Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1034: Real Dragon Reverse Scale

The latest website: Wang Daoyuan turned into a dragon body and plunged into the eyes of the spring.

The water volume of this spring is not that big, but it doesn't form a hindrance.

It was just that the water channel below the spring was narrow, Wang Daoyuan shrank the dragon body to more than a foot long and drilled down along the seam of the stone.

Diving more than a mile deep, the waterway became wider again.

There are scattered dragon scales scattered on the surrounding rock walls.

These dragon scales are not from a single dragon species, and their colors and shapes are also different.

Although the ranks have all fallen to the fourth-rank top-rank, but depending on the materials, the previous ranks are definitely not low.

In the style of raking the grass and hitting the rabbits, Wang Daoyuan smoothly collected these dragon scales into the Lingzhu space.

With high-level spiritual power nourishment, the rank of these dragon scales will be greatly improved in the future.

Even if the previous grade cannot be restored, it can at least be used as a fifth-order material.

As he gradually deepened, the surrounding dragon scales grew more and more, and the shape became closer and closer to the real dragon.

It can be seen that the owner of these dragon scales has a higher concentration of dragon blood.

After diving for more than ten miles, I finally came to the deepest part of the spring.

Here is a semicircular space with a radius of four to five feet, and at the center is a water ball with a diameter of more than one foot.

There is a place under the water polo where the laws of space fluctuate, and spiritual power constantly seeps out from it.

This is also the basic feature of the core of the Secret Realm, being able to connect with the outside world.

The water ball absorbs the spiritual power oozing out of it and transforms it into spring water to gush out.

In addition to the strong spiritual power in the spring water, dragon energy is constantly gushing out.

Moreover, the concentration of dragon energy is not low, not even weaker than that of Yulong Spring on Yuquan Peak.

According to the words of the ancestors of Wan Ling, Yulong Spring had a seventh-order peak spiritual spring, and there was also a jade dragon living there.

Regarding the concentration of dragon qi, it can also be ranked in the entire Beiyuan Cultivation Realm.

Even if Lingquan's rank drops to fourth, it often breeds dragon seeds.

The dragon energy here can be compared with Yulong Spring, and it is also an excellent place to raise dragons.

If we can raise some aquatic spirit beasts with dragon bloodlines in the lake outside, maybe we can cultivate many dragon species.

The water ball is translucent, and when you see it with the naked eye, there seems to be something in it, but it's not real.

The divine consciousness talked over, but was also blocked by the water polo.

This water polo is really toasting, not eating fine wine, dignified and transforming monks, can't heal a fifth-order low-grade secret realm core?

The dragon's claws instantly grew bigger and reached into the water polo, grabbing the contents inside.

Although the water polo exploded with extremely strong resistance, it was not worth mentioning in front of Wang Daoyuan.

There are two things in this water ball, the same is golden scales with extremely complicated lines.

With Wang Daoyuan's insight, one can probably see that there are inscriptions on the Heavenly Dao, and there are also some content about the supernatural powers of the water.

It's just that the level of the heavenly inscriptions is too high, and Wang Daoyuan can't penetrate too much.

There is no doubt that this is the inverse scale of the dragon species.

Although there are only lower grades of Tier 5, depending on the material, at least Tier 6 dragons are left behind.

The other thing is an oval stone ball.

The thing is not big, about five inches long, the surface is lacquer black, and there is no pattern or the like.

The spiritual power fluctuation of this stone ball is the fifth-order low-grade level, and it is still absorbing the dragon energy and spiritual power in the spring water.

Being able to absorb spiritual power, and put it together with the dragon species inverse scales, it must have something to do with the dragon clan.

Wang Daoyuan used his spiritual sense to probe, but he couldn't get in at all.

A plume of Gui Chenyan burned the stone ball, but the complicated heavenly lines appeared on the black shell, and Gui Chenyan was unable to break through the heavenly lines.

Wang Daoyuan quickly put away Gui Chenyan, this heavenly Dao inscription pattern is much stronger than the one on Ni Lin.

And it was more complicated, he didn't see any clues.

This stone ball is definitely not ordinary, it is probably a treasure, but it can't be damaged.

It's just that I have too little knowledge, and I can't see what it is for the time being, so I will go back and ask Wan Ling Patriarch.

There are also many dragon scales scattered on the ground of this semicircular space.

Wang Daoyuan put all these things away, and there was only one water polo in the entire space.

This water ball is the core of the secret realm, and Wang Daoyuan will naturally not move lightly.

The value of this secret realm is still very high, with a radius of several hundred miles, a large area of ​​flat land, and plenty of water.

It is not difficult to live with hundreds of thousands of people.

It is impossible for the Wang family to stay on land forever, but also to expand into the sea.

There is a fifth-tier spiritual spring in the secret realm, and there is a branch of the Heavenly Slash Mountain Range Spirit Vein outside the secret, which can be used as a very good stronghold.

Moreover, this place is not far from the Tianzhan Mountain Range.

There are also many small offshore plains along the Tianzhan Mountain Range, ranging from hundreds of miles in radius to dozens of miles in radius from small ones.

Close to the Tianzhan Mountain Range, with abundant spiritual power, the establishment of a market is not a problem.

Now that the Monster Race has been calmed down, there will be a large number of casual cultivators here sooner or later.

This small island will also become a prosperous place in the future, and some tribes can migrate over in the future.

After finishing all the things that should be collected, Wang Daoyuan also left the spring and returned to the palace group.

I raided a few palaces that were still forbidden and guarded, but unfortunately I didn't get any good things, but they were just some materials of average value.

As for the pill, elixir, etc., they are all rotten and useless.

After cleaning up, Wang Daoyuan also left this secret realm.

The Dragon Palace in the secret realm is named Panshan Lake Dragon Palace. I don't know if the lake in the secret realm is called Panshan Lake or the small lake on the island outside the secret is called Panshan Lake.

In addition, there are a lot of dragon energy in the secret realm, so let's just call it Panlong Island.

I took a Lei Peng flying boat and circled around a few times and found that there were still many small islands nearby.

The Great Demon Kings of Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm have been cleaned up, and the balance of power between the demon race and the human race has been broken.

In the future, as long as there are no major changes on the Human Race, the Demon Race will not have the possibility of turning over.

With the gradual recovery of Beiyuan's aura, the advantage of the human race will become greater and greater.

When the number of casual cultivators of the human race exceeds the carrying capacity of the inland, there will be a large number of casual cultivators on the coast to seek life.

The best choice for casual cultivating life is to hunt monsters.

In the future, the number of monster races will only continue to decrease, and there will be no large-scale beast wave in the future.

In the waters near Panlong Island, there is no need to worry about the threat of Yaozu at all.

With the nearby islands and the fragmentary plains along the coast, a county can be established here.

Of course, the remnants of the demon clan have not been cleaned up yet.

Anxious to settle here, on the contrary, it will consume a lot of resources to guard against the monster race, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

It is not too late to set up a county after a large number of scattered repairs settle in the east of the Tianzhan Mountain Range.

After investigating the surrounding situation, Wang Daoyuan drove Lei Pengfeizhou back.

A day later, I came to the sky over Linhai State.

In the past few days, Wang Daoyuan resolved all the Great Demon Kings in Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm, and also beheaded a Tier 6 dragon tortoise by the way, which has been spread.

There are already some casual cultivators here in Linhai Prefecture. Although there is no grand occasion in the early years, there is already some vitality.

After all, it has only been a few days, and it is normal that there are few people.

As the royal family members continue to migrate over, this side will become more and more lively.

Wang Daoyuan did not stay here, driving the flying boat into the Wanchuan River Valley.

There are many flying boats in the river valley, and there are also royal family members on the flying boats.

Wang Daoyuan didn't disturb them either, so he flew straight to Qingli City.

Arriving in the imperial study room, Wang Mingchen hurriedly saluted.

Wang Daoyuan took out a book of animal skins: "No need to be polite, this time I follow the memory of the Tier 6 dragon tortoise and go to his sleeping place.

There is a secret realm with a radius of more than six hundred miles in diameter, and most of the land can be opened into a spiritual field.

There is also a salt water lake in the secret realm, and there is a Panshan Lake Dragon Palace at the bottom of the lake, which should be built by a real dragon.

I searched out some good things there, and there were some heavenly inscriptions in the dragon palace.

It is better to keep it and use it for comprehension later.

This animal skin book also records the situation around Panlong Island, but in the future, counties can be established there for management. "

Wang Mingchen took the animal skin book and said, "Don't worry, Father, I will send someone to check it soon."

Before he finished speaking, the ancestor of all spirits flew out.

"I just heard you talk about Panshan Lake Dragon Palace?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Wan Ling's ancestor was full of sullen expression: "The seventh-order dragon that destroyed my Ten Thousand Beast Valley back then called himself the Dragon Lord of Panshan Lake.

The power of Ten Thousand Beast Valley is mainly in the northern part of Beiyuan Cultivation Realm, and the power becomes weaker as you go to the south. I have never heard of where the Panshan Lake Dragon Palace is before. "

"The Panshan Lake Dragon Palace is in the secret realm, and the secret outside is just a small island, and there is nothing conspicuous.

If it weren't for exploring the memory of the dragon tortoise, I wouldn't be able to find it there.

By the way, I also found a lot of dragon scales and inverse scales in the dragon palace, and a strange stone.

I don't know the stone either, so please help me to identify it. "

After all, he took out the inverse scales and strange stones.

The ancestor of Wan Ling mobilized his spiritual power, held up this Ni scale, and observed it carefully for a long time.

The anger on his face became more and more raging: "This Nilin is indeed that of the evil animal. Back then, he led a large number of monsters to attack the gate of my Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

In order to cover the sovereign and the elders to urge the ancestral magic weapon to kill the dragon, I confronted him head-on for a long time.

Even if he turned to ashes, I would recognize him.

Ten Thousand Beast Valley was destroyed, and this evil animal was the culprit.

The suzerain and the elders exhausted their vitality and tried their best to activate the magic weapon before reluctantly killing it.

It's just that his body was taken away by the monsters.

I was seriously injured and asleep, and the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts was almost razed to the ground by the remaining monsters, and I don't know what happened. "

After hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was very excited.

Back then, the evil dragon was of Tier 7, no matter how it broke through, it was a real beast.

The reverse scales of the real dragon, even if there is not much of the essence left, the heavenly lines on it are extremely valuable.

Ten Thousand Beasts Valley has a deep research on the vision and supernatural powers of the Purple Mansion, and among them is the secret technique of using the dragon seed to inverse scales to understand supernatural powers.

Wang Daoyuan saw the traces of the supernatural power of Yushui from the top of this inverse scale.

If this thing is handed over to a monk who possesses the supernatural power of water, it will be of great benefit to the promotion of supernatural power.

Moreover, the supernatural powers of the Dragons are more than just water protection.

If it can be penetrated, it may be of great benefit to the development of Yinglong's power.

Although this thing has only a fifth-level low-grade, its foundation is still a seventh-level material.

It is stored in the Lingzhu space, and there will be a chance to restore to the seventh rank in the future.

"I didn't expect to get this good thing, but unfortunately there is no dragon horn or dragon ball in the dragon palace.

If you can find the True Dragon Dragon, you can really make a lot of money. "

"You can be content, it's not bad to be able to get the scales of the seventh-order real dragon.

This stone is also quite extraordinary, and I look familiar, it should have seen something similar many years ago, and 80% of it is also related to the dragon clan. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "I used the Guichen Flame to burn it before, and a very complicated Heavenly Dao inscription appeared on the surface of this thing.

These inscriptions are similar to some of the inscriptions of the evil dragon inverse scales, but they are much more complicated. "

The ancestor of Wanling quickly said: "You can try to burn with the Guichen Flame, I still know a lot of Heavenly Inscriptions.

Maybe you can see what it is from the inscription. "

Wang Daoyuan once again drew out a plume of returning dust flames, surrounding the stone ball.

Sure enough, a heavenly inscription pattern appeared on the stone ball, blocking Gui Chenyan from the outside.

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