Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1029: Beiyuan No Demon King

Upon hearing this, the Human Race and Demon Race present were shocked.

Xuan Jiao himself is the pinnacle of Tier 5, so that he can be respectfully called the ancestor, regardless of his strength or age, he should be far above him.

Xuan Jiao and other great demon kings all disappeared more than ten thousand years ago and began to fall asleep.

He didn't wake up until his spiritual power was restored.

Tier 5 monsters can last for more than 10,000 years, basically reaching their limit.

The age is much older than the Xuan Jiao, and it can only be a Tier 6 monster.

There is a world of difference between the Yuan Ying of the Human Race and the God of Transformation, and the same is true of the Yao Race.

While everyone was guessing, a huge wave was up on the sea.

As the giant waves approached Linhai State, they were raised by the shallower seabed.

By the time the huge wave reached the shore, it was already as high as ten miles.

The waves landed and swept the coast for nearly a hundred miles.

Ever since Wang Daoyuan began to lay down the monster clan, the ordinary people in Linhai Prefecture began to move inward.

The property that can be moved has also been moved, and the loss is not big.

However, there are still many industries along the coast that cannot be moved, and these industries are completely destroyed by the waves.

After the big wave landed, a black dragon head appeared on the wave's head, just like a real dragon.

The waves receded, and the dragon species revealed its lineup.

The head and neck of this dragon species are exactly the same as those of real dragons. All four claws have five fingers, and the tail also has a thick mane.

Unfortunately, there was a tortoise shell on his back, which was exactly the same as the mysterious tortoise of Mingshui.

Seeing this, it should be the blood of a real dragon and a basalt at the same time.

The monster race with the blood of two kinds of sacred beasts may seriously affect the cultivation talent because of the sudden burst of two kinds of blood pulses.

There are only a few cases where the two bloodlines will complement each other.

This kind of sacred animal bloodline is far more talented than semi-sacred beasts, and not much worse than true pure-blooded sacred beasts.

Looking at the appearance of this dragon tortoise, it should be that dragon blood and basalt blood are complementary to each other.

As for whether there is a bloodline of monster beasts other than the beast, it is hard to say.

The dragon tortoise hovered quietly in the air, and all the human races and monster races present felt a great deal of pressure.

The trace of spiritual power escaping from his body shocked everyone.

After ten breaths, the dragon tortoise said: "Xuan Jiao, you are too useless.

Of these human races, the strongest is only in the late Nascent Soul stage, and you still can't beat them. "

Xuan Jiao didn't dare to defy, so he had to say: "These people are extraordinary in strength. Except for this Judge, everyone else has a magic weapon that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

If I wait and try my best, it will be difficult to win.

The great-great-grandson was incompetent, so he could only ask the old ancestor to do it. "

"The old man was injured when he fought with the **** Linghe in the Shenbing Pavilion, and he has been healing since then.

It didn't take long for the concentration of Beiyuan's aura to drop below the sixth order.

I used the dormant secret technique inherited from the Xuanwu clan to reduce the loss of lifespan.

When you negotiated with the human race, the old man just woke up, and the strength of the other awakened monster races has not been restored.

I thought that most of our monster races were masters left over ten thousand years ago, and the speed of recovery is always much faster than that of human races.

Unexpectedly, the human race is out of the alien species Wang Daoyuan, and the speed of cultivation is faster than the recovery speed of the monster race. Even I was not sure to beat him before.

After hiding in the seabed for decades, his spiritual power has only barely recovered to the sixth-grade low-grade, and he is really not sure that Wang Daoyuan will win the Nascent Soul Peak.

However, dealing with you juniors is nothing. "

The Terran side was stunned. The Linghe Shenjun was the former suzerain of the Shenbing Pavilion, who had already sat down more than 20,000 years ago.

This old guy was already a Tier 6 monster more than 20,000 years ago.

Although the aura is insufficient now, he can't display his full strength.

But Tier 6 monsters' ability to control power is not comparable to that of Yuan Ying cultivators.

Besides, he is now a Tier 6 monster, even if the Yuan Ying monk has a magic weapon handed down from the world, it is difficult to fight against the Tier 6 monster.

"Since I have been hiding for more than 20,000 years, why not continue to hide, and have to come out to die."

Dragon Tortoise's light and breezy appearance disappeared, because he didn't find where the speaker was either.

On the contrary, the monks on the human side were all beaming with joy.

They are all very familiar with Wang Daoyuan, and they can naturally hear his voice.

The dragon tortoise roared: "Where is Xiaoxiao, hiding his head and showing his tail here?"

Wang Daoyuan's figure appeared above Linhai City, he did not restrain his aura, completely overshadowing the dragon turtle in aura.

The realm's magical powers unfolded, covering all the big demons in it.

The Yaozu is no stranger to Wang Daoyuan, and at this moment, seeing him appear, his heart is first three points timid.

"As long as you are resolved, the Beiyuan Demon Clan will no longer be able to become a climate.

Do you give up resistance at my disposal, or let me personally send you away. "

Dragon Tortoise sneered: "Domain supernatural powers also have the power of the laws of space.

If there are only these younger generations, I am afraid that today there is nothing left to die.

However, fellow Taoists, don't forget that I am still here.

Although I am not as strong as you, I can still do it if I hold you back for a while.

You want to keep us all, you think too much. "

After all, a whirlpool began to appear in the Wanchuan River.

In just two breaths, the vortex has expanded a hundred miles in diameter.

Under the absorption of this whirlpool, not only did the river no longer flow into the sea, but instead the sea water poured back into the estuary.

Afterwards, the dragon tortoise led a water column from the whirlpool and attacked in the direction of the east.

Want to rely on the power of Wanchuan River to break through the limitations of the law of space.

Wang Daoyuan dismissed it and mobilized the power of the domain to suppress the whirlpool and the water column.

Under his suppression, the vortex was significantly reduced, and the impact of the water column also quickly decayed.

The spiritual power of the dragon tortoise surged violently, the vortex below expanded again, and the impact of the water column also increased.

He roared: "Are you still waiting to see the excitement? I have just restored the sixth-order cultivation base, and my spiritual power is insufficient, and I can't maintain it for a long time.

You rush out quickly, one by one if you can escape.

If the Demon Race doesn't have the Great Demon King, they won't even have the ability to add chaos to the Human Race in the future. "

The demons wanted to escape, but it was not so easy.

Master Yunhe and other Yuanying monks, all carry inheritance spirit weapons.

Not to mention the ability to win a Great Demon King, it is not a problem to hold back the time.

The fire phoenix and the blood-eyed golden-winged tiger relied on wings and wanted to fly out from above, when the spirit refining cauldron of the real person Yunhe smashed down in the air.

Wang Daoyuan also used the power of space to weaken their spiritual power.

With a wave of the Slaughter Demon Sword in the hands of the swordless real man, the horrible sword aura was cut out.

The Fire Phoenix and the Blood-Eyed Golden Winged Tiger dodge quickly, but they were still injured by the sword qi.

Dragon Tortoise is still holding on, but Wang Dao is far from wanting to consume him anymore.

"It is estimated that the meat of dragon tortoises that are more than 20,000 years old will not be boiled.

I won't leave you the whole body, as long as the bones and dragon **** are there, I can barely accept it. "

Thirty Guishui Divine Thunder instantly appeared beside the Dragon Turtle, and all the Dragon Turtle's energy was focused on competing with Wang Dao far.

The Divine Thunder of Guishui suddenly appeared beside him, and there was no chance to dodge at all.

Thirty Kuaishui divine thunder, all penetrated into the dragon turtle body.

After a continuous muffled noise, the dragon tortoise lost its movement.

With a wave of his hand, Wang Daoyuan retracted his body into the Lingzhu space, and handed it to the avatar to explore the memory.

As the descendants of ghosts and immortals, the spirit demon is also good at doing this job.

After cleaning up the dragon tortoise, the remaining big demon king is not to be afraid.

"Are you giving up resistance at my disposal, or do you want to be played slowly?"

Xuan Jiao cursed angrily: "You kill my ancestors, this hatred is not shared.

How can I be a cow and a horse for the human race when I wait for my body to be of the blood of a divine beast? "

These great demon kings wanted to surrender, and Wang Daoyuan would definitely not accept it.

After all, it was not a spirit beast that was raised by oneself, and could not be trusted completely, otherwise it would follow the old path of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"Master uncles, do you practice with these great demon kings, or do I solve them directly?"

Before the others spoke up, Slaughter Demon Sword Ancestor shouted: "You junior is pretty good, but I was not bad before.

I haven't used it for tens of thousands of years, so let me enjoy it. "

True Person Xuan Tian also continued: "Let us practice our hands. After this battle, there will be no Demon King in Beiyuan.

If I want to fight against the Great Demon King in the future, I am afraid there will be no chance. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Then you guys practice your hands. I'm in these big demon kings and you don't want to escape."

These Great Demon Kings also knew that this was the afterglow of the Beiyuan Demon Race, and at this time they had no intention of stealing life.

All of them used their full strength to fight against the cultivators of Yuanying.

The war lasted for more than an hour, and both the human race and the monster race were exhausted.

The Great Demon King of Ice Jiao raised up to the sky and smiled: "Hahaha, happy!

These weapon spirits have also fought against our ancestors, and it would not be a waste of life to be able to fight with them before dying.

Wang Daoyuan, we are too underestimated to have today's disaster.

There is no reason to survive today, and there is one last request before dying. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill all the monster race.

It’s just that the monsters will no longer have the ability to threaten the human race, and will only become a vassal and repair of the human race.

Refining resources. "

Bing Jiao shook his head: "I know that the Demon Race has great value to the Human Race.

You will not annihilate the monster race, nor will you cut off our blood. I want you to kill me personally.

You can lead the human race to turn defeat into victory, and completely defeat the Beiyuan Demon Race, and you can be regarded as a peerless hero.

It is an honor to die in your hands. "

The other big demon kings also spoke up one after another, asking Wang Daoyuan to kill them himself.

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "Everyone has a reputation for more than ten thousand years, and there should be a decent way to die.

I'm not using any tactics on you, so I'll give you a ride. "

Having said that, ten sword shadows were condensed, and all the big demon kings were headed.

As for Xuanlin, she was beheaded by Hui Peng long ago.

Wang Daoyuan arched his hands and said: "Thank you for coming to help. Without you, I am afraid I can't catch these Tier 6 dragon turtles. UU看书

The corpse of the Great Demon King, I won't be able to come here, so you can take one of them. "

These few people are quite moved, Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm still has no fifth-tier middle-rank spiritual veins, and naturally there will be no fifth-tier middle-rank spiritual objects.

And these corpses of the Great Demon King are all materials for the fifth-order pinnacle refining tool.

Even monster meat is extremely precious food.

After everyone turned aside, they began to select the corpses of the monster beast.

Fengyi real person naturally selects Huofeng's corpse and uses Huofeng's essence and blood to raise the Phoenix flag, which can also increase its power.

Real Man Wujian chose the Blood-Eyed Golden Winged Tiger. This thing is also based on killing and cutting, and the refining materials on his body match the sword repair.

The real person Yun He chose Xuan Bing's corpse, after all, it was of Xuanwu blood, and a tortoise shell was perfect for refining weapons.

Master Xuan Tian took the corpse of Xue Xiong and said with a smile: "I don't know if the bear paw of the fifth-order Demon King is good or not."

They were also more measured, and they did not choose the corpses of Ice Jiao and Xuan Jiao.

Dragon species have pseudo-dragon balls, and their value is much higher than other demi-god beasts.

Wang Daoyuan put away the corpses of other Tier 5 monster beasts, and said with a smile: "Several seniors consume a lot of spiritual power, so let me take a rest in Linhai City first."

Everyone had previously fought with the Great Demon King at a low level of cultivation, and could only rely on consuming a lot of spiritual power to urge the handed down magic weapon with all their strength.

Now their spiritual power is almost exhausted, and they urgently need to meditate to recover.

Naturally, there is no opinion on Wang Daoyuan's proposal.

Wang Zhian also closed the city guard formation and personally went to the city gate to greet everyone.

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