Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1005: The wretched wife won't go to court

Latest website: Wang Daoyuan stood up and glanced around.

Before crossing the catastrophe, there were a lot of boulders nearby, but now they are all broken stones.

The main goal of transforming the gods is Wang Daoyuan, but the energy is too terrifying.

A little bit of escape is a landslide.

There are so many gifts from heaven and earth, if there is no space for spirit beads, it is impossible to absorb them by oneself.

If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely escape a lot, this is also to compensate for the loss of crossing the land.

However, Wang Dao has space for Lingzhu, and he can eat as many as a few.

Offering Lei Peng Feizhou, Zhou Luan, Clone and Forging Immortal Ding are all received on the Feizhou.

Wang Daoyuan drew a lot of spiritual power and poured it into the forged celestial cauldron.

"There are still many gifts from heaven and earth in my spiritual power, which should be able to help you restore to the sixth middle grade."

Duanxian showed his figure and thanked him for a while, and then Wang Daoyuan put it into the Lingzhu space.

The two avatars control the flying boat and leave this place as soon as possible.

After all, Du Jie has too much movement, it may attract monsters.

Although Wang Dao didn't care much about Tier 6 low-grade monsters, once they became entangled, the gifts from heaven and earth would be dissipated in vain.

When the two came to the bedroom, Zhou Luan asked, "I heard that the Devildom of Crossing the Heart may cause serious damage to the mind. You fainted before, right?"

"My Lord, don't worry, I'm fine now.

There are many gifts from heaven and earth, and my body can't absorb a little bit.

There is about a quarter left, and I will leave it all to you.

You can absorb as much as you can, and by the way, you can also accumulate all your natal magic artifacts.

If I can't absorb it, I will send it to the secret realm. "

"The gift of the gods cultivator is difficult to control, how can you give it to me."

Wang Daoyuan took out an animal skin book solemnly: "This is the inheritance of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, you can understand it at first glance."

Zhou Luan took the animal skin book and blushed after reading a page.

"Where did you get the dual cultivation technique, it's still so rude."

"This is the yin and yang gongtai skill promoted by the Mahayana monks in Ten Thousand Beasts Valley. During dual cultivation, the meridians of the two sides can temporarily communicate with each other.

I convert all my spiritual power into fire attributes, and you can refine it with spiritual fire.

This exercise has great benefits to the physical body. You are often overworked, which happens to improve the physical body.

This senior was worried that the younger generation would not be able to cultivate well, so he added some pictures. What a good person!

Be obedient and study hard. "

After persuading for a long time, Zhou Luan agreed to practice.

In the next month, the clone controlled Lei Peng's flying boat to scurry around in the sea, and Wang Daoyuan accompanied Zhou Luan to practice well.

The remaining quarter of the world gift was finally exhausted, Zhou Luan only absorbed less than 20%.

Others were collected by Wang Daoyuan into the Spirit Orb Space, which contained the higher value spiritual plants.

In this short period of one month, Zhou Luan's body has improved a lot, and now he rarely feels lethargic.

After absorbing a lot of gifts from heaven and earth, the Nascent Soul has made great progress.

After the two of them practiced, Zhou Luan was a little tired and rested in Wang Daoyuan's arms.

After a long time, Zhou Luan asked: "You are already transforming your gods into your cultivation. Let's go to Lone Star Island earlier.

Help the Wen family heal the wounds, ask for a few islands, and return to the Beiyuan Cultivation Realm as soon as possible.

During the time we are out, I am worried that there will be actions on the Yaozu side. "

"Don't worry, I have left several clones in Beiyuan.

Before leaving, an order was given to the clone. If the monsters invade in a big way, they can't resist it, and the Xuanbing Turtle will explode.

Although far away, I cannot directly communicate with the clone.

But the clone is dead, I can clearly sense it.

There is no movement of the clone now, indicating that there is no major problem.

But you are right, we should indeed go to Lone Star Island.

Help Wen Chengtian seize the lord of the home and occupy a few islands, then we will return to Beiyuan.

Think of a way to give the Yaozu a ruthless one, and completely solve the worries of the future.

Don't even think about setting up a transfer station between the two immortal worlds without destroying the monster race. "

The flying boat stopped wandering around and started flying towards Lone Star Island.

At more than a hundred thousand miles west of Lone Star Island, transfer to an ordinary flying boat.

The clones were also put away and controlled by Wang Daoyuan himself.

Outside the cave of Fairy Xuanbing on Lone Star Island, Wen Zhong was the only one left here.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan's return, he quickly arched his hands and said, "I have seen seniors."

"You don't need to be polite, just call me Zhou Daoyou."

"When we first met, we were still at the same level.

Unexpectedly, after more than a hundred years, the old cultivation base has fallen behind by a great level, which is really terrifying.

The host is in a hidden place in the icy sea. I will take you and your wife there. "

After all, a Tier 4 flying boat was sacrificed, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan left Lone Star Island and headed north.

After flying on the vast ice field for two days, it landed on an iceberg less than a hundred feet high.

As soon as the flying boat fell, Wen Chengtian appeared at the foot of the iceberg.

"It's time to be called Fellow Daoist Zhou at this meeting. Seeing the radiant face of Fellow Daoist, I must be no less inferior to the cultivator in the mid-transition stage.

It's hard to compare me as a person who has been cut off. "

Wang Daoyuan was not polite with him either: "You have a good reputation as a fellow Wen Daoist, and your talent is not bad.

After healed the injury, it was not a problem to cultivate to the late stage of transforming the gods.

My husband and I have other things to do, so let's heal our injuries as soon as possible. "

Wen Chengtian could only smile: "Please follow me."

Afterwards, the four walked into a hidden portal at the foot of the iceberg.

Walk a certain distance inside the iceberg and come to a light curtain.

"When I was young, I traveled around and found this little secret by chance. Only me and a few confidants knew about this place."

After all, take the lead into the secret realm.

Although Wang Daoyuan didn't take Wen Chengtian's strength seriously, he didn't underestimate it either.

Say hello to the Forging Immortal Ding, ready to take action at any time, and then follow Wen Chengtian into the secret realm.

This secret realm is not big, with a radius of about fifty miles. There is a fifth-order high-grade non-attribute spiritual vein in the secret realm.

Because spirit veins have no attributes, the climate in the secret realm is not icy and snowy, on the contrary, there are mountains and waters, and there are many spiritual fields.

Wen Chengtian led them to a spacious stone room, where Fairy Xuanbing and five young Nascent Soul monks were all here.

Seeing the four people walk in, everyone got up and saluted.

One of the late Yuan Ying monks with white temples stared at Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan for a long time.

"Sure enough, this young man is a talent, and he has no decay in his body, and he can cultivate to the realm of transforming gods.

It shouldn't be a problem to cultivate to the peak of transforming gods.

It's a pity that we already have a wife, otherwise, it would be a wonderful thing to marry our literary family.

Our eldest lady of the Wen family, nine inches of ice spirit roots, there is no difficulty in cultivating to the late stage of transforming the gods. "

The three strange spiritual roots themselves are the fusion of two spiritual roots, and it is difficult to emerge from the heaven spiritual roots.

Fairy Xuanbing can have nine-inch ice roots, and his talent is not inferior to the nine-inch seven-eighth five-element roots.

Another middle-aged cultivator of the late Yuan Ying said: "It is not a problem to have been married. We practitioners either do not have a Taoist couple, or there are groups of wives and concubines.

It's just that the eldest lady of our literary family has a distinguished status and can't be a kid. "

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan naturally understood the meaning of their words. The one who sang together was to make Wang Daoyuan marry Fairy Xuanbing.

Moreover, Fairy Xuanbing still wants to be a regular wife.

This is not what they said casually, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Bacheng means Wen Chengtian.

Wang Daoyuan chuckled, "Don't forget the poor and humble friends, and the wives of chaos won't go to the house.

Luan and I met when we were cultivated in the Purple Mansion. Without her, there would be no such thing as my present day, the gift of breaking a wife without divorce.

For more than two hundred years of marriage, he gave me three children.

The eldest son is nine inches and seven points of fire roots, a natural battle body, and he manages most of the industries in my hands.

The second son is nine inches and nine points of golden spirit root, born with a sword body.

The youngest daughter has a nine-inch seven-point wooden spirit root, born with a spirit body.

Is there any reason to be a concubine if a mother is more expensive than a child and gives birth to a gifted child?

I have no intention of marrying again, and literary and taoist friends do not have to try again. "


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