dean and the two to the backyard of the police force.

There are some temporary prisons left over from the 1970s and 1980s, which are small rooms that are directly surrounded by iron railings, similar to courtyard houses, without any privacy at all.


Two shirtless, hairy men were standing in front of a fence, watching two Mexican men fighting inside, laughing like watching monkeys from time to time.

"What is he doing?" Harry asked curiously.

"Beast fighting is also a boring show to pass the time." Malago looked at Dean's face, explained briefly, and then patted the sliding door outside: "Beach, Gado, there are Los Angeles My friend is here, open this broken door for me!"

That's an understatement.

For people like Malago, these smugglers are not human beings at all, even if they are killed, no one will hold them accountable!

Two shirtless police officers heard the movement and saw that it was Malago, so they trotted over: "Wow, Boss Malago, when did you have a nigger friend?"

"Shut your mouth!" Malago glared at the speaker, "Gado, if you haven't opened this broken door in three seconds, I'll arrange for you to go on border patrol!"

"Come on, Malagor boss."

The two police officers quickly shut up and struggled to open the dilapidated retractable door.

With the majesty of Malago.

After a few minutes.

Dean and Harry passed through the simple prisons where men were held outside, and came to an indoor prison with a relatively better environment.

All the prisoners here are women.

There are currently four in total.

Two of them are white and one yellow, lying on the bed in a daze, bored, and there is a white girl who looks much younger, curled up in the innermost prison, like a frightened little rabbit.

Dean noticed that there were used "small umbrellas" and cigarette butts in some corners inside, and because the air here was not very well circulated, he could still smell some faint smell of marijuana.

I see someone coming.

The two whites and one yellow got up from the bed immediately, and shouted at Malago, the leader: "When will we get rid of this little bitch, she made us not free at all now!"

"Shut up, bitches!"

Malago kicked on the railing, kicked the three of them back, and then explained to Dean embarrassingly: "These three are thieves and liars. Make some deals."

Harry dared not speak.

Compared with those little black policemen in Los Angeles, they are just a group of castrated good little sheep.

Dean shrugged. "At least they got what they wanted, didn't they?"

Malago was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Yes, what you said is absolutely right, Dean, you really should come to our police station, I believe you will make achievements."

"It's too remote here." Dean shook his head, came to the innermost cell, and knocked on the railing: "Marina?"

Marina, who had been curled up all the time, heard the sound, and then timidly raised her head and looked outside.

"I'm Dean, a Los Angeles police detective." Dean showed a charming smile and said with a friendly face, "Don't be afraid, we're here this time to learn about your brother's situation, and we're here to pick you up back to Los Angeles."

"Really?" Marina had doubts on her face.

She originally thought that she would be sent back to Los Angeles for investigation after being exposed, but she was taken to the prison by the police here, and she witnessed the darkness that could not be seen outside.


Dean threw away his detective certificate.

Marina quickly picked up the police detective and opened it to check.

Inside is a photo of Dean with a warm smile.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I don't want to stay here!"


Seeing this scene, Harry, the human Teddy, felt a little heartbroken.

Malago bastards!

This is still a fifteen-year-old child.

A clean little room.

After taking a shower and eating, Marina finally calmed down.

in her narration.

Dean and Harry also learned what really happened to the Sheen family.

Thank you for the reward of three thousand book coins from the brilliant book friends of the night, and thank you boss.

The contents of the article are all real.

In the early years, smugglers were really not considered human beings. For details, you can refer to the previous Golden Triangle.

In addition, the case will be closed tomorrow.

At one past twelve in the morning, I set up a chapter update.

Good night guys.

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