Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1039: Zhou Luan's robbery

  Especially the gold and silver corals obtained from the Dragon Palace of Panshan Lake, in which polyps can absorb metallic spirits and grow coral shells containing metallic materials.

   As long as these corals are tempered with fire, some metal materials can be obtained.

   There was not enough water in the Lingzhu space before, and there was no large amount of gold and silver corals.

   It's better now. Two hundred acres of water have been added, and the water area will become larger and larger in the future.

   can grow as many gold and silver corals as they reproduce. After a few decades, some corals will be upgraded to Tier 6, and there will be no shortage of Tier 6 metal materials.

   Although these waters are not sea water, gold and silver corals are high-level monsters after all.

   There is a problem with the water quality, but it only affects the growth rate, and they can still survive.

   Next time you pass by the beach, just add some sea water.

   The dozens of clusters of gold and silver corals I found before have many coral insects who have cultivated to the fifth rank.

  Under their nourishment, the coral shell will soon become a fifth-order inferior product.

   In the future, the water area in the Lingzhu space will grow rapidly. Even if the gold and silver corals multiply, there will be enough space for them to live.

  Wang Daoyuan placed most of the gold and silver corals in the western waters of the Lingzhu space, which is relatively close to the metallic spiritual veins and the Taiyi golden flames, and the metallic spiritual energy is abundant.

  Gold and silver corals grow there, and they grow metal materials faster.

   The dragon egg placed next to Boundless True Water has absorbed more than a hundred years of water spiritual power, and it really has changed significantly.

   There are obvious spiritual power fluctuations on the eggshell, and the rank is not low, there are five ranks high-grade.

   Of course, the grade of the eggshell does not represent the cultivation level of the dragon species.

   It can only be said that the higher the eggshell grade, the greater the potential of the dragon species.

   Wang Daoyuan drew a ray of life spirit fire, surrounding the dragon egg.

  The dragon egg quickly absorbed the vitality in the spirit fire, this time it took more than an hour before it stopped.

   After that, the dragon egg trembled.

   Although it is very slight, it cannot hide from Wang Daoyuan's spiritual knowledge.

  The dragon egg trembled on its own, indicating that the little dragon species inside had awakened.

   I’m not sure when it will hatch, but at least it’s starting to move.

   As long as the spiritual power can be supplied, incubation is only a matter of time.

  Dragon Egg no longer absorbs vitality, and Wang Daoyuan no longer cares about him, and instead looks at Xuantian Bi Lingtao.

   After his broken pill formed a baby, Xuantian Bi Lingtao bloomed a few flowers.

   It's just because of the lack of rank, and it has always maintained the state of a few flowers.

After    broke through the **** of transformation, Taoshu quickly promoted to the sixth rank.

   Now a few flowers on the peach tree have faded, and three of them have withered and left a green lump the size of a soybean. This is the embryonic form of a peach.

  The ancient book of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley records that it takes more than 7,000 years for the fruit of Xuantian Bilingtao to mature from flowering.

   The time flow in the Lingzhu space is more than one hundred and twenty times. After sixty years outside, the peach will mature.

   It’s just that this Xuantian Bi Lingtao is a bit strange, because it gave birth to life spirit fire, and it continues to provide life spirit fire with spiritual power.

   Wang Daoyuan is not sure, whether this spiritual fire will affect the ripening time of the peaches.

   The suolong vine that I got in Luoyangyuan before, now has one plant that has produced seeds.

  Suolongvine is too fierce, and it is not appropriate to hand it over to Wang Mingxian.

   Need to train several more generations to kill his wildness.

   Of course, I can't give it to Wang Mingxian now.

   In order to allow them to grow snacks and avoid becoming dudes, Wang Dao cut off all special treatment for them.

   The two of them can only earn their cultivation resources on their own in the future.

   Wang Mingbian is good at refining tools, and is now a Tier 3 high-grade refining master.

  With such a method, earning hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit stones a year is naturally not a problem.

   Wang Mingchen arranged for him the position of a craftsman in the shop of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

   Wang Mingxian's accomplishments in Lingzhi have reached the fourth-order low-grade, and he can rank in the top ten in the entire Wang family.

   She was arranged by Wang Mingchen in the family spiritual planting hall to help take care of the precious spiritual plant.

   I hope they can get in touch with some of the lower-level disciples in the family, knowing that their good days are hard to come by.

   The Five Elements Spirit Fire in the Spirit Orb space, after being gifted by the God-Transforming Heart Demon Jade Heaven and Earth, the missing background was filled, and now they have grown to a sixth-level low-grade.

   The increase speed of the spiritual field in the Lingzhu space and the increase speed of the time flow rate have also made some progress.

   After checking the situation of the Lingzhu space, Wang Daoyuan Yuanshen returned to his body.

   After waiting for a few days, the dragon scale shield was fully cultivated.

   Wang Dao forced out a drop of essence and blood, controlled the essence and blood with God's consciousness, and condensed a special master recognition inscription pattern, which was integrated with the prohibition in the magical instrument.

   If the integration is successful, the recognition of the master is also successful.

   The feeling of recognizing the master of the sixth-order spiritual implement is obviously different from that of the magical implement.

   is like acknowledging the lord of the spirit beast, feeling that this spirit tool is not just an artifact.

   It was like a living thing, suddenly connected with himself.

  Multiple forbidden spirit weapons also need to disperse the main recognition inscription and integrate with other prohibitions, which is very difficult.

   However, it is possible to control some functions of the spirit device without recognizing all the bans.

   Wang Dao poured spiritual power into the dragon scale shield, and a huge shield phantom with a diameter of ten feet appeared on the shield instantly.

   He condensed a sword light to attack the shield phantom.

   The sword light hit the shield, only to make the phantom tremble slightly.

   This defensive ability is considered qualified, and he has the sword intent of returning to the original.

The sword light that    cut out at random was also comparable to the full attack of most cultivators in the early stage of transforming gods.

   To break through this shield phantom, I'm afraid it still needs to cast a powerful spell.

   can refining such a spiritual weapon, Wang Daoyuan's refining method can be considered to have reached the sixth stage steadily.

   But this dragon scale shield is too simple, there is only one defensive prohibition.

   The vast majority of Tier 6 spiritual weapons have multiple prohibitions that cooperate with each other and play different roles.

   Next, Wang Daoyuan plans to refine two prohibited spirit weapons.

  The raw material is still dragon scales, and the processing method is the same as before.

   is only when refining, it needs to condense two prohibitions, and the requirements for divine consciousness are higher.

   In addition to defensive prohibition, there is another imperial water prohibition.

   can use the power of water to enhance defense capabilities.

   can also attack and unload the enemy into the water.

   Fighting in the waters, can exert a very strong power.

   Yan Kingdom has no opponents in Beiyuan, and the future enemies are at sea.

   Dharma implements have a little water-repellent ability, which can play a great role.

   With previous experience, it didn't take much effort this time. It only took four months to refine these two prohibited magical instruments.

   Then, he put it into the forged celestial tripod in the Lingzhu space for nourishment.

   At this moment, Zhou Luan came to the cave.

   At this time, Zhou Luan's complexion was very calm, without a trace of turbulence.

  Looking like this, my mentality has been extremely calm.

   Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Is this ready to overcome the catastrophe?"

   Zhou Luan nodded: "The state of mind has been calmed down, and I didn't have any demons.

   After I met you, everything went smoothly.

   Back then, I wanted to make the Xu family pay the price. Now the Xu family’s people who harmed my father have already broken the law, and I understand this.

   Although two of our three children are not worrying, they are all talented.

  The only regret is that the parents failed to see this day. "

   "It's okay to be a little regretful. I have too many regrets. I have gone through dozens of illusions in the Transcendence Heart Demon Tribulation, and it's not a big deal.

   You are now perfect in spirit and spirit, and your spiritual consciousness is not bad.

   There should be a father-in-law and a mother-in-law in the Heart Demon Tribulation, and their lives are extremely happy.

   At the same time, memories of the real world will slowly appear.

   As long as you can believe in the memory of the real world and give up a happy life, you can jump out of the illusion. "

"It's that simple?"

   "Simple? Your memories of the real world in the illusion will all disappear.

   Then over time, the real memory will be restored little by little.

  I clearly feel a happy life. Who would want to believe that everything in front of me is an illusion and accept the tragic memory?

   If you can't accept the real memory and sink into the illusion, you will run out of many divine consciousness.

   Once the consciousness is gone, it will start to consume the soul itself.

   When the soul is exhausted, he will die completely, and there is no chance of reincarnation.

   Transforming God's Heart and Demon Tribulation is more terrifying than other heavenly tribulations. The dangers of other heavenly tribulations are visible, and the dangers of Heart Demon Tribulation are invisible. "

   Zhou Luan still looks calm, and Wang Daoyuan is also relieved.

  With such a stable state of mind, it will naturally be no problem to survive the tribulation of the heart.

  "The possibility that you can survive the tribulation of the heart without being moved.

  Father-in-law's mother-in-law matter, you don't have to worry too much.

   When we have a higher cultivation base in the future, let's take a trip to the underworld together.

   If the souls of the father-in-law and mother-in-law have not been reincarnated, it's a big deal to let them cultivate ghosts and immortals together.

   If they have been reincarnated, we will find their reincarnation and let them live a good life. "

   Zhou Luan showed her face and smiled: "In this way, my only regret can also be eliminated a lot."

   It is regrettable that there is a chance to make up for it, and the less impact it will cause in the Tribulation of Heart Devil.

   "Let's temper the Nascent Soul in this cave mansion first, and when the tempering is about to be completed, we will fly to the desert in the north."

   Zhou Luan did not speak, but just nodded.

  Wang Daoyuan led out the Guishui Mingyan and Chiyang True Fire with his hands respectively, and the flame burned quietly, constantly escaping the pure yin and pure yang.

   Both of the two spirit fires have reached the sixth order. This pure Yin and pure Yang Qi can naturally also be used to temper the Nascent Soul.

   Zhou Luan began to run the exercises, introducing pure yin and pure yang into the body.

   As the refined yin and pure yang qi increased, Zhou Luan's spirit and qi were gradually increasing.

   Tempering Yuan Ying lasted for three full years. One day after three years, Zhou Luan suddenly stopped absorbing the pure yin and pure yang energy.

   "The way is far, I already feel a touch of majesty.

   If you continue to refine the Nascent Soul, I am afraid that the catastrophe will soon come.

   There are a lot of family properties around here, so you can’t cross the catastrophe here.

   Let's go to the North Mountain Desert. If you go there and refine for a while, the catastrophe will come. "

   Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Then let's go to the northern desert."

   The two took Lei Peng Feizhou, and UU Reading went all the way to the northwest.

   This time he didn't go to the vicinity of the Falling Star Plain to show off his might, after all, the human monk's Transcendent Tribulation was too powerful.

   When he crossed the calamity, the force of the escaping heavenly calamity caused a volcanic island to be devastated.

   Zhou Luan's transcendence should not be as good as his own, but he shouldn't take it lightly.

   Feizhou flew to the northwest for more than three hours, and then came near the boundary between the Human Race and the Shanbei Demon Race.

   Now that the demon clan in the north of the mountain has collapsed into the depths of the ice field, the territory of the north of the mountain has naturally become the country of Yan.

   Not long after the demon clan was settled, there were still very few loose repairs north of the dividing line.

   This place is again in the center of the desert, and no one will come to interfere.

   After receiving the takeoff boat, Wang Daoyuan released Guishui Mingyan and Chiyang Real Fire.

   Zhou Luan continued to absorb the pure yin and pure yang energy to refine the Yuan Ying.

   More than ten days later, Zhou Luan stopped absorbing: "The tribulation is approaching. I don't need to temper the Nascent Soul anymore."

   Wang Daoyuan put away the spiritual fire: "Don't worry, I will wait for your return."

   Then, a dark cloud appeared out of thin air, and the cloud layer quickly expanded by absorbing the surrounding aura.


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