Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1007: Imperial spirit

The latest website: The blood in the blood lotus seed and the vitality spit out by the Canglong quickly travel through the meridians of Wen Chengtian, flowing all over the body and mixing into the blood.

The power of the fifth-tier middle-rank blood lotus seed is not too much in front of the cultivator of God, but it took Wen Chengtian three days to completely refine it.

At this time, Wen Chengtian exuded powerful fluctuations of Qi and blood.

Although it was far incomparable with Wang Dao, it was also much stronger than Yuan Ying late cultivator.

After refining the last trace of blood lotus seed strength, Wen Chengtian no longer uses spiritual power.

Stand up and feel his body.

"For more than three hundred years, I have never felt that I have such a strong power."

Wang Daoyuan turned the Canglong into a spiritual fire again and incorporated it into his body.

"How is the recovery of fellow Taoist injury?"

"The qi and blood will no longer continue to decline. I tried to use spiritual power to transform the qi and blood and succeeded.

The conversion efficiency is similar to the records in the classics, and it should be no problem. "

"That's good, I have already done what I promised fellow daoists.

I, an outsider, inconvenient to intervene in the housework of the Wen family, so I left first. "

After all, take out a piece of jade pendant.

"After you regain the position of Wen Family Patriarch, you will crush this jade pendant, and I will come over and get the reward I deserve."

Wen Chengtian took the Yupei: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I will soon be able to take home the position of Lord."

Wang Daoyuan took Zhou Luan's hand and walked out.

Fairy Xuanbing's face was very strange, joyful and sad.

It's just that other people didn't notice her, only Wen Zhong looked at her and sighed.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan left the secret realm, took a flying boat, and headed southwest.

Zhou Luan kept staring at Wang Daoyuan, staring at him a little hairy: "Why are you staring at me squintingly?"

"Who is squinting? It's just that you, a lascivious person, rejected the Wen family's proposal.

The literary family has more than one cultivator, if you marry Wen Bingxian, you can use the power of the literary family.

With the help of a writer, you can also unify the Seven Star Sea faster. "

"If you marry Wen Bingxian, will the Wen family listen to me?

I have the identity of the son-in-law of the literary family, I am afraid someone in the literary family will treat me like a soft meal.

To subdue Wen Jia to marry a Wen Bingxian, to subdue the Blood Shark Pirates and the Seven Star Alliance, is it necessary to continue marrying others?

In the future fighting for luck, there are too many forces to be subdued, and how many wives and concubines have to be married. "

After being silent for a while: "Speaking of which, this seems to be good too."

Before the words fell, he received a heavy blow on the waist.

"Just know that you are not a good thing, eating from the bowl, looking at the pot.

You have calculated everything you haven't even seen. "

"Master Shade, spare your life, don't hit the waist.

It hurt my waist, and it's not just me who suffers. "

Zhou Luan snorted coldly and kicked him in the calf again.

Wang Daoyuan has thick skin and thick flesh, this attack is nothing.

"My lord, don't worry, Wen Bingxian is just a yellow-haired girl, how can he compare to you?

We have been together for more than two hundred years, knowing the roots and knowing the bottom. "

"You don't want to mix with Wen's housework, where shall we go next?"

"Of course I went to watch the excitement. Back then, I was too weak to be chased by the mad dogs like the Blood Shark Thieves and the Seven Star Alliance.

Now that they have enough strength, the two enemies have played out their brains again.

I am also curious as to what good things they found on our precious island. "

After flying hundreds of thousands of miles, there was movement in the Lingzhu space.

Duan Xian said to Wang Daoyuan's clone: ​​"Master, the lava spirit suit you took on the bottom of the sea is weak."

Wang Daoyuan took out the forging celestial cauldron, and forging immortal hurriedly showed his merit: "Master, I tortured this guy for a long time, and he finally subdued.

How to deal with it, please decide. "

"This guy has great potential and will be of great use in the future.

Since he is willing to take refuge, he must cultivate it well.

Take him out and let me see if this guy is sincere. "

"Master, what if he runs away?"

"It's okay, my Yuan Ying Peak can take him down.

Now my cultivation base breaks through the **** transformation, not to mention that this is on the sea, even in the volcanic crater, I can force him to take him. "

After all, the realm's magical powers unfolded.

After the breakthrough of the cultivation base, the scope of the domain's supernatural powers has also been greatly improved, and it can now cover thousands of miles.

A fiery red lava ball gushes out of the forged celestial cauldron and then transforms into a human form.

After being tortured by the forged celestial cauldron for a long time, there was no lava to replenish spiritual power.

The current lava spirit is only one foot high, no longer the previous domineering.

Wang Daoyuan said with divine knowledge: "Would you like to surrender to me?"

This lava spirit has very little contact with humans, and could not understand humans before.

"Don't have to work so hard, I have learned to speak human language with this Po Ding."

"I can't tell, you're pretty smart."

"Of course, I am a naturally formed spirit race, unlike the broken tripod, which was created by the human race."

Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed when he saw that this guy was so proud.

It's good to be willing to communicate, and I'm most afraid of dull gourd not talking.

"Man-made spirit races are not necessarily bad. With the help of their masters, they grow faster.

You can grow up to where you are now, and you must have spent more than ten thousand years in the lava on the sea floor.

And my natal magic weapon spirit was born less than a hundred years ago, and it is now sleeping, waiting for them to wake up to be the sixth-order weapon spirit, and the strength is above you.

As long as they are not too far away from the magic weapon, they have a steady flow of power.

And after you leave the lava, your strength is vulnerable. "

The Spirit of Lava was a little dissatisfied, but he did not continue to raise the bar.

"Would you like to surrender? If you are, you should treat me as the master and practice in the secret realm with me. It won't take long to break through the sixth rank.

If I disagree, I will not leave a threat by my side.

The naturally generated spirit race should be an excellent tonic for the tool spirit, but the forge immortal is salivating for you. "

After hearing this, the lava spirit was a little tangled.

In other words, it was a naturally-generated spirit race, so it would be too shameful to be so submissive.

But if you are not convinced, you will have to be swallowed.

"It's okay to ask me to surrender, but you can show your skills.

I didn't rely on real ability to catch me before.

If you can defeat me head-on, it's okay to surrender you. "

"Okay, you shot first."

The spirit of lava did not shoot far away from Wang Dao, but turned around and drilled into the sea.

Forging Immortal was a little anxious, so he had to control Forging Immortal Cauldron to chase after him.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, he has little spiritual power left, and it is impossible to escape."

After two breaths, a water ball emerged from the sea, and the spirit of lava was wrapped in it.

Wang Daoyuan recruited Ying Long: "Since you don't want to surrender, I don't have to keep you."

Ying Long dived into the water ball, bound the spirit of lava, and pressed the forged immortal tripod.

The spirit of lava repeatedly told Rao: "I am willing to surrender."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand, and Ying Long flew over with the spirit of lava.

"There are so many masters under me. You don't have much more than you, and you don't have a lot less than you. Don't take yourself too seriously.

If you play tricks again, it's not just the forge who wants to eat you.

You've seen my Yinglong vision, and even the spirits of the powerful magical instruments are willing to bow down to the wind. What is your ability?

I will use the Secret Technique of Recognizing the Lord on you, this is your last way to survive.

If you resist a little, it will lead to the failure of the Master Acknowledgement, and it will be too late to beg for mercy. "

The recognition of the lord by the monster beast and the recognition of the lord by this natural spirit have a lot in common.

After all, the ancestors of monster beasts were all Primordial Alien Beasts, and these Primordial Alien Beasts were basically raised by nature, and they were also natural spirits.

Although the Ten Thousand Beast Valley inheritance system is very large, it has been involved in all aspects.

But when I started, I still focused on guarding beasts, and there was no shortage of methods to recognize the master.

The means to control spirit beasts and natural spirits can be collectively referred to as "spirituality".

Lingshu is an extremely large inheritance system, and the methods of controlling monsters and spirits are different.

The method Wang Daoyuan used was the imperial spirit technique left by the founder of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley, the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Beasts.

He forced out a drop of essence and blood, and also incorporated a ray of divine consciousness into it.

Then manipulate this blood to draw complex inscriptions out of thin air.

He had never used such a sophisticated method before allowing the monster to recognize the master.

It took half an hour to draw all the master identification patterns.

The spirit of lava was still a little dissatisfied and wanted to struggle.

Wang Daoyuan snorted coldly: "You can resist as much as you can. If you fail, you will have to die."

After that, he began to use the magic of imperial spirits, and merged the inscription pattern formed by the blood and divine consciousness into his soul.

Natural spirits and tool spirits are both unformed spirit races. They have something similar to spirits, but they don't have spirits, so they can't be called souls.

This guy looked unwilling, but he didn't dare to resist.

After a quarter of an hour, the inscription pattern merged with its spirit.


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