Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1002: Heart Magic Realm (2)

Latest website: Wang Daoyuan lay in bed for a long time, sorting out his chaotic thoughts.

After half a day, it calmed down.

Trying to recall things about Beiyuan and Qixinghai, but can't remember at all.

And the memory is getting blurred, just like a dream, you will soon forget it when you wake up.

If I can't remember it, I just don't want to, grab some snacks from the table of the boss, the second and the fourth.

The boss has gone to the library to review, and the second and fourth are still hacking.

Sitting on a stool, watching the second and fourth playing games while eating, and giving pointers by the way.

"Second brother, there are three people going over to entrust you, and it will be too late if you don't leave."

"After I finish this wave of soldiers, three people may not be able to catch me."

Before the voice fell, the screen turned black and white.

"Second brother, you are a real dish, and third brother has said to let you go, you still don't go.

I voted for this one, and the third brother will also be on the number as soon as possible. We can only hope to bring the second brother Fei together. "

In the following days, Wang Daoyuan was like an ordinary college student.

After playing games for a few days, I started to review and prepare for the final exam.

After finishing the exam, like everyone else, go home with a salute.

Wang Daoyuan has been wandering around with his master, wherever the master is, it is home.

After he went to school, Master also built a thatched hut on a mountain not far from the school.

When Wang Daoyuan came to the thatched house, he smelled a scent.

He habitually shouted: "Master, what is delicious again?"

"A couple of days ago, someone who came to me for fortune-telling gave me some gold.

I wondered if you should be back, so I went to buy some food. "

After all, a gray-haired old man came out of a small thatched cottage on the east side of the thatched cottage, which was also the kitchen of the two.

The old man's name was Wang Yan, who was Wang Daoyuan's master.

"Master, didn't you stop doing this job?"

"I don't want to do it, but what about your money for school? You can't make a lot of money for work-study programs.

Besides, what I did was not dangerous.

People come to ask, and I will show you a clear way to earn some money. "

When Wang Daoyuan was just remembering, his master helped people tell the fortune-telling and exorcise evil.

When you meet a rich family, you will be ruthless.

When encountering difficulties, he will give some money, and there is not much savings.

"Okay, don't stand up either.

Get warm in the house first, and the food will be ready in a while. "

This thatched house leaks air from all sides, if it is an average person, it really can't handle such an environment.

Master is a cultivator, and Wang Daoyuan has also practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he is more resistant to freezing.

"It doesn't take much effort to come back from school, I'll help you."

After all, he also entered the kitchen. After a tossing, he returned to the thatched house with the food.

After the master and apprentice had finished their meal, Wang Daoyuan asked, "Master, I drank with my roommate half a month ago, and then I got drunk for a day and a night.

During this day and night, I had a very real dream.

In my dream, I seem to have come to a world where I can practice, where I have made considerable achievements.

But after waking up, these things were quickly forgotten, as if they had never existed. "

"If you forget, forget it, even if you don't forget, what can you do?

If you are not interested in cultivation, remembering nothing is of no use.

If you are interested in cultivation, I have cultivation techniques in my hands.

In today's world, aura is almost exhausted.

Most of the spiritual veins were completely destroyed, and the few that were not destroyed also fell into a deep sleep.

The rare auras are also derived from the essence of the sun and the moon.

There are few people in the deep mountains and old forests, so there are still some.

Even if you practice, it is at best to keep fit, and it is difficult to achieve anything. "

After that, a flame appeared in his hand: "I have been practicing as a teacher so far, and I have been more than a hundred years old.

Up to now, it is only able to cast the most basic spells to help people exorcise evil, the actual effect is not as great as to show off.

After casting it once, it takes a few days to recover.

I wanted to teach you when you were young, but you have been reluctant to practice, and it's useless to coax you. "

"I always feel that the things in my dreams are not fake. Maybe I really have the talent for cultivation.

Not to mention anything else, at least I can live a few more years in the future.

Most people can only live 70 or 80 years old, and they are all sick.

You have lived more than a hundred years, and you are still full of energy, running like flying.

Even at this point, I am willing to practice. "

Wang Yan smiled and said, "It's okay if you want to. My books on cultivation are all in the box.

You start with the Open Channel Jue, which is the most basic exercise method for cultivators. "

"The place where we live is located on the edge of the mountain, and there is not much aura.

If you want to practice here, it is difficult to achieve anything.

If you are young and strong, run into the mountains more often.

Every morning before sunrise, I go to the top of the mountain to absorb the purple gas, and usually breathe it out in the deep mountains.

After the meridians are opened up, one can go further.

You are over twenty and missed the best time.

Coupled with the exhaustion of aura, even if you practice hard, it is difficult to achieve great results.

We still have to focus on studies, and in terms of cultivation, it is enough to be able to keep fit. "

Wang Daoyuan turned out the Open Vessel Art from the box in the room: "I'm going to practice now."

"You have also practiced martial arts for more than ten years. I don't need to teach me the basics of meridians. If there is something you don't understand, don't force it. Just come back and ask me."

Leaving the thatched hut, Wang Daoyuan ran into the mountains.

I found a mountain and started practicing.

Wang Daoyuan didn't expect his talent to be so good, and he would be so helpful in his cultivation.

It only took half a day to cultivate a sense of breath.

Since then, he has been practicing.

Ten years later, his cultivation has reached the fourth level of Qi training, surpassing the master.

After Wang Daoyuan graduated, he worked hard in the city, but the master still insisted on living in the mountains.

Suddenly one day, the master called and asked him to go back.

Wang Daoyuan hurried back to the mountain and came to the thatched cottage.

The master has already put on a gorgeous vest, with a lotus crown on his head.

Seeing him come back, the master smiled and said: "You are so young that your cultivation level will surpass that of being a teacher. It is indeed not easy.

If I can tune you out, the inheritance of our line hasn't been cut off in my hands, and I'll be stunned by death.

I don’t expect you to carry forward the inheritance.

I lived a hundred and eighteen years old, and I was dead.

There are no regrets in this life, and you don’t have to be sad.

In order to take care of me these years, you haven't gotten a family either.

After marrying a wife and having children, I will be able to smile at Jiuquan when I say my life to my grave. "

As soon as the voice fell, the master closed his eyes.

His complexion was not changed at all, and he was still smiling.

Wang Daoyuan buried him on the mountain and put three pillars of fragrance in front of his tomb.

"Master, since the disciples started practicing, the things in their dreams have become clearer and clearer.

Only not long ago did I confirm that this was in the magical realm of my god-changing heart.

The previous life failed to inherit the inheritance before your death, so that you will be unwilling when you die. This is also a regret in my life.

I have been with you for ten years, and it can be regarded as making up for this regret.

The disciple still has a big family in Qianyuan Realm, so he can't accompany you anymore. "

After that, go back to the thatched house and take out the Lingzhu.

Acknowledge the Lord with a drop of blood, and then dive in again.

A bucket-thick thunder fell from the sky, smashing him into fly ash, and plunged the whole person into darkness.

At this time all his memories after his reincarnation came back.

"Unexpectedly, a little regret in the past life will also become a place for the heart demon to start.

It's a pity that I was relieved long ago about the things in my previous life.

Wanting to trap me by these things is simply thinking too much. "

Before the speech fell, the vision of the eyes suddenly changed, and the memory of the previous disappeared quickly.

Wearing Wang's white dragon fish pattern robe, Wang Daoyuan probed his own cultivation base. It was the seventh level of Qi training.

There are five uncles, twelfth uncles Wang Shouming, twelfth uncles, second brother Wang Daoxing, and six other uncles.

In front of it is a city with three characters "Golden Goose City" written on the top of the city gate.

At the gate of the city, there are monks from the Netherworld Sect who are registering for the monks entering the city. There are two teams in front of the gate, namely family monks and casual cultivators.


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